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Evil Blog Master's gotta have an evil place to put his feet up, ya dig?

Entries in this blog

My Voice Will Make Your Ears Bleed

So, I finally broke down and got an iPod Nano which includes a voice recording feature. Provided it works well enough the aforementioned weekly Takuma Nuva radio show/podcast could quite realistically become a reality very soon.   So, you people still interested? What kind of junk would you like to ramble on about? Should I include an "Ask Takuma" section? Maybe every week I'll start and end the show with a favorite song clip?   TELL ME WHAT YA WANT, PEOPLE*!!!!   *Please note that I wish no

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

My Idea I Want Canonized

See, Vezon, possessing an Olmak, jumps to the Star Wars universe and grabs Jar Jar Binks. Then they hop over to Star Trek and grab Wesley Crusher. Afterward, Vezon brings them all here and they gather themselves a cult. They get this grand plan to completely change the history of their respective universes to make themselves seem glorious. They have to start with small, trivial ideas though to get their foot in the door before they start pushing the big changes. Naturally, since Vezon is the one

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

My First Encounter With The Word Filter

I remember the day I found out that BZPower had a word filter.   I was trying to use "cool dude" in my post.   I was trying to use it to describe myself.   It's hard to be humble around this place when you unintentionally say you're head and shoulders above the rest in coolness.   <brk>

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

My Day Off

First Monday I've had off in longer than I can remember.   And what better way to spend it than:   Playing Jedi Outcast Working on my epic Shattering the Global High Score list on Audiosurf playing co-op with my sister Reporting about a half-dozen posts Forgetting to pay my credit card bill (it's not due until next Tuesday anyways) And chatting it up with an ollllllld work buddy on Facebook   <brk>

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

My Christmas/Βirthday Harvest

Once again I've waited until all the hype died down to post my entry regarding Christmas as such whatnot.  I was going to do like last year and include all kinds of pictures, I even had my camera with me, but when it came down to it there just wasn't enough to merit it.   Okay, so, December 25th. My cousin and I did our gift exchange right after midnight Mass. He gave me the Rob Thomas CD "Cradlesong" and I'm loving it. Definitely some good surfs on this CD.   *pauses to sneeze violently*  

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

My Christmas Harvest

Now that the hype has died down and I'm not as likely to get lost in the overly-abundant number of other entries similar to this, I shall give inventory on my Christmas/Birthday bounty minus what was in my stocking. Basically just little nick-nacks and candy of no real interest.   First off, let me state I didn't get a single LEGO set. Haven't for years with the exception of the gift-exchange I do with a couple of my cousins. This year however, we each thought the same thing. Try something besi

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

My Bro Brickeens

He really, truly is one of the best guys on here. One of those rare few people that I can really talk to about whatever's on my mind and know he's listening.   He deserves so much better than what he is dealing with right now.   So here's to you, Birks. God bless ya. B)           Semi-related.....       TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

My Blog Is Ugly

This thing is in terrible need of some themeage.   Thoughts?   That don't involve ponies?   ●TN●

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

MMN Cards Have Been Dealt

Alright, I finally had time to sit down and shuffle out those story ideas sent in.   Now, while y'all get to typin', I have a question for you. Should I have a separate entry where everybody stops by later to leave links to the topic/blog entry where they wrote their story?   Or should we just have everybody run willy-nilly all over BZPower looking for them?     TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Mmmmm.... Steeeeaaaaak....

I may have joined the ranks of staff now, but rest assured I have not forgotten about my many fans out there!   And let's not forget what today is. What's that? You forgot? Why it's March 31st, of course! That means it's Steak Boy's birthday!   In turn, that means that it's time to celebrate with a brand-spanking-new comedy! (and this time it's better than the horror that was "Steak Boy Buys Flowers")   Steak Boy Buys A Vacuum Cleaner   I'll leave this entry open for misc. Steak Boy discussi

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Minecraft Mata Nui Adventure/challenge

Don't expect it to be done for quite some time. I'm still working 40-50 hours a week, working on my 40k army, and everything else under the sun.   But I'm doing it.   I have broken ground on the project.   It'll be awesome.   It'll have at least 9 challenges.   And when it's ready, I'll let some o' you guys hop on my server long enough to try it.   ●TN●

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Michael Bay Day!

Or is it Independence Day?   Iunnolol.   Have a great 4th of July, guys! This day of independence is worth celebrating!   Now then, if you'll excuse me, I'm celebrating by working twelve hours today (no holiday pay for most, if not all of it) and need to go.   ...   Well, it's not like the weather is nice enough outside to do anything anyways.   «Takuma Nuva»

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Mentioning Banned Members

*clears throat*   Hapori Dume   *runs away laughing maniacally*   "And that's how the Evil Blog Master was made!"[/pinkiepie]     ●TN●

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Memoirs Of A Drive Thru Worker 2

Something I've been meaning to blog about ever since the day it happened . . . which is now probably about a month ago.   You see, on this particular night, I was on the closing crew, if I remember correctly. It was probably sometime between seven and eight PM. Work has been relatively slow lately, mostly due to the cold, snowy weather. I was in the kitchen making orders. I had only minutes before been in the drive-thru and therefore was still wearing my headset. So, as a co-worker of mine took

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Memoirs Of A Drive Thru Worker 1

So, lately there's been some crazy stuff going on at Culver's, mostly in the drive-thru. Over the next couple days, I hope to share some of these.   Take a little over a week ago. I'll never forget that night. You see, every hundredth order in the drive-thru is free.   ...   Actually, it's every ninety-ninth order as I found out due to the fact the order numbers only go #501-#599 before it loops around again. There is no order #500. But it wouldn't be worth it to bump the "free" number up one

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva


Drinking wasn't my thing. I had nothing against alcohol, mind you. It just didn't appeal to me. So when I got an invitation to join my fellow staff members on a boat for some cheap conversation and even cheaper booze (courtesy of Empress Puffin), I declined.   Sure, I'd have enjoyed shooting the breeze with Sumiki, Sisen, Bfahome, and whoever else happened to show up. My dilemma was a matter of responsibility though. It'd been five years since I finished high school and I finally had started on

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Man, It Must Be April Fools...

It's Minnesota, only April 1st, there hasn't been snow for almost the whole month, and it's freakin' t-shirt weather at 70 degrees out.   ...   I think the Big Man Upstairs is trollin' me.   «TN»

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

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