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I'd seen some of it before, but was too freaked out at the time to finish it.   But I watched Signs in full tonight... very good. Gave me the creeps a lot. But it wasn't just full of cheap scares and gore and stuff that a lot of other thrillers/horror/suspense flicks have. This was good.   So if you haven't seen it find a way. Netflix has it on instant watch, if you have an account.   Also the creepiest parts were towards the beginning... with the creature on the roof... I saw something move.



*smashes Gnomelet*

No, this isn't another Anti Magical Critter campaign. It's just them gnomelets have hidden my green Kualsi and both my Matthias and Vezon capes. Now I can't finish Seyna. Curse you, gnomelets! -Taipu- (really Bunda)




Caught my first ever Pokémon shiny in Black yesterday~   Blue stripe Basculin. Not the shiny I would have chose, but shiny is shiny. He's Brave. Which is meh.



Unity, Duty, And Destiny

Bionicle's end spoilers:   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «It says Teridax was killed by Destiny. But don't Aqua Magna and Bota Magna represent Duty and Unity? Rubbish.  Also, everyone in Metru Nui is dead and everyone everywhere else is upside down and probably buried in dirt that's fallen from the floor. And everyone and everything on Bota Magna and Aqua Magna is dead too. And when Teridax fell sprawled on Bara Magna (just how big is that planet, anyway?) he squashed who k



The Orange Box

Finally getting it tomorrow, should keep me busy 'til Reach, and beyond. It's sad that the only Valve game I've played has been Portal.




anyway, i wwas thinking , like, maybe i Shoudl make a walknig chair fdor my bBCC entree you know?!?! it's so cool my mom syas I should enter it in sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many contest lolololol!   I lold so much lol.     anyway my bbcc entree is soo wayy coolm, like TOMs or dart hvader or somethingg   its like ARGUWE my SMAL LITTL SLAVES LOLOL!?"     anyaway, rock on andf may the be with yu lol. its like the sickest thing av



Jetfire Kills Decepticons With His Cane

That was pretty cool. B) Overall, I'd say Transformers 2 was decent. About half of the movie could... should have been cut. This includes every failed attempt at humor. And that college kid that tagged along. And the twins. Most of the mistakes seemed to happen in the beginning... and then they just carried through. And that sucks. Seriously, the beginning was terrible, but once things really started exploding things got pretty cool. And not all the Decepticons were silver! The va



Bionicle 2009

Dunno why the pic quality is so awful, but you can find BZP's reviews if you want more detailed pics of each set.   Okay, don't be a hater, but Bionicle 2009...   ... was my favorite year. Set-wise.   *rotten tomatoes from '01 fans*   BUT WAIT I DID LOVE THE MATA MASKS AND TOOLS. THOSE WERE GREAT.   And there are some serious duds in the '09 lineup as well. I just got Vastus in the mail. Ick. But at the same time, 2009 has some of the best looking sets in... well, forever. Ackar is gorgeo



Speed Racer

Just watched it. It felt like I was on drugs. So many colors. Bright lights. @_@ It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it was predictable. I guessed something wrongly once. And Jack lol. Point is... I'm glad I didn't see it in theaters, but it isn't bad to rent. The colors were pretty and the style was cool, and the vikings redeemed most of it's flaws. In fact, most of the off road race was pretty cool. Three stars lol. @_@ BtB



Read This.

What's your favorite type of music? I like... I'm not really sure. Folky jazzy poppy light female singers, I suppose. And CF: I don't like Transformers because the plot is a typical , tasteless explosion fest. Call me a psycho. BtB




» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I think I see trans Mahri tubes. And reddish brown. =3 I retract some of my previous comments about Tuma. I knew the early pics were making him look worse than the final product would, but I didn't anticipate such a huge difference. The incredible mask, as well as the lumbering form and backswords, makes him look imposing and... well, cool. The only aspects that I still truly loathe are the legs and feet, which are messy and



Steampunk Exo Toa

WANT TO MAKE And this entry only has one comment. I would almost think you don't want me to post MOCs anymore. ;_; Oh and I think I finished Ihu but there's something wrong with the shoulders but I don't know what it is so I don't know how to fix it and I don't know what to do woe is me I don't know I'm trying to make this sentence really long and use "don't" as many times as possible I don't want to but the little green men and Lluvio are making me halp don't they say but whatever I don't




I'm 17 now.   I can't buy Bionicle sets anymore. D=   According to the box, anyway.   ~Bunda




They're so talented but their lyrics are so loldrama that it's hard to enjoy them.   There's so much music I want to buy and I don't know where to begin...




Cera's batteries powered on, and her mind flickered to life. She felt good! Last night she had been up late constructing her latest invention, a scrubber-bot, to accompany her sweeper-bot. Her power centers had begun to overheat, necessitating the action the Matoran dubbed "sleep."   Her mind began to wander as first one, then another of her logic and processing centers turned on. Within no time all 68 of them were active and she began her day's activities.   The AI pulled up her messe




I'm really liking the Zune software for Windows. Prettier and faster than iTunes (doesn't have TV or movies, though, but we can use Amazon for that, can't we?), and better by far than the other media players that come with Windows. I don't know why Zune doesn't come pre-installed.   In other news, I just bought all the Eisley EPs and Keane's Perfect Symmetry, so some nice musics for me. I guess I prefer to fill out my collections of artists I already like. I should probably experiment more.



* Gurgles Happily *

The wings I got on Vamprah weren't silver and black. They were silver and gunmetal. I shall put this to use on my Gali Mistika that I'm making for my contest. BtB



Score! Purple!

I went to the Wal Mart McD's to get some Mango Pies, (disgusting, as were the Bannana and Haupia. I'll stick with apple from now on) and I went to see if they had the new Halo figures in stock. They didn't, but I found Dark Panther, Storm Lasher, and Grievous' Starfighter for super cheap! DP=$5, SL=$7, and GS=$7. They may have had more, but those were all I saw. Strangely, the Mahri still weren't on sale... Needless to say, I got DP (Purple!) and SL. Even though Panther has Purple, (Purple



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