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Art, science, card games, and whatever else I find interesting :)

Entries in this blog

Another Avatar...

another jester hat.. okay, slowly I am beginning to be really annyong. Yep, I am annoyed by myself.   Aaanyways, I fear this was not the last change of ppic/av... maybe I should start compiling a list of possible new display names already, just so I will find something new...

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

A Tragedy

and this time I'm not kidding. Nor am I being sarcastic.   See, my sis broke both of her arms. Yes, two arms in plaster She's totally desperate, and her arms hurt all the time... I feel really sorry for her. D=   So, sorry, I fear there's gonna be a delay with the comic and stuff, but I hope you all agree that looking after my sis is one of the more important things at the moment. =/

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Finished the book.

Yayayay! =D   It worked so much better than expected - I mean, yes, I didn't understand every single word, but I could follow the plot and find out a lot about the characters. What now? Read it again! =D

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


::][::  I know, I should finish my ends of 2 art trades. I should do my homework. But yesterday evening I just could not - so I grabbed my sketchbook and a pencil, and doodled around.   The result: Ta-daa   Enjoy   ~Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Quotes, Anyone?

I love the "nosense" category... however. This here is a little collection of quotes and happenings. Have fun reading, and...uh... don't take me too seriously   ~~~~~~   Me: Ohmygosh, I can't find my calculator! S: Don't worry, it will re-appear Me: And what if not?! S: Then you'll buy a new one Me: My mum will kill me! S: ... so what?   (it re-appeared a few minutes ago) ~~~~~~   Me: I can't draw. S: You're right. Me:   (something like that happens a lot) ~~~~~~   Me: Oh my go

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

not cool :c

Yesterday during training someone stepped on my hair. Which I of course only realized upon trying to get up, only to find my head being jerked back forecfully. Quite painful, I have to say (what I was doing on the floor? Well, you get thrown down a lot in JiuJitsu. :3 But falling is something I'm okay with at this point). I did not see who did it. Neither did my sister. Nobody apologized. And they surely would have noticed, I am not someone who stays quiet about their pain.   Then, in the chang

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Went to the cinema

What I watched? If I remember right it was called "Warm Bodies". Yes, that zombie love-story thingie. But it was extreeeemeeeeely cute! :3 Absolutely adorable. And that's coming from someone who usually doesn't really like love stories.   Oh, and I also saw a trailer for the movie adaption of City Of Bones (I think? I always forget which part is which) - so that's definitely another movie I want to watch this year. ^^

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Hoogi's adventures in physics [Scribbles]

So I started sketching Hoogi next to my notes during lectures because he's simply so much fun to draw (I need to get more Mixels, they're adorable sets). Most of the time he is confused. Don't worry Hoogi, so am I...     At some point I might vectorize them so I have some reaction images, but until then... they'll remain here. ^^ (not in GA because they're really scribbly).

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Irrelevant achievement

... got Sims 1 to work again on my PC; apparently it had been a problem with video codecs or something... 'tis a nice nostalgic moment for me though, because I used to play that game a lot when I was younger. Even though I perceived it as incredibly hard to manage everything (and it is significantly more annoying than Sims 2 in that aspect, but hey, I did grow up a bit in the meantime xD)   Now I just have to install the last expansion pack I have and *hope* that the workaround still works.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

My Rank - An Omen?

Seriously, it's "Kohrak-kal attacks"... is that the reason why it's still so cold over here? O.o   EDIT: Okay okay I made a mistake in here. ._. So Kohrak-kal has sonic powers, KK. *locking this entry because... well, dunno*

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


Looks like I'm finally more or less okay again. Oh food, I missed you so much...   (and thanks again for all those get-well-soon-wishes. You are all awesome and lovely. :3)

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

so if that's what autumn is going to be like...

Summer is not even over, but it's cold and rainy and grey. :/ I mean, if it's going to be like that all the time, sitting at home wearing an oversized, striped jumper and staring out at the rain miserably, it's really going to be an awesome autumn/fall.   Okay, it's September, but that does not justify the cozy 15 degrees (Celsius, mind you. Should be around 59°F, I guess?) outside. At all.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Annoying is...

... for example, going by subway, happening to sit in front of some random stranger you find sort of attractive* and not having anything to doodle on with you, which means that you can only resort to either staring at them or intensively looking anywhere else but at them, both while feeling that you're visibly blushing.     ...thankfully I did find some scrap paper to occupy my hands.   incredibly tiny, frayed scrap of paper.** Oh well, better than nothing.     *or, like a week ago, someon

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

That awkward moment

when you want to blog about something, but don't find anything interesting to talk about. and can't show art because the latest drawings kinda contain spoilers. and, and...   D:

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

You know it's been a lazy day...

... if you're already halfway through with a book you just started to read. What book, you ask? City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare, part 4 of the Mortal Instruments Series. Not sure if anyone's heard of it; but I'm really enjoying it despite its obvious girly romance plot* going on; but other than some other really popular book series (dealing with glittery vampfairies) it's not just a love story with some fangs slapped on.   *ahem* But sure, I roll my eyes at the occasional descriptions o

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

So You Might Wonder...

.. what Bzper Taka Nuvia ~ Empty soul does all day long.   Answer   I was bored. Really bored. EXTREMELY bored. And I had a few snapshots from one of my TheSims2 families on my compy, along with some other pics. And Photoshop. And I had loooaaaads of time on my hands.   Might not be the best photoshopping, but I like it.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


Average replies in topic/blog entry: 3-6   Say what. I feel ignored, you know. Yet I know that the world doesn't spiun around me, and that I can't force people to talk to me/like me, but that doesn't mean I am not wondered. Is it because I've been inactive for 2-3 days now? Or because I haven't updated my comics topic or epic yet? Or simply because I've become boring?   So, I'm sad because of the internet, because of Bzpower. Quite senseless, isn't it?  

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

"you Will All Be Assimilated!"

well, you haven't heard much from me, right? I haven't been online at all... but I have finished a picture. ^^   Borg Lady   High Resolution   I believe it turned out quite well, especially the shading... but I'd love to hear any suggestions/ideas/critism

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

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