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*inscrutable møøse noises*

Entries in this blog

For The Record

My economics teacher is so awesome, he has his own time zone. And put cyclops smiley bullet points on the course outline. And requires that bungee cords be brought to class every day so we can strap ourselves down if things get too exciting.   And for your information, it was a mattress.



Daylight Robbery!

I finished all my books already. D*   So on the day I choose to come into college to buy my economics book (hence the title) and catch up on Internet drama, what happens? Like, ten busloads of kids from who-knows-where descend upon the college for like a Young Writer's Conference or something. So now I'm sitting here, trying to catch up on correspondence (girls =3) with all these little kids eating lunch in the same building. It's kind of surreal.   Also, I have like sooo many tiny MOCs that n



Hasta La Pasta

I just bought Brave New World, Flatland, and a new Star Trek book (I have a gross of them now! How cool is that?), plus I borrowed two ACT study guides and two magazines from two different libraries.   Flatland looks especially awesome. The bit I skimmed in the bookstore looks like Gulliver's Travels, The Phantom Tollbooth, and my geometry textbook combined.   Don't expect anything from me over spring break. :3



My Mind Is A Strange Place.

Consider the following sentence, a leftover scrap of thought from an English essay which I hijacked quite splendidly due to a spot of boredom tinged by madness:   "These character traits are not the cause of his undoing—that dishonor belongs to Iago—but they contribute to a huge explosion that flooded the tunnels with gouts of explosive fire, scorching sewer rats to a crispy, well-done consistency and all but evaporating their droppings."   I think I should be an author.



All Your Mousetrap Are Belong To Us

Last week my college's Physics Club had a mousetrap car competition, with categories for Speed (had to travel 20 feet while being timed), Power (pull a sled ten feet or farthest distance) and Aesthetics (How did I not win? D:). Here's my entry, the Death Monkey Racer 3000: My wax coated CD wheels and extendable hook won me the Power trophy and a 2-lb. bag of Skittles! :woot:   The two Lego Star Wars t-shirts up there were a coincidence. A very, very strange one.



Outlandish Proclamations

Red is the best flavor of Skittle. The space shuttle’s computer runs on one megabyte of RAM, launch sequence and all. I used superglue on some Lego parts. Details later. I’m not going to see Watchmen. Our society has become so worried about accidentally offending someone that it has forgotten how to say “no” to some people.All of these are true to the best of my knowledge.



Breaking Randall's Record

Yo dawg, I herd u liek currency, so I SHOOP DA WOOPed over 9000 photos from my flash drive onto the intertubes so Ceiling Cat can watch you LOL WUT while you can haz Delicious Cake in your base. (Click the image)



A Ferry Tale

Yes, my entry for Short Stories Contest Number Five is a real crowd-pleaser! Just see what its reviewers had to say! And that's taking only some liberties with their words!* Read it today!   * Liberties taken were mainly done so by sticking exclamation points on everything! Really!



Shameless Plugs

Yes, plugs in the plural! Firstly it would be extremely awesome if you would vote for me in the final here. I need to maintain my tradition of only placing at odd numbers in these contests.   Secondly, I completed my story for SSC#5 in an extremely rushed sort of way, and it can be found here.    



On A More Positive Note

I have successfully incorporated a Dark Knight quote into my essay.   My father was...a drinker. And a fiend…



You Know What?

I wish books had a Ctrl+F feature. Especially with only half of my paper on Robert Frost finished. It's due tomorrow, but college was canceled today because of snow, so I hold out hope that Friday will be similar. Yes, nine inches of snow.   ...This entry seems rather disjointed. Alas, I must save my streamlining skills for the essay. Oh yes.



Winners Are They!

First off, kindly consider voting for me if you have not done so. If in fact you voted for someone else, put on some sackcloth and ashes.   So, quite a good contest this time around. Not a whole lot of entries, but not so few that there was no question as to who would be declared the winner. There were six entries, and…divide by two…no, three…   Anyway, I decided to instead follow my standard approach to these sort of things, which is to pit Roomba and Lluvio’s entries against each other in



I Crush Your Head!

I crush it!   English class was interesting today. By which I mean that it is normally not that interesting. And I bet I could get a 4.0 just by submitting papers when due.   Queen is cool. And you could vote for me.   I’ll try to post about the Sodality Contest winners tomorrow when I don’t have to be writing an essay quite as urgently. And math homework, too.



Sodalitas Humphreibus Contest Theta

THE END IS NIGH   LETAGI, YOU'D BETTER ENTER   Salutations, loyal møøse-followers! The heavenly clouds of Møøsistan have parted and belched forth another bloggish contest, mostly because Letagi kept bugging them to do so.   Obligatory Greek symbol: θ. Now find it.   Your most noble quest this time (yes, it really is a quest of sorts) is to find a picture of me (Arpy/Ean) on the interwebs and edit it.   Photoshop, Paint, GIMP, whatever. Flood the picture with memes, put a trans orange chain



Hey, Storyline Gurus!

Do any of you know if Strakk's ice axe regenerates its blade? I think that would be awesome.   On a completely different note, a couple weeks ago there appeared on my forehead an arrangement of zits in more or less the exact shape of the constellation Casseopeia. This in and of itself would not be so remarkable, were it not for the fact that, just days ago, it reappeared rotated 90 degrees. o_0



Order Batch Summary

Total Items: 108 Unique Items (lots): 2 Total: $7.01 -------------------------------------- Items in Order: -------------------------------------- [used] Dark Bluish Gray Chain, 20 links, 17L (x1) ..... $0.27 each = $0.27 [used] Trans-Neon Orange Minifig, Utensil Chainsaw Blade (x107) ..... $0.063 each = $6.741   One of my little brothers a Lego chain. Is that bad?  



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