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Evil Blog Master's gotta have an evil place to put his feet up, ya dig?

Entries in this blog

One Block, Several Hours

Some of the simplist things imaginable are the best. Same goes for BZPower. One of my favorite features is still the ability to see who has posted in a topic and how often.   Unfortunately, the same does not hold true for blogs.   So, to make up for this, I've spent the last several hours going through all the comments on my blog and counting them as well as marking down who posted how many. I'm going to store this information in a content block and update it regularly.   Unfortunately, when

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Oh No....

I just realized.  The term "twitterpated" will never be the same again.   HIDE.   <End Track>

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Now Here Is Some News!

LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga just came out on Steam today for the PC at $19.99!   If it weren't for the fact that I already own 1 and 2 for XBox, I'd totally grab this! $20 just for a few new and/or redesigned levels just isn't quite worth it to me though.   Still, if you don't have both of the first games already, you should totally get this.   <End Track>

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

New Name

This is something I've been considering for a while, but tonight just makes it the perfect time to bring it up.   Anyways, I'm considering a temporary name change. Last time it was still Takuma-related and I only did it for the blog contest. This time, it's neither.   Aside from "Takuma Nuva" I have another name I go by on the intertubes. Twitchy Rabbit Nose. Might be fun for a 45 day period, ya think?   «TN»

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

New Minecraft Server Rules

I kinda went nuts on the rules last time trying to "cover all bases". After getting some feedback and putting some thought into it, I gave it a complete re-working and overhaul.   I'm inviting more and more players as time goes on to join my personal server. (My main concerns is minimizing the requirement for constant policing.) These are here for reference. Note that these apply to BZPcraft events if they are being run on my server.   Chat etiquette: Touchy subjects such as religion, politics,

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

New Member Q&Α Faq

One of the things I've come to notice about New Member Q&A is how many times I've seen several topics repeated again and again and again. I've been meaning to do this for quite some time and just now finally got around to doing it. I've spent the past two days putting together what I believe to be the most-asked questions in NM Q&A in the hopes that it'll help keep these topics to a minimal. Others may be added in the future if they were forgotten or just need to be added.   Please, if

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

New Car Radio Makes For A Happy Takuma Nuva

So a few days ago I finally decided to ditch the tape deck and add an aftermarket stereo to my car. I haven't had a great chance to try it out yet, but so far I love it.   So now I am tasked with burning any music I possess which isn't on a CD yet.... to a CD. Most of this consists of video game music. So far I've done the Metroid Prime Triolgy soundtrack as well as The Orange Box. Next up, I'm thinking I get going on Rayman 2. I'm also considering purchasing the soundtracks for Madballs in...

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Need Houses for BZPCraft!

Hey, all you crazy BZP Minecrafters! I'M DRAFTING YOU WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!   *cough*   Right, so, look, guys. I'm currently working on building a custom map for a future BZPCraft event. Thing is, I'm too lazy to build all the houses I require. So here's your chance to get a house YOU designed in a future BZPCraft event! (it also gives me more time for being lazy painting my tyranids)   So here's the deal. I've built one house and will be building a second, but I'd like help with the other

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Nearing Completion...

My epic is coming along swimmingly and therefore I decided to re-post my short story "Unmet Destiny" which was lost in the "time slip" (which is quite ironic as you will one day find out). If you haven't already, check it out, especially if you plan to read my epic once it's out.  That is all.   <End Track>

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Mysterious Mata-Nui Stories Holiday Exchange

So, I just had this brilliant idea.   Okay, maybe I didn't JUST have it. This was actually an idea I proposed to Hahli Husky but she is unable to host it at this time.   So here's the idea. You know those "Secret Santa" things where everybody gets a gift for some other random person in the pool? I thought it would be a neat idea to do something like that on BZPower, only stories.   So, here's the idea. When you sign up, you send in the premise for a short story/comedy. Anything you can conceive

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

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