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Bionicle Album On The Horizon?

A quote from the website's news ticker: "The band is currently in the studio. An upcoming album will include new versions of Creeping in My Soul, Face Me and Gravity Hurts.." This bodes well, my friends. Achh. My cochleae be tingling with anticipation already. -BC



Warning: May Contain Traces Of Irony

Helloooooooooooooooo, world!   The member known to you as BCii is back. I'm sure you've all missed me terribly. Well, maybe not. But regardless!   It's been an eventful hiatus. Following the world social, political, and economic drama as it unfolds has been a pastime of mine these past weeks that has sometimes crossed the line into obsession. I've browsed forums and blogs and news feeds, athirst for answers and insight. Knowing what to make of it all is a daunting task. So many opinions, so m



The Truth

I have looked upon the face of the Void and returned.   I have seen what lies beyond Oneness, beyond Is-ness, and it is terrible indeed, too terrible for mortal minds.   This is a prison planet.   You are all mind-controlled.   Your belief system is your cage.   Believe nothing. Question everything.   Hope is false. Despair is false. Light and dark are a lie.   Your own existence is an illusion. You cannot know reality.   The search for truth is a game, and the cards are stacked against



B C Double I Is A Girly-man! Photographic Proof!

Before you ask -- yes, that is a purple and pink spiral pendant. Jango Fett purple, to be exact. Never could figure out a good use for those pieces.   I can't believe how many shots it took before I got a half-decent picture of myself. (14)   Oh my word, I'm so only doing this for the comments... What's gotten into me?   -BC



The Not So Honorable Order Of Mata Nui?

For those of you following the Bionicle storyline, what are your thoughts on the Order of Mata Nui? To me, it seems they've been taking almost an attitude of "The ends justify the means" in this so-called Destiny War. In the latest update, Axonn and Brutaka actually contemplated killing Nektann in cold blood. The only reason they didn't was because he would be more useful alive.   To me, this whole Destiny War is a complicated affair, very much a conflict between ideologically and politically o



The Fox Vs. The Flash

Lately, a most annoying bug has been putting a major crimp on my Internet experience. It's one that's been around since April and STILL hasn't been squashed, as far as I know.   The lowdown: Mozilla Firefox 3 and Adobe Flash 9 do not play well together.     Until I jump through some techy hoops to fix this, I may just have to watch my videos with Internet Explorer. *feels dirty*   *because of IE, not the videos*   -BC



The Fox Vs. The Hedgehog

For those of you interested in typifying the human psyche, here's a delicious little theory for you: The Fox and the Hedgehog  The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.   Archilochus (7th-century b.c.e.)   Despite my apparent deep-seated bias towards hedgehogs, I'm actually (le gaspe!) a fox. Snicker snicker. Bet you didn't see that coming.   Which type are you?   -BC



Blogger's Block

This past little while has been a period of immense change for me. I've been making leaps in consciousness, learning huge amounts of wisdom almost every day. Also, my life situation has been going through a transition that I can only describe as revolutionary.   So why the silence here? Well, I've certainly had plenty of events and thoughts to write about, but there just hasn't been a deep enough desire to share. It feels like so much of what I'd like to share with the world, significant as it



A Resolution [amended]

No more entries like the one below. Seriously, how many lines did I cross there? I don't even want to know. So from now on, I'll try to keep it more... reader-friendly.   I really need a second blog for my serious stuff. BZP ain't the place for it.   [Amendment: no more resolutions like the one above. Seriously, on how many levels did I belie myself there? I don't even want to know. So from now on, I'll try to keep it more... BCii-true.]   [Thanks to Arch-Angel for the reality check.]   -BC



9.8.8: My Un-wedding And Other Stuff

Somewhere out there, on a separate timeline of the multiverse, today is my wedding day. ... Wow. I wonder if there's a timeline where I awakened spiritually and got married? Seems unlikely, given how closely linked my awakening was to the breakup. So the only way it could work is if I awakened after the wedding. I can imagine what a mess that would bring about, in the context of the conservative Laestadian Lutheran revival movement in which I grew up.   (Note: I am not passing judgement on reli



False Alarm, Go Back To Your Homes

So I watched the solar eclipse today on my lunch break. It was set up to be a disappointment: the weather was cloudy all day. At one point, not long before we were due for partiality, the clouds burst into a thundering downpour (of which I was blissfully [!] unaware, absorbed in my work trying to convince unseen strangers to insure their own bodies against all manner of mishap and misfortune, a surprisingly challenging task). Soon enough, however, the rain stopped and lunchtime rolled around.  



Cataclysm Alert For Aug. 1

No, no, there's no cataclysm. That was just to get your attention. I'm talking about tomorrow's total solar eclipse, of course. Unfortunately for 99 % of us, totality will only be viewable along a narrow corridor through northern Canada (Nunavut), the middle of Russia, western Mongolia, India and China. Still, the Moon's penumbra will pass over a broad swath of the Earth, granting us denizens of the Land of the Midnight Sun the opportunity to observe a partial eclipse. In my area, the time of



A Most Unusual Encounter - Part 3

Sunday evening:   It's six-thirty p.m. The market square is all but deserted, save for a few idle humans, out enjoying the evening air. An anxious-looking, twenty-something male strides across the quiet flagstone expanse, eyeing the perimeters for any sign of a particular group of individuals. No sign for the moment, but he stays alert for any sudden arrivals. He stakes out a strategic bench and settles in to wait and watch. Minutes tick by. A brazen city crow passes by within a metre of the yo



A Most Unusual Encounter - Part 2

Sunday morning:   I get up at nine a.m., about as bright and chipper as one of the living dead on account of having stayed up most of the night installing Ubuntu Linux and burning two DVDs. The clock seems to skip ahead ten minutes for every five that I experience in this sluggish morning-after state. My morning routine takes me almost the full hour, and by the time I'm fully dressed and ready to go, it's already well past ten. I am definitely late for church.   I'm dressed in my best, with a



A Most Unusual Encounter - Part 1

Saturday evening:   I go for a walk along the shore of Lake Pieksäjärvi, the local ocean, just to relax and get a bit of exercise after working six hours selling insurance on the phone. I have an intuitive gut feeling, the kind that never lies: I'm going to meet somebody new, and the meeting will be somehow significant. Well, with my iPod for company, I walk the lakeshore trails this way and come back the other way, almost to the end. I sit down on a bench right on the shore, with the waves lap



Attention, Library-dwellers!

Scroll down below the annoying Lillipütties content block. That's the BCii Reading List. It's pretty empty as yet, with just three stories, but I do intend to fill it out with more. If you'd like to help, just send me a PM linking to the story/stories you think should be included.   Just a note: a story that gets selected will most likely break from convention in some way, and do it exceptionally well. No run-of-the-mill Bionicle fan fiction need apply. I'm on the lookout for gems!   -BC



Life Purpose?

For some time now, I've been a man in search of his Life Purpose. Well, if you want to look at it another way, I've been at it all my life. A person's Life Purpose isn't always something they're conscious of -- sadly, some people appear to be completely lost when it comes to defining theirs. But everyone has one, there's no question about it to my mind.   Life Purpose is a many-faceted thing. The most basic, universal element of it, I find, is just to experience life! This is very simple, yet m



Flying Saucer Story

Ever wonder about UFOs? You don't hear as much about them these days, but back in the 1950s, sightings were commonplace and widely reported in the mainstream media. All kinds of rational explanations have been given for the observed phenomena, but those who've witnessed a UFO maintain that what they saw was not a weather balloon, a meteor, or anything else of this mundane world.   I don't care if you're a believer, cautious believer, skeptic, or non-believer. Just check out this story. If the i



Bestest. Song. Evar.

It's the Phantoka commercial song, Gravity Hurts. None of the previous songs officially linked with Bionicle have been close to this good, in my opinion. I've probably listened to this song twenty times in two days. It's a powerful anthem, I think, with a powerful message, if you know how to listen. And, boy, those vocals are really something, not to mention the artistry on drums, keyboard and guitar.   Click to listen - right click and Save as to download   Tension is rising Gravity hurts



I Haff Entaired Zee Contest!

(Click for image) For the Storyline and Theories contest, obviously. Here's the entry post. Here's the MOC topic. And here's the bio in case you're too lazy to click the links above: Cheers, -BC



Magic Of Midsummer!

"Summer Solstice" © 2007 by Sue O'Kieffe Happy Midsummer! As you probably are aware, Midsummer is a special time. It's a time of light, abundance, and blessing. It's a time to celebrate the arrival of Summer. As I write, it's about a quarter to midnight here in Finland. The sun has set, but only just barely. At the Arctic circle, a few hundred kilometres north of where I am, the sun remains above the horizon, a phenomenon known as the yötön yö, "nightless night." It is for this r



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