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Now In Orange And Black Flavors!

They taste the same, but th-- *cough cough cough* Sorry, must've swallowed a toe-nail. They taste the same, but they look different! >> << I love Homestar Runner. BtB



Bungie's Next

So rumors say Bungie's next project is a sci fi FPS MMO. On the 360, Playstation and I assume PC.   But Xbox LIVE does not support MMOs.   I call lies and falsehoods. Not sure if the falsehoods are on the rumor's side or on Microsofts for denying us of MMOs for so long.



Not Happy, No.

I want to enter the Makuta contest in Dalek's blog, but I have something that's black and red built. I can't take pictures of said-thing, and I can't take it apart... ohs noes. DOWN WITH FAIRIES. BtB



Bbc 61

Someone should make Sergeant Johnson. Because I'm sitting this one out and he is the MANLIEST MAN even though he's kind of old and DEAD BY LASERS.   Also, anyone who makes Chuck Norris INSTANTLY LOSES MY VOTE because that joke is tired and old and I meant that in SEVERAL WAYS.



Bunda's Been Buisy Buildin'

EDIT: I have two new MOC topics up. Please check them out: Spider Vahki & Barraki Combo.I've made a PBZP, and two Dark Hunters since BBC #41 ended. One of the DHs is my own creation, Dead Wing, the other is... Lariska! Yes, I decided to take a crack at the dagger throwing Dark Huntress. I must say, I'm rather pleased. She's red and white, and, of course, she's a Xian. Why do most people think she's a Xian? I have no clue. Anyways... I began building something before BBC #41, something large




It's scary how close I was to not entering. Would someone confirm I made a record? [^CLICK^] *waits for Shine to chew off fingers* -Taipu- (really Bunda)



Bundalings! New Moc!

I am surely Bundalings again. I feel better now that I've left that reptilian persona behind. Enough of that, I've just posted an MOC! About time! Pohatu Nuva: Best of Both Worlds. Etc. etc... ~Sr I mean: BtB



Project Toamod Mistika

I'm remaking the Toa Mistika as the entry to my blog contest. Right now I've got Tahu and Onua pretty much done. Gali is still a gunmetal, lt blue and dk blue Inika. She must be fixed. Onua: I used the basic body design of Pohatu Phantoka. His arms are attached differently, but whatever. He's got black no-toes Inika feet. I would use toed but I has none. I'm using all those lovely Nuparu Mahri armor pieces... He's got a Midak and a Quake Breaker. And fingers. He is dk bley and black, w




Frodo, don't wear the Ring! I know it's very tempting Yes you will appear to disappear But those Black Riders, they'll know you're there! BtB



Chronicles Of O D S Steve

Read all 44 of them yesterday and I love 'em.   "How on earth is Steve able to carry two Spartan Lasers?"   "We have no idea!"   ~Bunda



Much Better.

The white was bugging me so I painted it black. Much better. I'll be doing this from now on.   Suicune next...   I had Lapras for almost two weeks lol.   ~Bunda



I'm Thankful For...

Squirrels.   Also, going next door (to CC's fambly's house etc.) for eating the foodstuffs. But back still hurts and my stomach is grumbly so I don't know if I will be able to eat without puking etc.   But mom says drinking barley green will make my stomach better, so she's going to put a pin on my nose so I'll have to breathe through my mouth then she will dump the noxious liquid down my throat.   this is highly bad etc   YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO DRINK GRASS   ~Bunda



Question For You

Vipera is not very stable. I've modified it a bit so it's better than it was, but too much of the weight is on the back end. So... I could either give it a trans support, or I could try to make it a quadruped or something. Thoughts? Yes, this is for Brickfair. WAIT I just thought of something that could be awesome but ideas are still welcome. BtB



Shiny Ho Oh

I has (six, actually).   Cookie Child got it from someone and then cloned it for me. It's untouched and has a pretty good nature.   It certainly looks legit, but I don't know. I can't see any flaws with it, though.   The one thing that's suspicious about it is the date. It says Sept. 1, 2009. Does this mean the day it was transferred from Emerald or the day it was caught? If the former, there's nothing wrong with the Pokemon, as far as I can see. If the latter, it seems unlikely they would ha



Kamitsu's Pain Is Up!

BtB Edit: Anyone who can help me with color codes, please tell me the codes for Red and Brown. I'm having trouble with my sig.



Spring Cleaning In The Summer...

I finally sorted my entries into topics. They were all over the place, and I had several categories that were quite needless, such as Bionicle, Internet and BBC Contests. I just sorted those into Lego, BZPower, and MOCs. As soon as my compy gets here I'll make some fancy buttons and such and organize my content blocks into shiny goodness. And I'm already tired of this name. I want to be Bundalings again. I'll ditch purple typing when I change my name back too. Not that I'm tired of the col



Creepy Coincidences

This is so creepy.   I was thinking about changing my name... so I went to see if enough time had passed. It said that I last changed my name on November 7th, at 9:46 PM. And I went to the page on December 7th, 9:46 PM.   The exact same thing happened last time I was thinking of changing my names too. I went to change my name and it was the exact time on the same date, a month later.   I was, and am, too scared to change my name after that.   Still suuuuuuper depressed about possibly havin




I watched it last night. The anime version, that is. The art style was... I just didn't like it. I think they were trying to make it look old style or something? It was weird though, since the main robot girl looked like pretty normal anime stuff, while a bunch of the other characters just looked strange. I liked the final scene. It was cool. The music in it was lulz. I really liked the music in the whole thing. So overall I enjoyed it, I just had to phase out the annoyingness of the ar



Believe It Or Not

This RPG was actually fun at one point. Like, before I made an IC post. I should hurry up and make that duckweed girl so I can get some interaction... *waits for Exo Fat's Undercity RPG to win the RPG contest that hasn't been announced yet so he can play* BtB



I Got My Pieces...

I got my pieces that I ordered. They came a few days ago. You'll be able to see alot of them in my BBC entry. BtB



The Bunny Now Owns Nocturn And Bionicle Wolrd...

Yes, the bunny ventured out of his burrow today, something he doesn't do often. I got two things I've been wanting: Nocturn and BIONICLE World. BW finishes my 2007 bookline to date, and Nocturn is the last of the 2007 medium sets to date I need to purchase. Now for the Hydruka and Mahritoran. If you don't have Bionicle World, GET IT! I read almost all of it in the car on the way home from B&N. It's awesome. I love the illustrations and and info in it. I was surprised by so much. If you have



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