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Judge Kraggh

As some of you might know, I am running for CoT RPG Judge. As will be necessary, my reasons will have to be clearly outlined so that people, particularly Kex, may decided for themselves to see whether I am appropriate for the job. In this entry, you will get a fairly good idea of what kind of person I am when it comes to this subject.   My Record   In this area, I have both my strengths and weaknesses. It is the main thing that most people bring up, and they are correct to believe it importan

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

The Benefits of Self-Expression

Here's a post in response to this entry. I thought it was worth reposting as its own entry. These thoughts are incomplete, by the way, so feel free to add to them.   I think you're just better able to express your thoughts. It doesn't make you a different person: you just find that you have a different way of interacting between environments. I don't see myself as being different people between my blog and my regular life either, just that I've found more than one way of expressing myself

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Fridge Brilliance

One thing I thought was cool about the opening to Superman Returns is that there is a hint of Also Sprach Zarathustra from 2001: A Space Odyssey in the Kryptonian Fanfare segment as the archived voice of Jor-El says that "You will travel far, my little Kal-El".   Now, rewind a bit, to the point where you're now at a point of time before this movie. In fact, we're going back in time before Superman comics. "Superman" is a rough translation of Friedrich Nietzsche's Übermensch (it can also be tr

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Batman Dance

Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Gonna make the Batman dance Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Gonna make the Batman dance   Ha ha hahaha! Haha hahaha! Go-tham muhaha! Gonna make Batman dance   Ha ha hahaha! Haha hahaha! Go-tham muhaha! Gonna make Batman dance   I'm laughing smugly, I'm laughing a wheeze I'm laughing as I bring Gotham to its knees I'm laughing of (of-of-of a little shove)   Your childhood trauma burned you like a brand You're not like them, your rage is just canned

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Poster Girl

When I revisited my old hometown college there was a poster up on the walls for a choir group called the Canons. It was a very simple poster with some information and a picture of a very pretty girl on the front (she had short hair, which is an uncommon fashion among girls that I personally find very attractive), except for some reason her wonderful features were covered by a big circle-slash NO sign. That kind of annoyed me and I wondered why it was there, so I read the headline that went wit

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

How is this plagiarism?

I was told to write a brief testimony in class starting with the phrase "Life hit me hard when". The teacher said it was okay to write something fictional if we didn't feel like sharing our actual experiences. So I wrote a note at the beginning of my writing:   "The following journal entry is a fictional account, due to the author's current inability to express his own feelings directly. Instead, he has opted to write about the feelings of an imaginary individual whose experiences and emotio

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

September 11, 2012

Dear Blog, It just occurred to me that my sister celebrates her golden birthday tomorrow, which officially makes her a preteen and separates her from the tragic events surrounding her birth by more than a decade. September 11, 2001 is today a day a mixed feelings for me. While thousands of people died, my mother was in the hospital pushing a new life into the world with all her might. In all this, I was in my aunt's custody, being told to watch the news for homework.   I knew then just as muc

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Is Batman Batty?

Recently I talked to a young man who wasn't impressed with Superhero movies lately. I asked about The Dark Knight Rises and he said he wasn't interested. Since it was a very interesting thing to say and he seemed to be the type of person who would like such drama, I decided to find out more about his perspectives. Here's his response:   "I'm not sure why people idolize him. Instantly to me I just see a rich billionaire go down and become a sick man who dresses up in a bat costume and goes ou

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Hilary Duff

Of all the teen music stars to come out of the Disney Channel, she was probably one only good ones. She also wasn't that bad of an actress. I still remember some of her great songs such as "Come Clean", "Someone's Watching Over Me", "Beat of My Heart", and "Hey Now". For the 00's pop music, this was actually noteworthy "real" music, so when I remember pieces like this I realize that the 00's were still worth it, and there's this hidden little bit of happiness somewhere in my chest that resurf

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Hip Action Figure of My Lifetime

Sure, it's really expensive, but I'm genuinely saving up to by one of the 5,000 authentic Helms of Sauron. There's not much that I desire more. Can you imagine how hardcore I would look wearing this on Halloween? I've decided I've moved past action figured and evolved into a figure of action myself.   Hopefully I can get enough art commissions this year to earn a few thousand dollars. If not that, then maybe over the course of the next few years. If I'm really lucky, I can also get the mone

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

The Roommate Connection

This doesn't come as a surprise to me, since I've seen it happen to others and people who have experienced it have told me that you feel as if you've known someone your entire after a few hours of being their roommate, but nevertheless, this is still the first time I have actually experienced it for myself as a reality instead of just an idea.   It's not the same as high school friendships. Heck, what is? The relationships I had in high school were built over the course of eight years, spannin

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

My Big Fat Italian Wedding

Last Friday on August 17 I attended a wedding for a second cousin I didn't know I had. She's of Swedish heritage, and the man she married was of Italian heritage. When I went to the reception, there was Swedish and Italian food. My favorite was the big blocks of cheese, which I cut several slices from over the course of the night.   The coolest part was the wedding singer. I've always wanted to go to a reception with a wedding singer. For that matter, I also always wanted to attend an Itali

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

The Bourne Legacy Review

I have only seen The Bourne Identity out of the prior Bourne films, which was a while back. I might not have even been a teenager, so my memory is a bit foggy. So while watching this film, I had no choice but to view it as a standalone, as I suppose it was meant to be. I'm used to watching series installments as standalones, which in a sense I can do if I've already seen the other films because my mind fills in the blanks without realizing it. This time was different, as the film looked to b

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Coming Next: The Bourne Legacy

I will be watching the midnight premiere of The Bourne Legacy in a few hours and writing my review within a few days. This will be the first time that I ever watch a sequel or remake in the theatres without being completely caught up with the series. Of the preceding films, I have only seen The Bourne Identity once upon a time, not so long after it came out. Therefore, when I review the film, I will judge it by its merits as a standalone and draw no comparisons to the other instalments unless

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean


This may seem cruel of me, but I always root for Argentina to get silver. That's why one day I hope that the Argentinians face off against Team USA in the final round instead of the semi-final round in basketball. Anyway, I hope they beat Spain and at least get bronze.  

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Sequels to Fairytales

The more I think about it, the more I realize that it's difficult to write a sequel to a story that was originally a fairytale with another fairytale. Neither can a fairytale have a second installment that flows more like a standard story. In order to write a sequel to be aesthetically pleasing, I've observed several methods that work:   -----   1. The Next Generation Peter Pan was a contemporary fairytale, and several sequels have been written for it, such as Hook. Hook was a good movie,

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Aly On the Floor

Congratulations to Aly Raisman for winning gold on the floor. She also won bronze on the balance beam thanks to a wonderful connection of pirouettes, but that was nothing compared to her floor routine. Right at the very beginning, it had the grace and the power necessary to win, and her execution was flawless. As they say in gymnastics, she stuck it. It's really nice to see a spotless performance without any noticeable flaws. Congratulations, Aly, you just delivered the greatest floor routi

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Courting Kansans

They're both raised in Kansas and lived on farms just outside of town, but they were also born in a faraway place that defies the mundane modern world. It seems that America's heartland bred incorruptible pure children, because these are two of the nicest people in all of cinema, and both quintessential characters in Americana.     I ship it.   Merida

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

John McClain

Seriously, the one thing that I didn't get in 2008 was why no one exploited this incredibly obvious pun. People make any and every pun possible during election season.   Merida

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Congratulations Michael!

Congratulations, Michael! 21 Olympic medals, 17 Olympic gold medals, 2 threepeats, and many more world records later, I'm not done cheering for you. Now there's only one more race to go. Here's hoping that you tie the previous maximum medal count with your golds alone.   It will be strange once you're gone, though. Your name has become synonymous with swimming, and there are still moments when your name comes up on screen and I think "Hey, that guy's name is 'fish'! Isn't that convenient?"

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

A Muted Superman

In recent years, Superman has had a bit of a makeover. On one hand, there's the version I really like from the New 52, which is exactly how I think Superman's costume would look like. Heck, if I has Superman's powers I would actually wear the same costume while going off to save the world:     What you can't see, of course, are the boots. They're there. The back of the cape also has a black S Shield on it, which is the only real issue I take with it, because it should either be yellow of

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

The Fab Five

I must congratulate the Fab Five for their outstanding victory in team gymnastics. I have never seen anything like it. As far as I could remember, the American team has always been an underdog in the gymnastic arena and medaling has always been a miracle. Never have I seen the American team come in with such clear power and establish themselves as a juggernaut. I still remember the outstanding challenges of the Magnificent Seven back in 1996, Dominique Moceanu's floor routine, and Kerri Stru

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

I Do Not Exist

The present is an illusion. Reality is in the mind, but I am only ever aware of whatever I was thinking moments before. Therefore, if I exist in the present, but the present does not exist, then I do not exist.   That is disturbing, but the sad thing is that I am not disturbed, because I cannot truly say anything of myself in the persent tense.   Merida

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Wieber's Failure to Move On

Today Jordan Wieber, American women's gymnast, failed to pass on to the final all-around by the slightest of margins. Even though she still gave one of the most powerful performances that would have otherwise qualified her, there is a strict 2-gymnast-per-country limit for the final round. Commentators and news anchors discussed whether or not this should be allowed, and there are diverging opinions. What's yours?   In other Olympic sports it's possible to have three people from one country o

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

What is a Fairytale?

Fairytales are wonderful stories that spring from archetypes hidden in our simplest of fantasies. At the center of it all is "The Hero". The main character is usually quite special for a number of various reasons. Sometimes he or she has a special talent, or he or she is royalty. Sometimes he or she is more persevering than everyone else or he or she has outstanding strength of character. Sometimes he or she is curious, or simply defies the expectations of society. Something makes him or h

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

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