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Failure? Nevermind...

So guys, I'm back. I'll only tell you that I will indeed be hanging around for another year, so...yeah Kraahsome news. I'll make a longer post explaining what happened in the upcoming days, I've been busy. >_>   -Twi

Twilight Avenger

Twilight Avenger

Hiatus (Again)

As I expected it, I passed all subjects, but one (actually, I expected to fail three, but hey, everything went better than expected ). Now, here's how things are going to be: I have to take another test, and if I pass it, I shall return to the interwebz. If I fail, I'm seriously, seriously screwed.   And because I know I'd hate to be screwed so badly (), I won't be online from December 3rd to the 13th. You guys have been without Twillard for two weeks and even more, so I don't expect it to be d

Twilight Avenger

Twilight Avenger


I posted on my userpage on BS01 that I would retire because I might have to stop using my computer because of my grades in school. Two weeks after that I took down the notice and announced that I would be staying, at least, for one month.   Well, time's up! Next Monday, November 24th, I will be starting my final tests. This tests will determine my online status. If I fail, I may won't be seen around for a while, if not ever again (Unlikely? Yes, but possible). If I pass, then I'll worry about le

Twilight Avenger

Twilight Avenger

Tests Results

I passed all the tests. WOOT! 8D   ...however, the next test for the subject I'm uber failing at sounds to be horrible. I'll need a lot of luck to pass that one... >_<

Twilight Avenger

Twilight Avenger

My Online Status

Good news guys, it seems that I will be able to stay for another month around. I wrote on my userpage on BS01 that I would retire because I was having trouble with grades at school. Well, the week I retired I was about to start tests, but I still got another round of them before the school year ends, so I think I just rushed my retirement.   Looks like I did well on this tests, so I'm staying for a month, as I said. However, before the final rounds I won't be around because I'll try to concentr

Twilight Avenger

Twilight Avenger

Pimped Blog

I decided to add some Avengers stuff. Welcome to the brand-new Wiki-Nui Avengers HQ, guys!   If you guys got any suggestions for the blog's look, please tell me.   P.S. I promise to try to keep you guys updated about the group's fate. >_>

Twilight Avenger

Twilight Avenger

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