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Teaser #2...

Better Picture, still can't come up with a name.... Also congratulate me, I am actually cutting off alot more backround in this pic.. lol...     ~R~

.:Toa Rasor:.

.:Toa Rasor:.

Hmm, Which One?

I have no idea which one I should pick for my new epic, it has alot to do with fate, hope, alot of battles in a firey place, and it is like the end of the world because the hero of the world is about to die. Here are my titles:   Flames of Fate: 2   The Land of Confusion, it was inspired by the song of Disturbed, because that's nearly what I have to say the epic is about: 1   Tell me what you have to say... I really don't know but land of confusion is my favorite...   ~R~

.:Toa Rasor:.

.:Toa Rasor:.

Name Change Ideas

Well 2 more days, after the Moderator's prank, I was barricade for it, so now I have finally made up my name changes here they are, pick what you think my should be   ~Toa Rasor~   .:Toa Rasor:.   Toa Rasor Twilight Defender (if that fits)   ~Rasor~   Imo, my fav is .:Toa Rasor:.   ~R~

.:Toa Rasor:.

.:Toa Rasor:.

Tahu Mistika Review

Aloooooonnnnnggggg time ago, I posted a Tahu Review, but I didn't know if someone reviewed all of them it would count, so it was locked. This time, I've decided to post it in my blog. So here's my review of our friend, Toa Tahu. I'll also be doing Taka soon...     Presentation From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set.   As you can see Tahu's canister is very cool, probably my favorite design yet. The lid is vey neat, it

.:Toa Rasor:.

.:Toa Rasor:.


I am thinking if I should post my drawings, I have been complimented a few times on them, although I am not Nikira, I need alot of improvement. Also one quick question, Should I get Onua or Gali....?   ~R~

.:Toa Rasor:.

.:Toa Rasor:.

Moc Teaser

Here's my Teaser of my Mata-Nuian Archer Moc I have been working on for a long time, the color scheme is very messy but, it's still pretty solid.     And Yes, you can't really see it, I'll be making a topic for it, as soon as I figure out a name for it lol.   ~R~

.:Toa Rasor:.

.:Toa Rasor:.

A Few Spoilers And Teasers Of The Next Few Chapters Of The Quest For The Time Gates.

Ok, all readers of the my epic, The Quest for The Time Gates, I am currently writing about the longest chapters in the story. So here I will answer questions and other stuff you have to comment on. If you have not read this epic, you should be on your way, but hurry, time is ticking.   Teaser one, Chapter 13.   This teaser goes to back to the escape on Daxia with the 3 Toa Nuva, Takanuva, Onua, And Gali.   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Night had fallen and Takanuva and th

.:Toa Rasor:.

.:Toa Rasor:.

No A.c., It's Burning!

Alright so yesterday and still today our ac broke, it's burning and this house, I'll probably be eating ice all day and waiting for my Kopaka to turn me into ice.. Also I didn't get much sleep it's so hot, it's like 90 degrees in here! Can't wait till it's back...   ~R~

.:Toa Rasor:.

.:Toa Rasor:.

Omg! Ugh!

I am so stupid, I clicked back button when I was at the end of my Chapter in my epic... I am so angry, took forever to write   UGH!!!! I hate myself!!!   ~R~

.:Toa Rasor:.

.:Toa Rasor:.

What Hard Work, Lol

So as many may know, Since April 12th, 2008 at 9:20 pm, I was inspired by Toa Velox's Quest for the Mask of Time, to make my epic, Quest of the Time Gate. Just today on August 5th, I finished my Epic, which has taken centuries, literally to finish. I'd like to congratulate myself now, using my seal of apporval.     ~R~

.:Toa Rasor:.

.:Toa Rasor:.

First Day....

Yeah, it was my first day today in middle school, pretty easy for today because we like only talked about the rules and stuff, one thing is that I won't be on BZP as much, but I'll try my best. I hope my Epic doesn't get stalled to badly.   ~R~

.:Toa Rasor:.

.:Toa Rasor:.


The Epic Showdown shall resume, as Rasor and his other Toa friends continue their quest in the next epic, Flames of Fate. Also, I'd like to thank everyone including guests who have read my epic, also big thanks to Toa Velox for helping me edit it. Here is my basic summay/Teaser of the storyline. Also Tomarrow, the epic shall begin. Also readers, if you havn't please review the epic Quest of the Time Gates, in a full review.   Toa Rasor, Champion Toa who just fought the war for the icon, has won

.:Toa Rasor:.

.:Toa Rasor:.

What A Boring Day... Of Summer...

Meh, Charlotte had like a 2 hour thunderstorm, I couldn't do like anything, but try and design a custom body, I couldn't get it straight so I went on to building Krakua in his new armour, I'll be posting him in here soon. Anyways I hate these days, Don't you? If you do tell me your story and comment.   ~R~

.:Toa Rasor:.

.:Toa Rasor:.


I'm actually gonna write this as a blog serial because I thought it'd be neat to have my own blog serial, it'll tie into my next epic, which shall not be spoken of. So here we are, sit down and relax, to my blog serial, Deathstone, this is alot about what I think of Metru-Nui right now.   Chapter 1.   Metru-Nui was filled with the sound of pickaxes hitting ore after ore, never stopping. The four Toa Mahri had returned but they'd been transformed into an improved design of the Inika armour.  

.:Toa Rasor:.

.:Toa Rasor:.

100% Shockwave Outro Solo Rock Band On Hard

Very, very hard song, I finally was able to get 100% on the outro solo, it takes alot of practice, because you have to have like 5 fingers because there's a slide note up, like it'll be red and then green really fast, so I am so happy, I know it's hard to understand but if you played the song on rock band on hard or expert you'll get it. Lol it was funny at the end too, I was with my friend and we said: "YESSS!!!! That's what I am talking about."   ~R~

.:Toa Rasor:.

.:Toa Rasor:.

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