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One that I could possibly make. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «* New Black Arm Mechanical, Exo-Force / Bionicle Qty: Qty Available: 117 Each: $0.45 Total: $13.50 * New Light Gray Pneumatic T Piece New Style (T Bar) Qty: Qty Available: 152 Each: $0.63 Total: $12.60 * New White Arm Mechanical, Battle Droid Qty: Qty Available: 35 Each: $0.37 Total: $4.44 Cart contains 62 Items in 3 Lots totalling $30.54 ------------------------------------------------



Moar Custom

Wow. I just read through a topic in which EVERY person who replied said that the MOC needed more customness. It pained me to read posts that offered absoulutely no constructive criticism. Seriously, people need to stop using the word "custom." Its lost all meaning, if it ever had one. It's just stupid to continue using the word. So, for all who read this entry, I have a challenge. I challenge you to discontinue your use of the word "custom." I challenge you to tell others why "custom" should no



Yet Another Wip

My Semi-Fusion Mecha WIP Oh, I have a Flickr account now. I'm still unsure whether I can link to it or not. P




Well, I'm almost done with a MOC that will cross an item off my list, but I can't seem to get the hands or the shoulders right. Anybody know of a good set thats got, like, a bajillion of those T Piece (T Bar, whatever) pieces? I was thinking of getting Hydraxon, but..... Ugh. *rants* P



Why So Many?

Gaah. I've got too many MOCs in (and not in) the BBC. I've got Hapori Dume, Takul & Vrael, Onewa, Kar Kal, This little guy, a Solek revamp, and a Mecha WIP that I haven't takin' pics of yet. And then I've got a request I gotta do. I MOC a lot. And, I rarely get, like, good criticism. Seriously. It drives me crazy. Especially when I look through a topic and see "Cool! 10/10" or something like that. How am I supposed to respond to that? I can't. It's like telling me to go suck an egg. Seriousl




Man, Zip's Nu MOC has really inspired me. Ya'll can expect a new, Mecha themed MOC from me. I'll get some WIP pics of it up sooner or later. I just love how his MOC looks. It's crazy. P



So You Think You Can Dance

Just gets more and more amazing every season. There were a lot of Contepmorary guys who made it this year (which shocks me (I never understood Contemporary)). And, IMO, some of the better dancers didn't make it to the top 20. I am glad Twitch made it, he was really good. It dissapointed me that the one really good Popper quit before the Vegas auditions started. His solo was still really sweet. If ya'll haven't seen the show, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. Just thought I'd t




Well, Argy's got MOC of the Week, and I think that's a really neat idea. But I don't want to copy him directly. So I was thinking, and I decided that I would do MOC of the Day, which I would make a content block for, to showcase the MOCs. But I don't know if I should. What do ya'll think, should I? P




Well, I went job hunting today after dinner, and my last stop was a K-Mart. After I got my application, I decided to go buy a set. I would've bought one of the Phantoka, but I only had 7 bucks on me. Anyways, long story short, I bought Solek, built him (sans instructions (who needs those?)), took him apart, and revamped him. I'll probably take pics of him later, but I like how he looks. And I realized how much I love Mahri tubes. P




Well, I'm incredibly bored. Stupid senioritis (granted, I'm not a senior, but it still affects me). Anyways, go ahead and ask me anything. I need the communication.  P.S. Check 'em out   P




I haven't posted any "art" (i.e. picture edits, I'm no artist) in this blog yet. Hmmm....... gotta change that. Check these guys out (please) P



Boy Scouts

Well, I know what I'll be doing over the summer. I need to get 9 MBs before I can get my Eagle rank. And two of them take like 3 months. I gotta get workin' P




Nothing seems to be hapening in the BBC. Or the blogs (that I've got great intrest in, at least). Ugh. Will something please happen? Or could somebody tell me of something that is happening? *Dies from boredom* P




Well, my girlfriend and I broke up. I saw it coming. She wouldn't look me in the eyes, wasn't talking as much, and when I asked her if something was wrong, she said that nothing was. So on Friday, she talked to me, and she told me that she and I were going in different directions, she would be graduating next year, it'd be a complicated relationship, etc. Eh... As I said, I saw it coming. It was sad, but not as sad if I hadn't.  P




I won Argy's MOCotW! Whoo! He's probably posted it in his blog, but I wanted to say it too. P



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