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Another Virus

Well, sort of.   This time it's inside me as opposed to my computer. This morning I had trouble waking up and felt really nauseous. When I wasn't even able to take two bites of cereal (which hopefully was weevil free), my parents decided I should stay home for the day. I had a nap and a small piece of turkey pot pie (leftover from Canadian thanksgiving) and I'm feeling better now, but certainly not 100%.   On a more positive note, I beat Lego Star Wars II over the long weekend and I'm almos



The Attack Of The Rain, Part I I

Today was the day I was going to make another effort at getting a summer job (yes, I know it's a bit late, but I've been pretty unlucky so far). Now I had a mix up with my mom about the times and left an hour later than I should have and thought that the place would close an hour later as well. Even then, I thought I was early so I got a hair cut and that ending up taking another hour. When I finally got there (no thanks to a late bus), it was closing time so I had to go home empty handed. A



I'm Free!

I'm finally free of schoolwork and exams.   I'm not sure how I did on the exams, but I do know that it's not physically possible for me to fail (exams are only worth up to 30% and I had high enough marks that my exam marks are negligible; needless to say, I still would like a good mark). Hopefully I can now get back on track with my BZP stuff (specifically my job as a FT Member), not to mention my epic, TOTA, and Flash movie. Also, I'll be trying to update this blog a bit more so I at least



Feature Movies

Now that I'm free from school, I have so much free time on my hands, it's not even funny. To entertain myself, I've decided to re-watch some of the movies I have. Today, I watch Fellowship of the Ring and I'm glad to say that I actually understood what was going on this time. Although the Gandalf vs. Saruman scenes could have used a little more pyrotechnics, I have a much better appreciation for the movie. In the days to come I'll be watching the rest of the series and a few other random mov



YouTube Rant

So I’m a productive adult. I’ve got a job and friends and things are pretty good when you average everything out. I’m entitled to a little mindless television every now and then. But, as a major cheapskate millennial and someone who hates media commitments because of how seriously he takes them, I don’t have TV so I just bum around watching cruddy YouTube videos in my recommended videos feed to opiate my brain from a long day of thinking and worry.   And here’s what grinds my gears, what get



Chop Chop!

Yes, I know I'm a little behind on things at the moment, but now that I've finished the bulk of my Reference Keeper duties, I'm hoping to start working my projects again. However, I say this tentatively, as I go into Independent Study Unit season at school: giant projects in eight courses, great.   So, the three things I'm planning right now are (in order of priority): A giant blog entry detailing my trip to the Dominican Republic over the March Break. A new chapter for Wildfire (after near



Oh, The Temptation

There are just so many good contests this summer and so little time to do them in!   True, I've gotten the Mantax Facts PSA [/subtle advertising] out of the way, but I've still got two more chapters of Wildfire and the rest of school to get through.   Now, if I'm going to enter the S&T and Epics contests, I'm going to have to delay Wildfire even further. From the way Dark Mirror is going and the way The Kingdom went, I don't think I'm in any danger of Greg "stealing" my idea for the end



Old Age

My house is over the hill. Not physically, mind you, but in age. And because it is so old, various things decide to die at inconvenient times. Last year, it was the air conditioner and the pool heater, in the winter, the roof kicked the bucket, and now the phone-line is down.   But then how am I posting this? Well, when my family first moved here, we had a second phone-line put in for the dial up modem. When we got high-speed, we just left it there and never used it. Now, though, we had a



An Empire Expands

Oh, the Barraki only wish they had it as good as I do.   Yup, that's right, Bionicle Artwork III: Bionicle Comics is now under my control (I suspect it had something to do with my PSA ). This now places me in a tie for second with ET for working in the most forums; Kex, alas, still has one more than us. I have also made a lateral movement from Software to Sets. I rather liked the Software forum, but given that nothing new in the way of BIONICLE video games, etc. has come out recently, I was



First Day On The Job

I finally got around to posting my first official topic as part of my job as a Fact Team member and I have to say that even I'm impressed with how it turned out. It took soooooo long to do and now that it's done, it is a thing of beauty: a list of ever single known member (minus the Piraka) and a brief summary of their history and powers. Anyway, now that this is over, I can get around to finish the next chapter of my epic which is two weeks late.



Calling All Canadians

Hi there, I'm SPIRIT. You might remember me from such BIONICLE fansites as this one, but I'm not here to talk to you today as a Prem Forum Leader/Ref Keeper.   You see, my former youth pastor is going to be running across Canada this summer to raise money for child poverty in Canada. Partnered with World Vision, his goal is to raise one toonie per Canadian [a toonie is our $2 coin for those of you not from the true north strong and free]. There will also be the opportunity to join in the rel



Corner Gas

It's my latest TV addiction. It's getting me through the holidays and it's actually pretty funny. Kind of a shame that I didn't watch it when it was on. Makes me hope the other shows they're doing now, Hiccups and Dan for Mayor, are actually doing well.   So far I'm on season 4 and I think I'd have to say my favourite character is Karen. If you've seen it, come reminisce with me, if not, go see it.   That is all.



My Harry Potter Confession

Back when I first read Goblet of Fire, I was glad when Cedric Diggory died, because now nothing was stopping Harry from dating Cho Chang.   What does this say about me as a person?



More Interviews!

I love how the voice actors so closely match their characters.   The voice of Pohatu was very structured and organized for his interview, made sure everything was ready before getting started, but ended up being really friendly and down to earth.   Meanwhile, the voice of Lewa was a few minutes late, talking a mile a minute, constantly cracking jokes, is an avid gamer, and then had to reschedule when his Internet signal wasn't good enough to make the Skype call. Hopefully it all works out with



Sneaky Little Hobbitses

They stole it from us... sneaky little Hobbitses! Wicked, tricksy, false!   As you may or may not remember, I posted a joke in my blog for the heck of it, right after checking on Google that it hadn't already been made and that there were no variations on it.   So I'm in the hospital with my broken leg, when my parents bring me the July 2009 issue of the Canadian Reader's Digest. What do I find on page 25, but a joke submitted by one Phillip Tilley:   How come Sherlock Holmes never paid any




Welcome to my BZP blog, which happens to be my very first one so bear with me. I hope you like it, but if you don't, I'm not too bothered either way. Expect to see random updates on my life as well as the many projects I have going on among other things. Since I don't really have much to say to day, you should probably check out the "About Me" thingy for a brief introduction into who I am.



Steamed Kau

Dume: Well, Vakama, I made it... despite your directions.   Vakama: Ah, Turaga Dume! Welcome! I hope you're prepared for some unforgettable Kanohi!   Dume: Yeah...   Vakama: Oh Great Beings, my masks are ruined! But what if... I were to purchase someone else's masks and disguise them as my own crafting? Oh ho ho ho ho... magnificently Makutaish, Vakama!   Dume: Vakama!   Vakama: Turaga, I was just, uh... just stretching my calves on the windowsill. Isometric exercise! Care to join me?   Dume: Wh



Government Regulation

I've remained silent on this issue for far too long, but I can do so no longer.       While playing Fallout 4 and looking at an Achievement Guide, it was brought to my attention that some of the Achievements are mutually-exclusive to a playthrough unless you save-scum. Not only that, but other achievements are locked behind moral choices, but only if you pick a certain choice! That's not how Achievements should work!   Achievements should follow these rules:   1) A player must not be able to l



Cool Stuff

In case you haven't seen already, here's some cool stuff I've recently released on BZP.   1) Comedy Trailer: a trailer I made for my comedy just for fun. There are some TLR clips, so that's pretty cool.   2) The Awesomest TLR Spoof: yep, it's another one of my famous movie spoofs, come check it out!   3) One of Us Music Video: a music video I made, using clips from TLR, based on the song One of Us by Joan Osborne.   4) One Last Hope Music Video: another music video made with TLR clips, this



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