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I'm Going To Hug And Kill E. E. Cummings

e. e. cummings (lowercase to respect how he likes to write) is a poet who experiments with grammar and breaks the rules of the English language. I want to hug him because a poem of his that we read and deciphered in English today gave me a story idea. I want to kill him because a little bit of rage instinctively boils up in me when I see bad grammar. And since many of his poems are all not proper grammar, you can guess how much rage I've boiled in my pot.



Evangelion 1.0

(a lot of movies lately for me, eh?) Last night, I decided to treat myself for completing my finals and go watch a screening of Evangelion 1.0 in a small theater downtown. Not a lot of the content in it was new to me, but the animation was sweet, the psychological factor still crazy, and the explosions pretty explosive. It was a good recap for me too. And the theme song <3 I can only wonder what my dad thought of it, though. xD Evangelion 2.0 is expected to be playing at the same pla



Well Then

My middle school math teacher almost ran me over in her car this morning while I was crossing the street to the train station. She had to make a turn, and ended up almost hitting me. Then she pokes her head out and says "Hi!" I'm just like ".__. Hi," and a wave. And finals next week. Aka double-period exams. ;__; Only benefit in these is a shorter school day, and that one extra long period of lunch.



I Want Pocky

When I watch something like Vampire Knight or Rozen Maiden where Pocky is involved at least once, I just have the urge to eat Pocky. But I have nowhere nearby to buy it.



Yu Gi Oh

I watched the so-dubbed Season 0 of Yu-Gi-Oh this week, and I see a lot of connections between this show (the original, based off the first few manga) and the show we've all (well most of us) seen (along with the game). This shall be a very choppy entry on my thoughts, so bear with me. xP But to a overview of the show overall! At first, I found the voice actors completely different from the English show, so it took a while to get used to them. There was also an extra character in Yugi's group



Stuff (aka I Can't Think Of A Title Once Again)

Today after school was fun. I went with some friends to the Apple Store near my school, but it was closed until 5:00 PM for a little tidying up. The reason was because there was a long line outside the store of people waiting to buy the iPad. But the staff outside said that if you're not buying an iPad, you'll be let into the store at 5 anyways. So we chill until 5, which wasn't for less than an hour. We got there just as it opened. Funny thing is, for like the first twenty people on that lin




dudebot5000: Bored D= me: D= dudebot5000: How can has fix? D= me: Burn something? D= dudebot5000: I lack things to burn D= me: There a tree over there D= *There's dudebot5000: But its alive and kinda wet from yesterday, methinks D= me: Oh D= Let us fix this! Also: dudebot5000: Lol I'll put up a sticky note somewhere =P me: Ooh Ooh Ooh I have three different colors on my desk =O Pink, blue, and green =O dudebot5000: I only has yellow =O me: Four colors altogether! =O du



Adventures In The Berkshires

So I'm back from a super fun weekend at the country house to describe what happened. I'll try not to make it too long, though. The drive to the place was pretty boring, and after settling in, everyone (myself, friend, her mom, and her dad) fell asleep. But the house itself was very pretty, surrounded by trees, and a dock that went into the lake was only a few steps away from the patio. For breakfast on Saturday, the family had leftover corn, so they took the kernels and made pancakes with



The Roads Are Paved With Rainbows

So you see how sometimes on wet roads, rainbows might appear on the ground? Well today there was like an entire block that was just darkly tinted rainbows. It blew my mind.



Looking At Trigonometry And Bionicle

So, today in math class we started Trig. And we learned the abbreviations to remember sine, cosine, and tangent: SOH CAH TOA. As soon as my teacher said "TOA" the guy next to me and I both yelled "Bionicle!" Also when you say Soh Cah Toa in a hissing voice it reminds me of movie Nidhiki. o_O



Yay Bookstore

I went to that used bookstore again, and checked out what they had. I got two volumes of Gon (volumes 2 and 6) and a volume of something I don't know. I don't know it because it's in Japanese, so I can't read the title. If anyone knows Japanese and would like to read the title for me, just ask and I can scan in the cover. Aaanyways I feel artistically mehh. I have a project in art where I have to illustrate a thing from a combination of sentence starters and nouns from the chalkboard. I chose




So remember that children's story writing contest I entered? In today's weekly student bulletin at school, there was a section that mentioned myself and another girl that got in. Everyone was like "yay" until we realized that my friend who illustrated my story and the partner of the girl I just mentioned were both not included in the bulletin. But my English teacher called the office, and hopefully they'll fix it in the online version. =D My friend in science class also somehow obtained Russi



So Like, My Shoes Got Messed Up

So in my area, we were supposed to get loots of snow over the weekend, according to Mr. Weather Man, whose parents decided to name him after his adult profession, apparently. And, we get no snow at all! But, that means the sidewalks are littered with like ten thousand different kinds of salt because people overreacted. There's the round little salt that looks like snow from far away when in huge bundles, there's crystallized salt, and there's even teal-colored salt. The bad part is, the salt



Packages Ahoy

During this week, two packages came, and both have stuff I will be using on Halloween for my Green outfit (which I did get pants for). The first package came on Monday, and had a Pokeball that contained a random figurine. Exceeept the Pokeball is a tad bit small, and doesn't open like you'd expect it to. You just take off the top part. And the figurine inside, a Pikachu, is smaller than the traditional Pokemon figurine. For comparison, my Suicune figurine can't fit inside the Pokeball. The



Nuu Fullmetal Alchemist

Today was a day off from school, so I took advantage of it to shop for a gift for my friend, whose birthday is this Saturday. Yesterday and today, I drew a card with Roy Mustang (FMA) on it. Then today, I went to an anime-dedicated store downtown. When I got there, I was the only customer, but the store was full of so many beautiful figurines and kits and merchandise that I didn't care. Despite the loneliness, the guy at the register was easy to talk to, and we discussed FMA a little bit. He



Oh My Gosh What Happened To My Ruler

So I was digging through my backpack this morning to empty it out of useless stuff, and I find a ruler. Correction, a piece of a ruler. Then the other piece. Pics (possibly bad quality, but no worries):   Shorter Piece Longer piece Put together The broken edge of one piece Perfect divide   I seriously have no idea how it broke, it's like a laser cut through it or something. o_O




I suck at it!   So yeah, I was playing some games earlier today, and I could barely do anything in any of the games. Sure, I know how to dribble and can make a shot or two on occasion, but other than that I wasn't very good.   Luckily the ball wasn't even passed to me a lot. >__> Or at all sometimes...



Hair Troubles

My hair's been hard to brush lately. D: And when I wash it, it's even worse. And in other hair news, I've come up with a character for this brand new crazy idea I got, but I can't figure out her hair. I have the bangs down and all, but should her hair be long and straight? nicely cut and short? two pigtails sticking out from the side? a bun? *in before crazy hair suggestions* And I feel stressed out lately for no reason. Maybe because I feel I can't get my work done in time for its deadli



Old Stuff

So my school is having School Spirit Week, and Friday is Decades Day, where we have to dress up as something retro.   And I'm going to do Ronnie James Dio. B)



Blog Theme?

Any ideas for my next blog theme, depending on when the time comes to drop this one?



Evangelion 2.0

As I edited in the previous entry noting a screening of 2.0, I went to it today. It was insane. <3 And I expect the next two movies to get even more insane.



Now That I Think About It

Now that I think about it, this blog theme must be pretty amazing to me if I haven't changed it in so long. ...But this blog is getting pretty dry in terms of entries.



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