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Name Change! =o

I'm going tilde-less (i no wat a rebel lol). So yeah, I guess I'll see if I like this. If not, only 45 days to go.   |-|\/|



Five. Five Dollar.

Five dollar Assassin's Creed.     ... Okay, so it doesn't sound as good as "five dollar foot longs." GET OVER IT. plzkthx Ultimately, 5 bucks for AC was too great (or rather too little ) to resist. It's currently downloading at a rate of about 90 kb/s on my amazingly horrendous DSL connection. Oh how I wish I had a faster interwebs...   |-|\/|



Steam Holiday Sale, Part 3

Singularity, NFS Hot Pursuit, and GTA4 Complete, all for the low low price of $65. There's only one thing I hate about these Steam sales, and that's trying to decide which of many new games to play. Especially since I'm still playing Lego Batman and Mass Effect 2, and have yet to start on Lego Star Wars.  



Team Fortress 2 Update O M G

65 NEW ITEMS trading crafting buying painting item sets providing additional benefits big mysterious crates   There's just... so much new stuff... I feel overwhelmed, like every time I launch TF2 from now on I'll feel confused and unsure of what's happening     ugh I really want to play but I can't figure out why my mods aren't working and playing without a 4-slot grenade launcher drives me crazy




Is done! (I think ) And I have no idea why the rock walls are checkerboarded.   Pic of middle point.   So I still need to do lighting, 3 respawn rooms, and the control points. Then I gotta make the surrounding area (like the cliff walls) look good. I'm thinking of putting some billboards up, maby missiles and laser cannons too. Hopefully it'll turn out looking awesome.   |-|\/|



Unce Unce Unce

I got Beat Hazard today. Holy bananas this game is crazy.   It's all like pew pew KABOOM POW BAM pew pew with your music playing in the background. ALSO ZOMG BLINKING LIGHTS SEIZURE SEIZURE



Dumb Ending

Far Cry 2 had one. it wuz dum!!1   However, I loved the game. I love how they handled the gunplay. I wish more FPS games would use a gun system similar to FC2's. Uh... not much else to say. It was a great game and I'd recommend it to any FPS fans.   Sooooo...now what? Back to TF2 maybe?  



Left 4 Dead 2 4 Me

I am now $45 in debt to Josh, as he preordered L4D2 for himself today, and me as well.   |-|\/|



Portal 2 Delayed

IS NOT BIG SURPRISE[/heavy]   QUOTE Valve today announced that Portal 2 -- the sequel to the ground-breaking title that won over 30 game of the year awards, despite missing its original ship date -- will now be available the week of April 18th, 2011. This two month slip not only marks the shortest delay in Valve's proud tradition of delays, it represents the approaching convergence of Valve Time and Real Time. Though this convergence spells doom for humanity, it will not affect the new Portal 2



Hello And Goodbye

Hello BZP.   Goodbye Year of No HAZMAT. Having missed months of, well, months, I've decided to throw in the hat. Maybe I'll try again next year.



I Was At Target Today...

I saw it. I thought about it. The temptation was too much. I bought Borderlands.   I've played it, and it is quite good. I wish checkpoints were more often though. I quit, and later when I continued it, I was about 10 minutes behind where I was before. It's a little irritating. But the game is really cool. My minor OCD-ness makes it so emotionally painful to drop things, though. ;   I wish I would've bought it through Steam so it would be tied to my account, but, again,. it was an impulse buy.  



Hey You

i c wut u did thar         So yeah how do you like it? It's my new sig.   |-|\/|



My Exciting Adventure Today

So today I went to pick out some new glasses.   The lady there (i can't remember her title; sales something, i think) was really cool. What could have been done in a few minutes ended up taking an hour because she, my mom, and I spent a lot of time talking about of lot of things.   Topics included: skateboarding, school curricula, motorcycles, computer programming, computer hardware, board games, video games, college, and probably other stuff I can't remember.



Geometric Fail; Also Bomb

There was a bomb threat at my school today. The whole high school had to walk to the middle school and chill out in the cafeteria and gymnasium while the high school was searched.     Later that day I overheard this conversation in another classroom:   Teacher: What shape is this? Student: Circle! Teacher: It's not a circle, it's a trapezoid.   Seriously, how do you get those confused?   |-|\/|



My Squad Can Levitate

Can yours?     I ran into this glitch today on some planet whose name I can't remember. It's the one that has fog or something, and the laser beacons. I walked up onto some rocks, next thing I know I'm slowly lifting up into the air. Then the game teleports Jacob and Miranda up there with me. I could do some walking around, but there were some invisible walls up there in the sky. No way down either, I had to reload a previous save. I beat my 2nd Infiltrator playthrough (EVERYONE SURVIVED!), thi



Physics Joke!

The world really hates me. Gravity keeps pulling me down.   |-|\/| *laughtrack*



Skyrim Adventure, Part 38: In Which I Am The Champion, My Friend

Misc quests woo. AND NOTHING OF INTEREST HAPPENED So I set out to do some adventuring. I just fast traveled to a location and walked in one direction. Eventually I came upon a small house with a Hagraven named Moira. I thought it sounded familiar so I looked it up; she's the woman I “married” during my drunken adventures with Sam/Sanguine. (excpet I didn't experience it because the quest is bugged) I went to a dragon place roost and killed the dragon there. For some reason it didn't relinquish i



Skyrim Adventure, Part 42: In Which I Conquer Skyrim In A Day

I was tired of aimless wandering so I looked up what Daedric quests I had yet to do. I headed to an Orc stronghold southwest of Riften. The tribe had been cursed by Malacath. He tasked the tribe's leader with killing some giants near his shrine. The chief basically commanded me to come with. Whatever. We (and by we, I mean me) killed a couple giants in the cave and came upon the final boss giant at Malacath's shrine. The chief said he was too tired to fight and that he'd pay me for killing this



I Can Max Crysis

Besides getting Crysis and Crysis Warhead, I also got the Luxor Complete Pack on Steam.   |-|\/|



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