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Art, science, card games, and whatever else I find interesting :)

Entries in this blog

Concert! :D

Yesterday I finally saw Alice Cooper live. How awesome was that? :] (hint: very awesome.) My first Open Air concert as well. Marvellous. Absolutely marvellous. Loved it.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

[Scribbles] tablet testing

... so recently I got a tablet pc* for my 20th birthday (I was really left speechless by that. D: ), but so far I sadly haven't done much but some testing... the first scribble was just some random dude with long hair, lots of buckles on the outfit and a distinctive lack of a nose (or any other facial features but eyes xD) because it was done in MS Paint and it took ages to make what I already had look at least somewhat decent.   Link Today involved some further testing including the pre

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Might not be around tomorrow.

Might because timezones and stuff. Anyway, the thing is, tomorrow I'm at university pretty much all day long, and in the evening I'm also going to a party. Which is quite a novelty for me, as I've never been to anything larger than a friend's birthday party before...   Needless to say, I'm a bit nervous. And I know, I'm super-late with such things, but ah well, I always had super-legitimate and logical (sorta) as well as responsible (kind of?) reasons not to go in the past, however, they don't a

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Guess Who Just Finished Watching Labyrinth?

That's right, this lovely Bowie fan right here. :3   I adore this movie. I love it to bits. It confuses, amazes and shocks me. It's fun and scary, adorable, pretty, and overall awesome. Sometimes I wasn't entirely sure about what was going on, but heeeey I enjoyed it.   And everytime Bowie/Jareth came on screen, in my mind there was the following: "SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! "   ... too bad the movie's over ;_;   But hey, it didn't fail to distract me from my life which is currently not as awesome as i

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


Every time one of my programs for Scientific Computing doesn't work. I am now relying on the bonus thingies in order to make up for that, but it's annoying.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

ASDT update!

Clicking the banner above will take you straigt to the topic. The long break is over - after all, the story has to be completed, doesn't it? =D

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Art Style Conflicts?

Am I the only one who is noticing this 'trend'? I mean, okay, not everyone has the same way to depict Bionicle characters. Some prefer an organic, human approach while others stick to 100% set-like portrayals.   And now for the big, ugly truth: Both styles are completely legitimate, and neither is better or worse than the other one.   If I like to do humanoid depictiond, fine! If I enjoy making ridiculous, big-eyed chibi drawings, fine! If I go for incredibly detailed and realistic set-like draw

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

on drawing hands (again)

Occasionally you have to remind yourself how to draw things (like hands). What normally helps me is doing the following exercise:   1. draw it as you 'nomally' would, look for most prominent errors 2. draw from life, then look for symmetries and shapes -> fit a skeleton inside 3. try to re-create with the newly-found lines   (as you can see I re-created a bunch of mistakes in the last hand, especially the size of the thumb...) - and remember, practise makes perfect!

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

still here, btw

November was insanely stressful, with tons of work, also related to going abroad for the last few days to join a workshop on... science-y stuff. So that's why I wasn't around that much. ^^'   and now it's almost Christmas. Where did the time go?

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


Okay, now I know what I hate about being me: hormones. They cause mood swings. And since I'm a overly-emotional person already... baaah. I guess that's the reason why I was kind of permanent-crying the last few days. But it went away finally. (Sorry if I was acting unfriendly towards you recently, I'm not myself when that happens ><)   Ah well. So, last week it was warm over here (28°Celsius), but today it had...um...4°Celsius? Or less. So cold that your breath turns to mist in front

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Well, no matter what tomorrow brings

I just realized while going through old problems from the exercise course again (something I didn't do first time - huge mistake, because apparently about 50% of the problems were related to the exercises. woot) that I did learn something; revisiting old problems, in many cases I can actually get to the solution a lot faster than on the first try, and they don't seem as complicated as I remember them to be (most of them, anyway). So that's probably a good sign, and might mean that I kinda unders

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

and this is why you do regular backups of important stuff

guess who's computer refused to access the harddisk from the operating system designed for work. Mine. Guess who forgot to back up the data and stuff for the protocol to write. Me.   Thankfully I found a temporary way around this.   So yeah, back up your stuff if you haven't already.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Comic Sans Ms

Why do so many seem to dislike it? I think it looks nice... >> 'specially in bold letters.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


I have absolutely no idea why I can't seem to find a fitting avatar right now... :/

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


This semester is going to be fun... as I'll take that classon Relativity and Cosmology. I'm kinda curious to see what it will be like, even though I'm scared that it might be hard/complicated. Ah well.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

On the subject of doodling something every day

I would like to point out that drawing into a calendar is only a good idea for so long until you create something you actually like. :/   Like that concept I recently doodled up, shown below.     Admittedly, this was not done during a lecture, but rather a short break in between, but it still qualifies as doodle for there was no pre-sketching or similar. I like drawing armour, it's always a fun exercise. Even if drawing chainmail is annoying.   Anyway, that's one of the deities from a fantasy

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Silly pendulum

In other words: physics is fun, but sometimes the 'problems' we ought to solve at home can be a bit... well, entertaining at least. I think my favourite one so far must've been the pendulum clock in an elevator. How can it go wrong when the elevator is moving, I mean yes, I did the maths and I have it in front of my eyes in black and white... but hoooow. xD   Once I remember that this doesn't mean that time is going differently, but that the pendulum is being influenced by the various accelerati

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

So tired...

somehow I haven't been able to sleep properly for a week or so... it's quite annoying

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

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