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Evil Blog Master's gotta have an evil place to put his feet up, ya dig?

Entries in this blog

I Have Six Days...

So, today I found out that I have six days.   What for? Well I'll tell you. Once a year, my mother gets together with all my aunts on my mother's side to do Christmas shopping. Since my birthday is only five days after Christmas, this usually includes birthday shopping for me. Every year, my mom expects us to have wish lists ready for said shopping day.   I just found out that it's next Thursday. Given the time of day they leave, that means I only have six days to make one up. Now that may sou

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I Gotta Tell Ya

Normally, I wouldn't even link to something like this because I'm not one who typically likes being the center of attention. I prefer to kind of hide along the walls and corners, y'know?   However, this blog entry made me smile and Sumiki's comment was so gosh-darned hilarious, I couldn't resist.   «TN»

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I Found Spybotics: The Nightfall Incident!

I was so desperate to find this game, I did some searching and found the game online. Not sure just how long it will be there though.   It appears that it can in fact save progress to some degree, though there seems to be a weird glitch with the credits. But what I'm really looking for is somebody who's got the know-how to make it run off-line. I tried simply downloading the file, but it doesn't load for some reason. It worked before in the old days, but I belive it was a .swf. What I found is

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I Don't Care Who You Are...

The Jonas Brother's singing Stevie Wonder's "Superstition" live with Jordin Sparks is awesome. *Note to self: Don't forget entries about grandfather's old job and the chili dog incident...* <brk>

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I didn't do day 2

Because I was totally wiped. Hopefully I stay awake more properly today.   'Tis a shame that Ryuujin, Lady K, and Brickeens aren't here. I'll just have to pretend they're possessing the Rock Raiders on my brick badge.   ...except there's only two minifigs. I guess Brickeens can just possess the brickonium/energy crystals.   Also, I really need to keep a copy of my blog entry and posting style templates on my laptop. I'm such a nub.   Also also, Sumiki asked for LEGO-related pick-up lines, so he

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I Dare You, Bronies...

12 bits says that you bronies out there can't respond to this topic without asking a pony-related question!   12 BITS.   ●TN●

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I Cleaned 'em Out

Yup, so I stopped at Target on the way home from work today. Spent a little more of that Christmas/Birthday money.   I got the last copy.   Oh, and the LEGO section had abosultely zero Bionicle and was overrun by Mega Blox, Knex, and the like. I can't believe it's still so messed up from Christmas.   <brk>

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I Caved ;.;

Couldn't stand waiting for a Steam sale any longer. After my co-workers kept raving about it on top of playing the demo and all the good things I heard, I just had to get it.   Oh, almost forgot to mention that it's Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.   I should totally rip off of Hazmat's Skyrim Adventure's series and blog my misadventures. 'Cuz, y'know, it's the evil thing to do. Evil is my first name after all.   ●TN●

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I Can't Believe They Were Paying Me To Do This

There's an old saying that goes "The worst day of fishing is still better than the best day at work". Now, I love fishing, but I gotta tell ya, yesterday was the best day at work EVER. Even better than one particular day of fishing I remember from last year.   6:30 AM I got up to do the laundry because I knew that if I wanted clean, dry clothes for work, I couldn't wait for my sister to get up (she's got laundry duty this month). I really wasn't sure what to make of the shift I was about to wor

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I Always Knew You Were Different, But, A Tablet?

So, we got up this morning with the intention of getting to the convention center by 9. I had my alarm set on my phone but forgot to switch it off "vibrate only". Luckily I happened to be awake and noticed it going off. We slammed some breakfast (Instant Quaker Oatmeal FTW) and head down there. Already the line was insanely long and I'm SO glad we're exhibitors. The majority of the morning/early afternoon was just dancing to the music behind the tables and rummaging through the prototype piece

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva


I find it in everything.   I guess sometimes that makes me a bad person.   «Takuma Nuva»

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Humble Indie Bundle 6

So, the new Humble Indie Bundle is out. Of the six games offered, I have 3, so I figured I might as well give brief reviews on those for the wondering among you.   Shatter: Pong with 'Tude, I like to call it. There's a million block-breaking games out there, but Shatter is easily my favorite. There's a few things that set this particular title apart. First, you can suck/blow air in order to change the "balls'" trajectory making it possible to snipe that last block that you can never seem to hit.

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

How's 'Βout A Little Ninja Mono On Iron Mode?

Time to rev things up for the blog contest. So, I tossed around a number of ideas for my theme. My original plan was going to be something along the lines of David Cook or Daughtry with some song reviews and a new Bionicle Music Video. After being unable to adequately find said animations in wmv/mpg format, I was forced to go another route... Ergo, the theme here is the amazing relationship between two of the best things in the world of media: music and video games. And what better way to

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

How Will You Create The Universe?

But more importantly, how will Takuma Nuva rate it?   Come, sentient meatbags, and join me for an in-depth review of one of the two hottest games of 2008 (the other being The Force Unleashed): Spore.   1. What is Spore?   Will Wright, co-founder of Maxis, is the video game designer who brought Spore to life. He is responsible in no small part for the numerous "Sims" games that many people enjoy (though I am not one of said people ). After he finished developing one of the Sims games/expansio

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

How To Save Money At Christmas

Step Alpha: On Christmas Eve, instead of putting the gifts under the tree, hide them around the house.   Step Bravo: Christmas morning, tell everyone that their presents have been hidden and that they must find them.   Step Charlie: Watch everybody hunt and open gifts they find.   Step Delta: Wait the day out until everybody goes to bed for the night.   Step Echo: Scour the house looking in all the places you hid gifts, collecting any that were missed.   Step Foxtrot: Next morning, return a

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

How to Bork a Let's Play

>Start the required programs >Start Skype call >Play a level >Best episode yet with hilarious commentary >Nearly a half hour to beat level >Realize you never hit the record button >   TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

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