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Lol Me Epikz

THIS IZ MY EPIC!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11   read it or DIEEEEEE!! :burnmad:   INTRODUCTION, U NOOB   tahoo was a toa. he was a big toa.   with a great rore 1 dai he wuz like " makootaz suxxorz"   makuta herd dis and wus angwy. so he wnet to aruba and becaim a pirit.   so ten makuta was all lick " OWNED"   anid ten tahu punchd gali in da SHOLDER   she yelld at him and sed " 4EVA"   so ten lewa wuz swinngng frum a mushroom and he impLODED!!!!111     ok so

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Status Side Bar

Check out my new side bar. Pretty nifty eh.   Just for the record, my healthbar is for how close I am to getting grounded.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

New Blog Title

I need a new blog title. Strange Compulsions just isn't strange anymore. I need something new. Something bold! Any suggestions?   Anyway, I'm going to make an epic called 'A world gone mad'. Look out for it next Saturday!

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens


I passed my math test. As a treat I give you...   lol me comidie!   Yes, thats right! The one no one wanted! The one no one saw coming out left field! The one with the chainsaw!!!!!   Er, well maybe all of those except the last.  

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens


Math test tomorow. If I fail I'm grounded. Wish me luck! It snowed here by the way. Granted, it all melted soon after it hit, but hey, at least its snow.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Job Time!

Good news everbody, I got a job at Chick-Fil-A. Bad news is, less BZP time. I'm going to try to start next week, so I have until monday to finish up all my projects.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Save Uncle Krekka!

Alright, time for another petition. But this time, I don't think I'm going to step on anyones toes.     So who's the petition for? It's to save Uncle Krekka.   And who's he? He's a member of BZP, a participant of Bionicle Kingodms:Downfall, and a darn good artist.   And just why does he need saving? Because he somehow got the idea that his art is not apreciated no matter how good it is. And because he doesn't think that his art is apreciated, he's leaving.   And why should I care? Be

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Uber Bad News

I'm grounded.   Wel I'm not technically grounded. But I failed my Latin test (69%). However, because I busted my butt trying to pass it, I might not get grounded. My mom's going to talk to my dad tonight. Depending on how good of a mood he's in. So, I might not get on after this.   Anyway, a toast to my second coming no matter how short it will be!

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

The Good And The Bad

Good news and bad new everyone.   Good news: I might get a job a Chick Filet. This means I get money!   Bad news: I'm probably going to close my comic. I'm not into it as much as I was when I started. It's just not holding the joy of when I first started. Plus, if I get the job I'm going to have a lot less time on my hands. However, I'm going to switch over to that one sprite comic as a co-author. I'm going to try to daily update there.   The Ugly: School starts back up tomorro

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens


Good new everyone, I've got a wireless router and recoverd my sprites.  

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Happy Nothing

Nothing? Sorry, I meant New Years.   Well, not really. I just got punk slapped by life today. You see, I had all my sprites in a CD. When the old computer crashed, I lost all of my sprites, but I had most of them backed up on the CD. Well it turned out that the CD went blank. Thus, I've lost almost three years of sprites. THREE YEARS! Luckily, I think I have some backups somewhere on the net. Best case senario, I recover everything I really need, and I'm back online and running. Wor

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens


Happy IGD everyone! And remember, you only have till midnight to get in your photos.   Major Kudos if you post in my new AMV

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Rants About The Bionicle Artwork Forum

And this time, it's about something other than breasts.   Anyway, I've been noticing a surge of artpad topics on the artwork forum. Not that it hasn't happened before. For the most part, Artpad works like a zombie. It comes, and then it dies and then just when you think its dead, it comes back again. It's fluctuated like that since... well, every since I've been here that's for sure. However, this time Artpad has made such a strong recovery from obscurity that not even I could have predict

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Back In Black

We're back! And upon reviewing my comics I got a good sized dosage of how just how amazing I am.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

De Comica

Just thought I might want to warn you guys. Tommorow I'm starting my comics back up. I've decided not to continue PLOT 2.0 (or lack of one therefore) and switch back to PLOT 1.0. Which means I'll be picking up right from where I left off in the white space. The reason for the switch was because I really liked 1.0 because it gave me a nice backdrop, and the fact I had a script for about 50 comics made right before I got grounded.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

International Gato Day.

That's right, you read the title right. I declare December, 29 international Gato day. I'm going to come up with some banners and avatars and we'l have ourselves a blast. And also if you do any of the following and PM me a picture of yourself doing it, not only will you get +5 respect points but you will be put up on my brand new/yet to be made list of awesome people.   List of things you can do: *Stalking Omi *Playing video games all day *Making fun of noobs in general *PMing me telling

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

I Hate...

I am just simply starting to hate weekends *le gasp* and Christmas *second le gasp*. Every one just seems to be off and they decide, "Hey, let's go to BZP and stealzorz us some bandwith LAWLS." And then they promptly do. Then I'm left with a server down message.

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens


Brief update here. I'm not going to release any of my works right now. Why? I have a latin test coming up right before Christmas break and if I fail it I'm grounded all break. So I'm not going to start anything just yet. But if I pass, El Queso Gato will strike again!

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

I'm Eating Apples

And they taste pretty darn good.   Now I was wondering. As you may or may not know, I was up till recently doing comics. However, my computer crashed and I lost a whole ton of my comics and all my sprites. Recently, I've gotten some of my sprites back and I was thinking about restarting my comics. Now here's a question, do I pick up right where I left off (in the whitepace) or do I start afresh?

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

Return Of The Flaming Undead Monkeys

My day was pretty uneventful. I did my school. Made my new Music video. Ate some apples.... now what was I going to do...   Hey Wheat, we have a problem   What is it now Rage. I was just trying to remember what I was going to do.   There's a bunch of flaming undead monkeys out there with grapefruits. They have seven and eleven on it. They say they want Amorous.   Oh yeah. I needed to bribe them again. So they want Amorous eh.....   Don't look at me like that. 0_0   Now now, don't wo

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens


:wakeup2: I'm a Ninja.   Why do you even keep us around.   Because, you have nothing better to do.   Have you ever noticed how many useless smilies BZP has? Like...     Hey, I liked that love sign one!   I thought you would.   Filler

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens

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