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Superman vs. Batman

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: Area of comparison: Everything. Just argue the heck out of which character you like more, which has a greater meaning, which is cooler, which is the crown jewel of DC, which you aspire more to be like, etc.

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Daleks. The only reason that Oswin could access the Pathweb is because she was part of it. R2, on the other hand, has to use specifically designed ports for hacking.


Also, daleks have lasers.

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R2 would hack into the Daleks and get them asking "R2D-who?"

Just because they don't remember R2 as an enemy doesn't mean they wouldn't try to exterminate him. When the Doctor reappears on the Dalek ship in Asylum of the Daleks, they still cry "exterminate!" even as the TARDIS is materializing. R2 wouldn't be able to fly away fast enough.

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:kaukau: The Daleks may not have stormtrooper aiming, but they make up for it by saying "Exterminate!" fourty-two times before actually firing. R2 would have the time.


So the way I see it, here's how they stack up:

Better: R2D2

Fight: Even

Endearing: R2D2



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R2D2 easily, and to add another form of competition, pretty sure he's faster. R2 would win in a race. Dalek might have more of an edge in an airborne race, but on ground, R2 is quicker.

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Except for the part where Daleks don't always do the exterminate yells, as seen in Asylum of the Daleks, in the scene where Rory is fleeing through the "Ballroom." Take into account the Dalek Husks, too. Humans that can sneak up and trigger at exactly the right moment to ambush.


As for ground speed, that's irrelevant. Daleks have space ships that can obliterate planets. I don't care how plucky and adorable your little pilot droid is, they can't fight a missle barrage that wipes something off the galaxial map.


As for your rating for "fight," Kraggh, how is R2 even remotely even with Daleks?

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:kaukau: The Daleks die whenever they encounter clever characters. R2D2 is very, very clever. If Stephen Moffat and Goerge Lucas did a crossover, the story would be in R2's favor.


Likewise, the Doctor could beat the Borg and Picard could beat Daleks. It's within their nature.



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The Daleks die whenever they encounter clever characters. R2D2 is very, very clever. If Stephen Moffat and Goerge Lucas did a crossover, the story would be in R2's favor.

That's only because the good guys always win. Cleverness has nothing to do with it. The good guys always outsmart the bad guys.

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:kaukau: Exactly.


Although if we were pairing off Herbie the lovebug against the Daleks, I'm pretty sure Herbie would be martyred protecting a human character.



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Cleverness has nothing to do with it in this case, though. R2 is outmanned, outgunned, outsped, and basically doomed from the get-go, especially when you consider an enemy as tenacious as the daleks, who not only manage to be the most feared race in the galaxy, but never actually die.

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:kaukau: Throwing in a vote for my own question...


Coolness: John Conner

Conflict: He wouldn't win in a straight fight, but in an overall conflict I'd have to say that the story definitely favors John Conner. He has, after all, twice survived time-traveling robots that were more efficient killers than the Daleks. Coupled with a resistance at his back, access to time-traveling technology of his own, and tactical brilliance as an adult that lead to the eventual downfall of a world-wide machine empire that resorted to time-traveling assassinations just to take out their personal nemesis, I'd root for this robot slayer over the giant salt-and-pepper shakers any day.

Endearing: Tie. The Daleks have been around longer and received more attention by the nature of being recurring television characters, but John Conner became an iconic figure before he was even born.

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Daleks. Your inherent logic in Conflict is wrong because, again, planet obliterating missle barrage. =P


Not to mention that the human form is terribly inefficient for robot design, and also the fact that I'm almost certain that the Daleks have committed genocide, where the Terminators have merely tried.

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