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I'm Psychic!

I recently started a MOC of the Red Star. Just yesterday, I felt a sudden impulse to add a set of big honkin' rocket engines. Now I find out that my independently conceived idea of what the Red Star is... is right on the money.   I totally picked that up telepathically.   (THE RED STAR IS A *FISH.)  



I'm (definitely) Not Dead

Merely hiding. Not by choice, though. I've lost my computer, my phone, and my camera. Hope to get them back when I visit the police station tomorrow. We'll see, we'll see. In the meantime, I've come up with another small series of original character MOCs. I'm quite pleased with them, and if the person who found my stuff downtown is honest (and I have a feeling he or she is), I'll have my camera back soon and you'll have some new LEGO pictures to look at.   LOL. I only found out the durn laptop




tail? Yes I can.   Whaddaya think? Another couple of months and I'll be able to wear it in public. If I choose to. Who knows?   My hair's never been this long before. I like it. Much more. . . luxurious. I have very soft curls.   <o> <o>



I Haff Entaired Zee Contest!

(Click for image) For the Storyline and Theories contest, obviously. Here's the entry post. Here's the MOC topic. And here's the bio in case you're too lazy to click the links above: Cheers, -BC



I Finally, Finally Get It...

... all thanks to the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator!   (And to <dd>, who pointed the way to the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator.)   This is a real breakthrough for me. ii am Sam, Sam ii am. But now it turns out that my Sam is spelled INFJ.   -BC



I Feel Ten Kilos Lighter. ^_^

So today I found out that I am, in fact, going to be receiving income very shortly from one of the sources I mentioned yesterday. The other two will take a little longer to kick in, but they, too, are coming, thanks to my taking command of the situation today. (LIKE A BANDIT.) As an added bonus, with the help of a nice lady at the tax office, I got the back-tax monkey off my back that's been there for months just because of my phobia of paperwork and bureaucracy.   Now I'm just fervently hopi



I Do Believe

This is a poem for Easter by Les Visible.               I Do Believe        In that essential stillness...   that quiet endless hour   preceding every dawn   of every day...   God breathes into the world of sleep   whatever power might be taken   to reach   that waking moment   in the warm falling rain of his grace...       In every year,   whenever the wheel has turned   into the place where it must turn again   or stop...   for want of hope   or lack of faith...   God breathe



How To Live In Interesting Times [updated With Pics!]

"May you live in interesting times." - Ancient Chinese curse We live in a time of perpetual crisis. Wars and rumours of wars. Natural disasters. Financial collapse. Environmental degradation. These are the stuff of our everyday lives, especially if we pay attention to the news. We are beset from every direction by voices begging to be heard. Everyone's got a message for us. The most insistent, pervasive voices are the ones trying to sell us something. A product. A service. An image. A momen



Hobbling, Sputtering, Wheezing

The phone company disconnected my phone, so for now, Internet is my only com-link to the world. The trouble is that my computer seems to be on its deathbed, due to some nasty, deep-level virus that commandeers over 90% of the processor, masquerading as "System idle process." Normal background processes are all shunted aside and denied memory space in favour of this metastatic monstrosity. Even now, Firefox is running entirely without images. That includes all toolbar and tab icons, down to the l



Hitchhiker's Guide To The New Year




Hero Factory

The whole concept, from premise to execution, strikes me as an elaborate parody of itself. Which is fun, for a bit, but loses the shine pretty quick.   I guess I'm just too old and cynical.   PARTY ON DUDES  



Have A Gingerbread Cookie. (they're Delicious!)

I made them myself. Actually, I made the dough, my brother and my cousin rolled it out and cut the cookies, and I decorated them. They really are delicious. Oh, and there's mulled wine, too. Please, help yourselves. *toasts* Merry Christmas! <o> <o>



Happy Birthday, Jinzo!

He turns 33 today. I wonder if he's a hobbit? If I throw a party and he shows up, will that make me cool?   - That would make you a god.   Yay!   - A very minor, ingratiating god. Compare the god of infomercials.   Oh.   That would be putting it nicely.   Aah, it's too much trouble, anyway. I'll just drink his health in my basement, alone.   - Good thinking. I'll send him a sarcastic PM for you.   Would you? Thanks.   -BC



Happy Birthday To Me

"President Barack Obama."   Such beautiful words. Such a beautiful man. Such a beautiful country. Such a beautiful day. Such a beautiful birthday present.   And because it's been sitting in my Maj folder for weeks already:   There ya go. Congratulations, America!                     Y'know, I just realized: that's not the most celebrative picture. It's all stark and red and frowning. Dang. But then, it's true that America does face some truly tough issues that now fall most heavily upon



Hallow E'en Angels

Hello, everyone. It's October 31st, and you know what that means: tomorrow starts the studded snow tire season here in still-recovering-from-the-last-ice-age Finland. Today it's still, by law, technically too early to drive on them. Well, tell that to the snow demons! We got a good three-inch snowfall today. Nothing like a premature snowstorm to strike sweet savory fear in the hearts of motorists -- just in time for Halloween! WõõõÕÕÕõõõõõõ my ticker be racin'! Ah, to be six years old, pray



H F Dropship Detail

Now that character needs to be a set. (Meanwhile, the cynic in me is laughing inside at this attempt to make an overpriced set more attractive.)



Goodbye, Goodbye

Anyone faithfully following my blog since school started knows of my inside track with the über-cool exchange students here at Nikkarila. If, as is more likely the case, you have no idea, then these blog entries will fill you in: Overheard in a Moving Vehicle Fun With Foreigners Saturday With Forks Chillin' Like a Villain Call Me The Collector Well, in the immortal words of a world-famous walrus, the time has come. David, Fabian, and Alena are returning each to their respective homes in distant



Golden Oldies! Contest Winners

Golden Oldies! ♪♫ Winners At last, the judges have completed their labyrinthine deliberations. The wait is over, the suspense shall stretch no further. Here are the three awesome winners: First Second Third A big thank-you from me to the assisting judges, Arpy and Krahka. A warm round of applause goes out to all our lovely contestants. Disty, Primus, Veq, Ultimate Kardas, Christo1096-TheIceBreaker, and {Zaxvo} - thank you, thank you so much f



Going To The Extremes

Ever wonder what kind of weather we'll be having next week? (Please snow! ) How about the weather in 2099?   This article will open your eyes.   -BC



Go, Granddaddy Go

Go is the granddaddy of all board games. It's 2500 years old and MORE POPULAR THAN EVAH. My cousin's über-awesome fiancé, Dimitri, taught me the rudiments of the game. I've played a few rounds now, just enough to get a small sense of what it's about. They say if you want to learn go, you should start by losing your first 50 games as quickly as possible to more experienced players, LOL. If you're not familiar with go, I'll try to describe it for you. Think checkers. Simple, right? Then ch



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