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Taking Portraits

Perhaps not everybody is familiar with this situation, and I'm sure that many of you might have many different opinions on it, but I'm sure that many of you at least are aware that some people simply refuse to cooperate with their photo takers. In a family portrait, someone might decide not to smile and perhaps even pose or look at the camera.   Their common reasoning for this is simple: photos are meant to capture memories. Why lie about my feelings in this photo? I might as well be honest i

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Taken 2 Review

The general word on this film is that it is not as good as the first one, which I will agree with, although I will defend it by saying that it isn't necessarily bad. I think that the main fault is that he's mainly motivated by survival in this film, whereas in the first one his motivation was far more archetypal and hit a primal nerve in the audiences. He normally would have been too brutal of a main character, but it made sense because his daughter was kidnapped. This time, since he's the on

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Superman's Weaknesses: The Next Generation

We have justified his most famous weaknesses. We have examined the downsides to his abilities. Now it's time to invent some new problems for the Man of Steel. Considering that the Silver Age Superman was a bastion for creativity, it only seems fitting to be creative here and come up with some of the wildest things.   First, however, there's a weakness that has been in the running for a while but has long gone unmentioned, something that just might be his next Kryptonite if authors choose to g

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Superman's Weaknesses: The Classics

While I am all for the godlike Superman common in books like All Star Superman and Kingdom Come, which manage to be masterpieces because of how they explore the implications of that sort of power, I recall the good old days when Spiderman was my favorite superhero and enjoyed him for how complex his powers were. Since the New 52 relaunch, Superman got downgraded considerably and now has more weaknesses. Of course, it won't change much about objections people have to him, since he's evolved to

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Superman's Weaknesses: Technicalities

One of the things that makes Superman so fun is that a science geek can dissect his abilities and ruined everyone's fun by bringing up all the technicalities. It's also fun to try and explain how his powers should work, and there's even an entire book dedicated to that. Back in the day, the only explanation for his powers was that he came from a planet with greater gravity, which was all that was necessary for explaining his initial set of powers, which were limited to merely strength and spee

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Superman vs. Batman

Area of comparison: Everything. Just argue the heck out of which character you like more, which has a greater meaning, which is cooler, which is the crown jewel of DC, which you aspire more to be like, etc. Vote Now    

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Superman and Der Übermensch as Conflicting Roots for Worldview

The following is a worldview illustration, for worldviews are like tree trunks. The trunk begets the limbs which beget the twigs which beget the leaves, representing individual opinions and applications. In all its complexity, everything is derivative of the core idea, the trunk. Illustration enters into metaphor in the form of roots, which are the many arguments that support and form a basis for the worldview trunk. The argument here is made by comparing the end results of two classic liter

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean


I just remembered something yesterday.   Back when I was five or six years old, I imagined that the main villain of my series, which I now call Death, would grow out his fingernails and scratch stuff. I don't know why I imagined fingernails instead of outright claws, but perhaps I was too young to think outside of the box. Or maybe that kind of looks extra creepy when the fingernails of a dark hooded figure suddenly grow.   Basically whatever he clawed at would explode, which to me was a prett

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Superbowl LI

Woah. That was unprecedented. I don't normally watch Superbowls, and I don't normally say that that something was a "good game," but that was definitely a good game. The Patriots came back after a 25 point deficit, which is just extraordinary. And I just witnessed the first overtime in Superbowl history. I'm pretty glad that I joined a Superbowl party to watch this.   Also, Lady Ga Ga's live performance was pretty epic. Not gonna lie. And there was a trailer for Stranger Things 2, which w

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean


Because of his first entry, BenLuke-116 should totally name his blog Superblog.   Or the Blog of Solitude.   Merida

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Super Iowa

Superman has been portrayed by George Reeves and Brandon Routh, both natives to Iowa. While we're on it, I might add that Captain James Tiberius Kirk was born in Iowa, too. That is, the William Shatner version.   I would love to play either role in a movie or TV series. Probably not, but if I ever become an influential voice in the movie business I will make sure to get involved the next time the franchise is relaunched and make sure the actor is Iowan.   My second choice would be someone fro

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Super Bowl LIII

I arrived to the Super Bowl party late and only saw the last half of the fourth period. Fortunately, that was the only part worth watching anyway. Otherwise, I wasn't particularly motivated to watch this game, since I didn't have a horse in the fight and didn't care to win. Vikings are my homeboys.   With that being said, the results of this Bowl made me feel strangely...patriotic.   24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Sully Review

With most movies — even predictable ones — there's some basic level of suspense keeping you at the edge of your seat. Since most of us know the outcome of the miracle on the Hudson, though, this film is a little different. This is one of those movies that you hold up as an example of why you don't need suspense to keep a movie interesting. The focus of Sully lies more in educating the viewer on this historic plane crash and what happened afterward. The story is known to us; the exact details are

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Suicide Squad Review

Look at that poster. Doesn't it look fun? As in, everything's-off-the-wall-in-you-face-so-fun-that-it's-insane? I not only wanted to like this movie, but I also had a lot of confidence going in that I was up for a good time. My verdict now that I've seen it? Well...it's okay. It isn't bad, but - look, I'm not going to get too much into the details, but let me explain from the beginning.   The movie starts off pretty eccentric, finding fun ways of introducing us to all of these characters. It has

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Subscribe to PewDiePie!

Panic time, guys! Who would you rather be the #1 Youtube channel, an individual who embodies the Youtube ideals of people with ADHD vlogging for fun, or an established corporation that is merely using Youtube as one of many prongs in its multi-media empire? Subscribe to Pewds!   (Also, how do I talk him into going to the Amazon and doing that Bullet And ritual? How do I contact him, period?)   24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Stuffy Bilbo Baggins

Stuffy Bilbo Baggins lived in the Shire And frolicked in his ign'rant bliss of Smaug's hot burning fire Wise old wizard Gandalf loved that hobbit fluff And brought him Sting and daring acts to make his life real tough Stuffy Bilbo Baggins lived in the Shire And frolicked in his ign'rant bliss of a land most very dire Stuffy Bilbo Baggins lived in Bag End And frolicked in his ign'rant bliss of Gandalf's other friends Together they would travel on a very scenic tr

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Stranger Things 2 review

This is the reason why I've been singing Christmas carols early, in spite of people telling me that it's too early, because Halloween gave me a premature Christmas present.   Last year, the world witnessed the rise of a wonderful, rewatchable gem called Stranger Things, and because sometimes we can have nice things, we've been blessed with a sequel. Is it as good as the original? Heck yes.   My only real complaint is that it isn't quite as self-contained as the first, but otherwise, the show h

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Storks Review

A couple of friends of mine got married recently, and they called me today with news. Since I've been living sans Facebook these last several months, I'm late to the party: they're having a baby. Not only that, but he/she's due in three weeks. That was pretty big news to suddenly dump on me.   Anyway, so I saw this movie called Storks. Mind you, not a masterpiece of a movie. It starts off with stupid slapstick humor, and is abrasive in its pacing. A lot of stuff gets thrown at you, and it just i

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Steven Spielberg on John Williams

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJY5l6I253c&spfreload=1   This quote is amazing:   "“Without John Williams, bikes don’t really fly, nor do brooms in Quidditch matches, nor do men in red capes.There is no Force, dinosaurs do not walk the Earth, we do not wonder, we do not weep, we do not believe."   If I could just tell John Williams that he makes me cry, not just every once and a while when his movies come out, but every day.   24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean


"Starbuck doesn't act like a girl."   So said my sister halfway through the first episode of the Battlestar Galactica revival.   My thoughts: Says who?   No really, who says that her behavior isn't girly behavior? Obviously, there must be some standard that a person like my sister must compare Starbuck to in order to quantify her girliness and come up with a distinct measurement. Yet, who defined the standard for girliness? If I may take a moment to quote the ever-so-wise Kermit the Frog:   "

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Star Wars Episode VII

One Thursday evening, the exact time and date being 5:30 PM, October 25, 2012, I saw headlines on the internet about something called Star Wars Episode VII. Preposterous. Well, after I saw enough headlines, thinking for a while that people were running off of some sort of joke, I realized that something was up. I had always thought this was impossible. Star Wars was done. The trilogy was complete. Nothing more needed to be added. I had witnessed the completion of the saga within my life

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Star Trek: The Motion Picture Review

From the way fans describe this movie, you could almost swear the director was a Wal*Mart greeter. Fans of Star Trek love to rant about which movies they hate, and this is usually near the top of the list. I don't know: from what I remember of The Journey Home, I actually prefer this. It has its charm, and something to fall in love with, although it's definitely not one of the best ones out there.   It's primary fault is that it feels more like an extended episode with a high budget. Chief a

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Star Trek Into Darkness Review

How to watch this: Wear a Starfleet shirt Wear Vulcan ears (or Shatner's old toupee) Watch The Wrath of Khan first Make sure you go to a theatre with a large silver screen Rinse and repeat Don't let the name fool you - this isn't a dark movie. In fact, though there is more emphasis on the villain's character this time around, I would consider 2009's Star Trek a darker film. I had several misconceptions going in that perhaps foiled my ability to fully appreciate this. For example, the tr

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

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