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To me.=P   So I just got a letter in the mail from Creative Communications, a publishing company, saying that the poem I sent in for their contest has been selected to be published.     Another writing scheme successful!   -Raia-



Hello From Planet Homework

I seem to keep forgetting about BZPower...okay well, I'm just lazy. I'd like to give the SSCC an official apology for my being an imbecile...I keep committing to things I don't have time for and then abandoning them. It's one of my weaknesses, I'm afraid.:/   But yeah. I'm marooned on Planet Homework and the natives are restless. The rations of M&M's are getting low also. I need to pester the Mother ship to send me some more. Excuse me while I go construct a satellite.       Not to w



Yes, I'm Still Alive.

Woah, I haven't updated in a while. Tried to blog yesterday but BZP ate my entry and then it died on me.D= This song. It is awesome. Especially when a teacher randomly sings it for you while playing guitar and harmonica at the SAME TIME. Talk about multi-talented. How many roads must a man walk down Before you call him a man? Yes, 'n' how many seas must a white dove sail Before she sleeps in the sand? Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly Before they're forever banned? Th



Three Days.

Three days left.   OH. MY. FREAKING. GOSH.0:   My schedule for the next three days: Wednesday- English final, study hall, Math final, study hall, P.E. final Thursday (1/2 day)- Band final (a.k.a. kill time in the band room xD), 15 min. break, Spanish final Friday (1/2 day)- Computer Apps final, 15 min. break, Chemistry final   AND THEN MY HIGH SCHOOL SOPHOMORE YEAR IS OVER.8D   Also, today was my LAST DAY OF P.E. IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. Except the final. But...yeah. *zomgs*   -Raia-



Halp With Brickfair Art

I'm thinking about -maybe-, -possibly-, making some art to send off to Brickfair.   ...   What are your thoughts on this matter?   Also, ideas. Something awesome, but not too difficult to pull off-- simple, yet iconic of the Bionicle fandom. Also I have to be able to draw it as a traditional Bionicle drawing...I don't think HB would work too well for this.xD I was thinking maybees I would draw Mata Nui...but that seems too obvious. I dunno.0: But I need to decide really quick, cuz I'll b



Bring Me To Life.

How can you see into my eyes like open doors? Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb Without a soul, my spirit sleeping somewhere cold Until you find it there and lead it back home Wake me up (Wake me up inside) I can't wake up (Wake me up inside) Save me (Call my name and save me from the dark) Wake me up (Bid my blood to run) I can't wake up (Before I come undone) Save me (Save me from the nothing I've become) Now that I know what I'm with




School is oooooouuuuuut.   And suddenly, we go from 50 degree weather to high 80's within a week. What the heck?xD Ah well, that just means it's finally time to break out the shorts and sunscreen.   (fffffff I can't believe I'm freeee)   And I'm officially a senior in high school, and also co-captain of drumline. Sweet. B)   -Raia-




OMIGOSH SCHOOL IS OVEEEERR   :3   Now I can finally get to the important things--like running around like a chicken with its head cut off to get everyone's Christmas presents ready in time!xD And, of course, all the things I didn't do while procrastinating for Finals, such as studying for the ACT, which I'm taking in February. Personal projects--art and writing for my novel, collabs, etc--can also get some lovin' now. Yaaaay.<3   And, apparently I scored just high enough on my math fina



State Of Affairs

Oh, whoops, I died.>_>   Greetings, ladies and germs. I've been off in that land known as Real Life and I haven't come to BZP for a while...I kinda feel like I've grown out of this place.:[ But, I still love you guys, so here I am to give you a peek at my current state of affairs.   -Our microwave decided to die, and the replacement won't be in for a week if we're lucky. Soo I'm learning how to make do without for the mo. It's very weird.xD -Trying to cobble together a piece for a w



Aaand Bzp Returns.

AND THE CRAZEH EMOTIONAL BLOGGER IS BAAAACK   ...   I missed Raia-ology. But really, I have mixed feelings about the forums being back up finally...so much stuff got deleted.:< Why does this kind of thing always seem to happen to BZPower?;;   -Raia-



I'm Still Here.

To Lady Kopaka: I am always here. .... Except, unfortunately, past 8:30.>.> Silly goose. I am a question to the world, Not an answer to be heard. All a moment that's held in your arms. And what do you think you'd ever say? I won't listen anyway… You don't know me, And I'll never be what you want me to be. And what do you think you'd understand? I'm a boy, no, I'm a man.. You can take me and throw me away. And how can you learn what's never shown? Yeah, you



Sick Again.

Well, I caught another icky cold, I haven't been well-rested since October and my artistic motivation is a roller coaster of insane sky-highs and bamboozled bottom-of-the-ocean lows, but that's okay! We are all about optimism. And while my throat has a frog in it and my grade is slipping in my Pre-Calculus class, I'm a couple days ahead in NaNo now, so I can actually go to bed at a normal time tonight. Of course, I have to get an...EEG, I think it is--some kind of heart test--on Wednesday in



On Optimism And Inspiration.

For those of you wondering about my random change in theme...an explanation of sorts! Ah, loverly.   I've noticed lately that I'm at a point in my life where the world is starting to open up. The observations I make every day make the world a little more exciting. The choices I make every day make the world a little different. I'll get my driver's license soon. I'll start getting together material for college applications soon. I'll have to try to decide on a major, at least to start out




Uuuuuuggggghhhh...   Raia is sick today. She is also tired and miserable and rather warm, but she is too fond of the velvety soft scarf she is wearing which actually belongs to her mom to take it off and possibly cool off a bit. She also likes to snuggle in her cuddly black jacket with the neato aviator-style fastening things, which is probably why she's hot. (It's her security jacket.) That and, stupidly, she's sitting in the sun, where the laptop is. She could move the laptop, but no, he



How Not To Finish An Essay.

1) Do all the easy homework first. 2) Spend your free time drawing. And I mean ALL your free time. 3) Stay in your pajamas, to promote laziness. 4) Stare at a drawing of your favorite OC instead of staring at your paper. 5) Procrastinate until late evening. 6) Finally go back to the essay and start spouting nonsense. 7) Give up, don't write a conclusion, throw the essay in your bag, and then read the funnies for the rest of the evening.   DON'T FOLLOW MY BAD EXAMPLE GUYZ KTHX?   I haven



Here Comes The Sun.

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun, and I say it's all right Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here Here comes the sun, here comes the sun and I say it's all right Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here Here comes the sun, here comes the sun and I say it's all right Sun, sun, sun, here it comes... Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...



Movie Review: Twilight.

OOPS, I forgot to tell y'all what I thought of the movie!=O   So yeah. *Dons helmet*   Overall, the movie is very true to the book. That translates to mean that people who loved the book will love the movie, and people who hate the book or mock the book but refuse to be intelligent and READ THE DANG THING before they slander it will hate it. I should know, because I (foolishly) brought along a friend who had not read the book. She thought the whole thing was a laugh, and was preoccupied wi



Musical Mayhem.

Wooow, busy first days of April.-.-   So, alongside all the everyday catastrophes that are my life, Thursday I woke up and couldn't stand up straight. My dizziness had returned full-swing. I was sick to my stomach. So my mom fed me and my brother breakfast, dropped my brother off at school, and drove me to the doctor's. By the time we got there, first hour was over (which was bad, cuz I missed ensemble practice). Got looked over, got blood drawn and all that, got some medicine to try to he



Guess What?

I'm still writing that essay that's due tomorrow.     -Raia-




...try to bounce a bouncy-ball in the dark while walking down the stairs.   Especially if it's your brother's bouncy-ball, and not yours.>.>         WHAT?! WE HAVE ANOTHER PROJECT IN ENGLISH CLASS?!?! *asplodes*   -Raia-



A Small Bit Of Advice.

NEVER remove a staticky coat while listening to your mp3 player/iPod/whatever. You get shocked through the earbuds and the music goes KKKZZCCCHHT!   -Raia-



Neurologists And Mud Puddles.

Well, I went to see a neurologist today in my quest to discover the cause of the dizzy spells which I've been having randomly since a year ago. After being poked, prodded, and questioned, I have a new set of doctors to see. Whee. I just wish we could figure out what my problem is already...but at least the doc was nice. Apparently, she also saw me at the Marching Festival last week.xD It's such a small world!   What else have I been doing?...well, tests. Tests, timed writings, etc, etc.




...LEWAMAN.   Also, WIP. Basecolors, in PDN.=3 Detail/shading/fixing later, after AC16...and requests...and Christmas...@.@   In other news, my prayers go out to you, AA.   Edit: Whoa weird, I guess a blog leader person thing didn't like that...huh. How come these other guys can say that and I can't? That's just discriminatory. Or is it the thrice-accursed filter again?><   Great, you got me worked up. Wonderful.   -Raia-



The Best Drink Ever

Those new mocha frappes at McDonald's are to DIE for. Seriously. They are the nectar of the gods.     (what, were you expecting something else?)         Mkay, anyway, the real reason I am posting is because I'm bored of this blog theme and want a new one, but I can't decide what to do next...the random title "Karaoke Night in Kansas City" popped up in my brain, and I love that idea, but I didn't think it was the "right" one because someone who has never done karaoke simply should not have a



Four Days.

Four days left.   The school feels very empty now...graduation was last night. I uh, sort of forgot I was supposed to be there to play with the band.>.>; Fortunately my mother was not so forgetful and chivvied me there accordingly. That lasted like...three hours. Three hours I could have been doing a million other things. But at least I managed to glomp our senior drummer during a transition...I dunno if I'll ever see him again.;;   Oh, you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone.



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