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I really need to get my light box and lamps.



New Topic

Wow, I actually posted a MOC topic in a kinda timely fashion. That's crazy.   (It's here btw)



New Tent

So, went to Gander Mountain today to get a new tent. Well, really, another tent, as my older one doesn't fit two people too comfortably. For all of those wondering, I needed a tent that can fit two people comfortably because not only am I going to Brickfair, but I am also bringing a friend along and we're camping at a nearby campground for the entire trip.   Anyways, back to my story. So I was looking through the tents, and I see this big ol' 10 person 12x12 tent. I look at the price tag, and i



New Moc Entry

(Members wishing to join should check out this entry) This entry is meant for MOC Club Members to post their new MOCs, providing a link to the MOC's topic, so other members can go review them (if they haven't already). Some Rules: -Only one post may contain your new MOCs, you should update this post frequently -Only post links to the new MOC's topic, don't include pictures in your post. -Don't review New MOCs in this entry, review them in the MOC topic -Non-MOC Club member posts shall b



New Moc [idea]

In addition to Promethius, I'm going to build a Cyberpunk Lycanthrope. And a Voltron-esque gestalt. P



New Graphiks?

I'm thinking I should make some new blog graphics for my blog. As I no longer use red, and they've gotten pretty boring (well, most of 'em). So, I'm gonna be making some new graphics, maybe some new content blocks. If you have any suggestions for a content block, feel free to suggest it. ALSO, please nominate someone for the Second Challenge. P



Nerf Final Project

Well, here's one reason why I love the college I'm at: For my final project in my Mech 100 class, my group made a Nerf Maverick. Which our professor suggested to us. This part was a pain, and I'm not quite done with it yet, but all in all, it was pretty satisfying.



Need To Find Me Some Batteries

Cause it's hard to take pics of things when my camera's dead. Also, for my school, we have to do a "Senior Exit Presentation" before we graduate. One of the requirements is that we include three of our greatest works or accomplishments up to that point. So, I'm going to bring in my Eagle Scout certificate and two other things that I haven't really figured out yet. I had asked my teacher (because my school feels that they need to dedicate an entire class to the project) if I could bring in a s



Need A Review?

For Art or MOCs? Then click the image to send me a PM. Be sure to include "Review" in the message title. I'll be making a content block for this. Questions/Concerns can be posted here. P




Should I change my blog name? I don't know. Ya'll got any suggestions? I would like it if it started with a D..... *goes to ponder names* P



N E R F ( Progress )

Only a few more things to do and then I'm done with this project. Just in time too, as my project's due by 5 p.m. tomorrow.



My Thoughts On The Batman

Well, I just saw it. It was pretty darn good. And people weren't kidding when they said Heath played a good Joker. He did (just not the same kind of Joker like Jack Nicholson). If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest you go see it. I'm not gonna give away any plot details, so I can't describe it much more, but I would've liked it if Two-Face had some more airtime. P



My Rating?

Huh. My member rating on my profile went down a star. Wonder who I upset. P



My Own Creation

Mord says it best. It is a My Own Creation. It's something that you'll be proud of and want to share with other people. But you shouldn't get the mentality that other people are going to like it. Always accept criticism that people give. That doesn't mean you have to go and change your vision. That means that you have accept advice from other people. It helps you grow as a builder. I know that I would not have gotten any better had it not been for advice given to me. If you want to be better, yo



My Crew

Still gotta add Voerax, and at least start Mora. And only 3 of these are actually completed. Some are close, some aren't. P



My Bbcc Entry

Well, from the last BBCC contest I entered (55) anyways:     But I do have an entry for 61. And I plan on getting farther than I did in 55. >:]



Moto Wip

Definately going to change the legs, and the hands, possibly add another color... Any suggestions are nice. P



Moto (again!)

Yeah. Different eye color was suggested elsewhere. Same with the wheel. Speaking of which, any thoughts/opinions on it? P



Money Planning! Oh Fun

On one hand, it's nice paying for things and knowing that I'll have enough money to pay for things.   On the other hand, it sucks knowing that out of the approximate $7K I'll make over the next work term, I'll only have maybe $50 dollars for discretionary purposes. If I'm lucky.   But hey, that's my comeuppance for not being smart about how I spent my money last school term. It may suck, but it's a good lesson to learn.   Next school term, I'm not going to have a whole lot to spend, that's f



Money Money

We have earned $125. We are content. We now have "fun" money as our father calls it. Now we have to go find us some "fun." We are contemplating on making an order at unnamed site. P



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