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Glatorian Quotes

Well, Tilius beat me to it, but I find a few of the Glatorian quotes funny:   I like Strakk's, "Facing me in the arena will make your blood run cold!"   But Vorox's, "Beware my stinger tail!" is a little over the top, and Gresh's, "I might be green, but I'm not inexperienced!" makes no sense at all. And Tarix being able to "fight with elegance"? Have you looked at her him? (Which reminds me I need to blog about my likes/dislikes with the sets.)   Skrall's and Malum's quotes are cool though



Things to do before BrickFair

-Build some (like 4) steampunk stuff for the cool steampunk minifigs I've made -Make sure I use more than just brown. Use gears and functionality. (As if that needs saying.) -Build something for the Pharaoh's Quest collab, because Greg is part of WAMALUG and super-cool. -Build my secret Galaxy Squad idea which only works this year. -Build a 16x16 Micropolic thing because that theme is super-cool and I keep forgetting to. -Mope about not building any new Bionicle stuff since 2010, but bring all m



The World Is Mine!

Once again, Japan drops jaws.   Holograms just got ten times better. (I think I've figured out how it worked though, or at least partially.)   -CF



Voting: Out Of The Ordinary Bbc!

BBC: Blog Based Contest (Credit to Bundalings)   From this contest comes this voting! The contest was to MOC a humanoid with asymmetrical arms. (Think back to the Toa Mata (and Kopaka Nuva), Toa Hordika, the 2005 titans, heck, even the Piraka.) Here are the entries:   Toa Ketran and Pohatu Nuva   Voting process: 1) One vote per member. 2) Don't edit your post, or it will not be counted. 3) Common sense, because I don't know what else could be put in this kind of thing, so take respons



The 1st Blog Of The Pfbc Grand Prize Winner!

Thanx for comming in without knocking. (J/K) So now that school's out, I will try my hand at this blogging thing using my time that would have been spent on homework when I was in school.   To start: I'll be posting about my latest Bionicle Life. Basically, if I do something that deals with Bionicle, you'll know about it. I'll also have random stuff up here so it will be totaly worth every minute of your time on BZP to read this. I'll probably post links to stories and such and other blogs



LEGO Movie Voiceover!

Now, everyone else is bringing their copies of The LEGO Movie, therefore I don't have to, right?   What we should do is play the movie on silent and then we do all the voices (and sound effects)! Though I think I'd need to watch it a few more times before to be able to do so. (Someone print out the scripts!)   -CF



Tut Tut, Revisited

Looking over my notes for my current English class (American Lit 1850-1920), the focus is on realism, which the Power Point slides say is a "Strong attempt to represent the typical, average," the "Prevalence of ordinary events," and, here's the kicker, that "Characters are on the street, no larger-than-life heroes who engage in romantic adventures filled with courageous acts, daring chases, and narrow escapes."   So, revisiting the recent entry about stories being believable, where I discussed



Werewolves Revisited

The writer in me was thinking about an answer to the age-old question: "If moonlight is a reflection of sunlight, why don't werewolves change in the daytime?"   Here's my explanation for it: They need a certain amount and type of light. Direct sunlight is too much, and anything but a full-moon is too little. They need that perfect blend of darkness and reflective sunlight, which is why it won't work on a really cloudy day or early in the evening either.   -CF



Toa Of 2008 Thoughts

Here I go, stating my opinion of the 2008 Bionicle sets. I've given some thoughts in other people's blogs, so perhaps you know what I think. But I will also give extended thoughts and reasons, opinions, mind you, about these. I will look at storyline resemblance and thoughts on the pieces.   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «My opinions will be spaced out over a couple days. And before you think, "Here goes another member complaining about 2008," let me tell you that I am p



Talk Like A Pirate Day

Hello, me BZPer pirate scallywags! It be Talk Like a Pirate Day today!   Where ever ye may be, spread thee word and wear a eyepatch!   Arg!   -Captain CF



Gift Card are Great

Often heard, especially in retail, like the bookstore where I work, is that giving a gift card seems "too impersonal." And that makes sense. If you know the person well, then, theoretically, you should know which book/game/CD/LEGO set/etc to get them as a gift. I helped a friend choose out a LEGO set for our friend, and I found something I know he didn't have but would enjoy. Other times, I might have, say, my brother's Christmas list, so know what to get him.   But on the other hand, knowing ex



Hogwarts Acceptance Letter

My sister turns 11 today! I whipped up a little something...   (Names removed for the internet)   I'm at school still, so my mom will be giving it to her, or just putting it on her seat at breakfast, or something. Sneakily and specially, of course.   -CF




I just finished reading Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli! The feels! Such a fantastic piece of literature, it spoke to me in ways that reflect my appreciation for similar John Green books. It tore out my heart and broke it and put it together and ripped it up again and and and... uggg the feels!   Heartbreaking moments, happy moments, moments where you jump up and down in joy and others where you want to punch the main character in the gut because he's being a typical high school boy that cares more o



A Phd In Horribleness

My roommate is being Dr Horrible for Halloween. (One of his friends is being Captain Hammer.)   So while he was away last night, I tried on his costume for fun: Muahahahahahaha! That's coming along...   I bet you're wondering what I am going to be for Halloween (and if you are not, well then I guess I know who my friends are ).   Amongst my wardrobe I have attire for: The Eleventh Doctor (sans fez) The Fourth Doctor (scarf!) Arthur Dent (pajamas, bedrobe, towel, Ultimate HHGTTG) Chuck (White



A Legacy Begins

“They say keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Gentlemen, we enter this war as friends and grow closer as the battle rages on, our throats being focused on day by day. Keep your petty trifles coming as you will, but they encounter a deaf ear by Deus Pangaea. The globe shall be one, the people unified, and all will a part of The Pangaea Unifecto!” —Deus Pangaea* before entering into the battle of a lifetime.     My friends and I enjoy an epic game of Risk every now and then (not of



Photo Procrastination

Does anyone else have that problem where it takes them a good 2 weeks to 6 months to take photos of their latest MOC?   It's easy to take a quick, cruddy WIP pic and toss it online for a "what do you think?" post. But it takes time and effort to set up a lightbox or white/solid background, find proper lighting with sunlight or a strong lamp positioned well, and take decent photos. And then choosing a half-dozen good ones at different angels. And then cropping them (the easiest thing, especially



Meeting People...

Guess I actually have another blog entry for today, but I'd rather continue bragging....   So if Nukaya, hopefully Arpy, and maybe Xccj are coming to BrickFair, then Bunda has to come as well to complete a list of awesome. Please?   Also, Binkmeister needs to come too. I haven't seen him since 2004.   Also also, we really should ask TLG to send GregF over with the next wave of LEGO employees that come.   I should go start a petition topic or something...but not here. This entry discusses



I Don't Reread

Blog entries, term papers, even news stories sometimes. I just do not go back and reread what I wrote and check for errors.   Is that bad?   I trust spell checker too much and I trust my writing well enough the first time around.   Now, I know that Stephen King's editor said that the first draft, he is writing for himself, and the second draft he should be writing for his audience, so you then take out all the little things you felt like inserting. However, I remember once my editor said he



People To Foster

Ah, Foster the People. Barnes and Noble played it constnatly over the summer that, much like the rest of the overhead music heard a few times a day for a few weeks, no matter how good it is, just seems to never want to be heard again.   So when my brother bought their CD I rolled my eyes.   But after actually listening to a few of their songs, with nothing better to do (like go find books for customers), I actually started to like them.   Foot, meet Mouth.   I still have an aversion to Pumped Up



Astonishing New Hobby

Comic books. Something I never really attempted to get into. With so much backstory, where do I start? Well, my girlfriend has been going to a comic book shop close to my house, and she said any issue is relatively a fine start. With that, I was quite excited to make with her my first comic book shop visit when I went home for Thanksgiving break!   I picked out the latest three Astonishing X-Men comics, having been a fan of them (and Spider-Man) since their 1994 Saturday morning cartoons. (Fun f




So this is interesting and something that everyone should learn but will probably forget:   I'm sure we are all familiar with acronyms: words that when each letter is broken down they each stand for something, like TARDIS, scuba, and radar.   But what I bet you didn't know is that terms compiled of letters standing for something but not sounded out, which you probably thought were acronyms, like FBI, HTML, and DFTBA (and BZP for that matter), are correctly called initialisms.*   Does it matter?



I Have One!

Date to prom, that is!   'nuff said.   -CF   Quote of the Day: I’d explain it to you, but your brain would explode. (Hey! That fits the entry!)



Bzpower T-shirt!

So, I made a BZPower t-shirt!   front   back   and in case the pix don't show: front back   So, what do you think? I had thought of making a shirt, and I finally got around to it. So when we're both walking through the mall and you see this shirt, you'll be able to say hey! You're a BZPer! And thus we've just met another BZPer.   And, I made this to wear at Brickfest. Which is coming up pretty soon, so I hope you can go and I can see you, and you can see the shirt.   So, just lo



Blatant Advertising

Product placement can seem pretty obvious in some TV shows (like the Milk Duds in The Big Bang Theory), but last night's Chuck made it acceptable, as an art.   Chuck has a long history with Subway (being their #1 sponsor, so much so that when the show was in danger of cancellation fans showed their support by eating at Subway frequently. I know I would have if I had been a fan back then), so it's no surprise to see it appear in obvious places here and there. But last night, with Big Mike (BM) d



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