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Crashing the Lileep Market

having finished the Hoenn Dex, I'm now moving on to completing the National Dex to make SRing for the remaining legendaries much less painful. Granted, I already had decent luck, but Entei streched on for longer than I would have liked.   How I'm doing this is hatching Lileep. Lileep after Lileep after Lileep. I toss one into the GTS asking for the Pokemon I need, and almost without fail, I get it.   While I've been doing this, I've also bee watching Psych to keep myself entertained, because hat

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To All My 'WriMos

I queued this up November 2nd for all us winners. I'm sure we all hit our goal, and even if we didn't, you did something bold this month. So, regardless, congratulations.   Unless you signed up and did absolutely nothing. In that case, the frick, dude?

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I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed: And on the pedestal these words appear: 'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!' N

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imagine your favorite animal is giraffes. You adore giraffes, and have dedicated a sizable chunk of your life to learning everything there is to know about giraffes. You are a giraffe expert.   Now imagine that there was a highly influential movie about giraffes released a couple decades ago, one that spawned an entire giraffe franchise. People would expect you to be ecstatic, but you can’t be. Why?   Because the giraffe movie made giraffes thirty feet tall, purple monsters with rams horns and b

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NaNo Day 2 (with excerpt)

I was so pleased with a bit of my writing today (that was mostly BZP appropriate, no less!) that I wanted to share it.   Granted, no one on this site has shown any particular interest in my novel, but hey, what the heck? Maybe someone will like it.

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NaNo Day 1 Roundup

went to a Caribou Coffee because i wasn't feelin' it at home and typed enough words for two days. Good to have a buffer for when the words aren't flowing quite as much. It also set up a good platform from which to launch a good chunk of the novel. The beginning should flow fairly well from here, even though most of it is likely terrible.   I'd post a link to what i've written so far but it has swears in it because im a naughty girl. idk i guess i could ask a staff member if it's okay if i say it

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doing it this year hopefully. I missed it last year but the year before that was my best WriMo yet.   I'm going to take another whack at the novel I've been fine-tuning in my head. It has aliens, robots, preachy environmentalism, all hallmarks of my writing.   I even have a couple of concept paintings I did to get some actual visual ideas of what's going on out there.   Last time, I failed because I had bland characters in an interesting story. This time, I've got a mildly better idea who some o

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Potential Akamai 2015 Starting Point

The grey Technic bits should be an almost-perfect stand-in for the gearbox piece. I haven't tested the stability of it IRL because I obviously can't, but the torso should be fit snugly against the gearboxes, even if it doesn't have a fixed connection to it. Hopefully the new heads will lift the face out of the "scarf" enough to not inhibit movement. The colors are messy because I wanted it to be clear I was using pieces from all three. The gold pieces are obviously stand-ins for the new gold arm

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Rules Inconsistency

The rules ban the discussion of politics and religion, yet for some reason discussion of the Great Pumpkin, arguably an equally controversial topic, is still allowed? Explain yourselves, staff.

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I've noticed, especially on tumblr, a lot of people attempting to push the term "ohwunners" as a term for people who irrationally dislike the new Bionicle. Its origins are obvious; it comes from the term "genwunner" used in the Transformers and Pokemon fandoms, only with "ohwun" used to allude to Bionicle's first year.   To me, that seems like a misnomer. People who loved 2001 above all other years actually seem to be the most vocal supporters of the new Bionicle. In fact, if anyone has shown th

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Lunar Lim(onua)

I've commented a couple times that I wished Onua's silver armor was gold to make his colors more cohesive, but I hadn't actually thought to do a test to see how that would look until now.   Honestly? I'm impressed. Replacing the silver with gold makes his colors have a decent spread and layering. By cutting out the silver, his colors really are more cohesive as a whole.   I understand their reasons for not making the piece in two colors when it's only used in one set, but I think it's unfortunat

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Intelligence vs. Wisdom

Intelligence is knowing Mata Brown was actually a shade of orange   Wisdom is not using it to build a pumpkin   (inb4 BUT WHAT ABOUT THE STEM)

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Classic BZP

Remember back in 2010-2012 when if you so much as whispered the word "gay" your blog would explode in controversy as people tried to tell you you're wrong and disgusting as passive-aggressively as possible?   Haha. Good times.   Old BZP was terrible.   (of course now I can say I'm a lesbian all I want thanks to the work of the administration :3 )

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It seems I ran my mouth a little in the Otoko topic without being quite certain what I was talking about. I asked my friend/acquaintance (the latter is probably closer to the truth but maybe if i hope enough it's the former) Tolkien (the living BZPower linguist, not the dead LotR linguist) if Latin counts as a dead language, and he said no. Guess I should have consulted him on the matter before causing a ruckus.   That being said, the crux of my main argument wasn't that Latin fits the exact lin

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Neon Genesis Evongelion

I am fully aware that IfB is pretty much solely ripping off Pacific Rim but that cannot stop me from making Evangelion references everywhere   it may seem like I have proportions down pat but this only has decent proportions because I directly traced over Shinji Ikari.   The shading was mostly me, though. I'm actually pretty happy with that aspect. (besides the fact that I completely forgot to shade the chair, that is)   I don't know why I'm talking so much about the quality considering I drew t

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A few things about Bionicle 2015...

It should come as no surprise to anyone if they try to recapture the setting and mood of 2001-2003. After all, sales were at their highest then; if they want to make this go big, they're going to go back to what drew people in in the first place. I've said it again and again, but it's worth repeating: a reboot is absolutely going to happen. If it doesn't, I still won't think it isn't the best decision, I'll merely question LEGO's decision, because a continuation or soft reboot/time skip are far

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BZPower Comics Culture

Let's start this off simply: I have been a member of the BZPower comics community since December of 2007, or almost seven years now. I've been involved in this community for longer than Dark709 at this point (as he started making comics in 2004, and left the site in '09-'10). As such, I'd like to think I've learned a lot about the interesting sort of culture that has formed there for practically a decade now.   If I had to describe it, and if I weren't prone to theatrics at the time, I'd describ

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Continuation Vs. Reboot

Okay, imagine this: imagine if, in order to understand any new Transformers series, you had to watch the entirety of the G1 cartoon.   Now, imagine if, instead of running for three years, it ran for ten.   Now imagine if it wasn't actually a cartoon, but a story splattered across books, comics, online serials, winning BZP stories, and random answers from the author lost to time.   Now imagine if it didn't gain a massive following, but more of a niche audience, when it first aired, thus making ac

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Bring Back Hero Factory Club

So, as of today, Bionicle's return in 2015 is confirmed. Which means LEGO is banning the Hero Factory toyline, even though it's story didn't even get to finish. That's why I want all the fans of Hero Factory to come together and barrage LEGO with complaints. Demand LEGO finish Hero Factory! Bring back my favorite toyline! Force LEGO to repeal the ban on Hero Factory! Who's with me?

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New User Name

figured it had been a while since my last change, and I recently played FE:A, so why not? Besides, it complements my name on another site.   The only downside is my username no longer matches my custom member title, but I should be eligible for a new one because of my MOCs on the circuit anyway so it shouldn't trouble me for too long.

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