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Arpyness Quiz

It troo! Dat darn Kahlfin stole my spacechip!   Gritlings. I have assembled a quick little quiz for your enjoyment and my edification. In it, you will note the similarities you share with my personality and life experiences and then post your results in the comments.   If you have: 1. Reenacted The Emperor’s New Groove with your Krana collection 2. Six siblings 3. Created a working pair of tweezers out of Technic 4. Possibly imaginary deep-seated psychological trauma supposedly inflicte



I Can't Draw Worth Beans...

...But that didn't stop me from making this: Every so often I like to draw senseless pictures like these. But really, when was the last time you saw a rhinoceros riding on a missile?   Also, presenting...a lolbaby! If you want to make your own from this pic, click here. And just so you all know what steampunk is: Finally, an image link: And yeah, I'm not usually in the habit of filling my entries with images. Just accept the anomaly and move on.



For Unto Us A Child Is Born

Namely, Isaac Joseph McArpysLastName, with the proud future godparent: He so cute. Born January 27th at 6:55 am, 9 lbs, 2 oz., 22 inches long.   Celebrate!   Edit: Also...



Bbcc 47: Build It If You Can -- Unofficial Contest!

Well, this latest BBCC was shaping up to be a fine contest as always, but then it got canceled, leaving some of us feeling a bit let down. To rectify this, I have started an unofficial version of that contest, approved by a BA and brought to you by moi and 55555 (we agreed to merge our contests.).   I'm sure you're all familiar with the basic theme, so we'll get straight to the rules:   Rules:   .1. One entry per person. Entries can include multiple MOCs, but at least one of the MOCs in your




I created an approval for all of you whose blogs I read with some regularity:   [url=http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=154&][img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Patuara/startrekstuff/arpyapproved.png][/url]   If your name is EndoM7, ##### Bassai, bonesiii, ~Blue Diamond~, -SZ- Darth Vader, Binkmeister, Darnzerf, Nukora, ChocolateFrogs, Nikira, Kopaka's Ice Engineering, ~Makaru~, Kohaku, Turakii #1 Lavasurfer, Toaraga, Hahli Husky, Tufi Piyufi, Bundalings



False Alarm

So last night my mom thought she was going into labor... The midwife, midwife's assistant, and my mom's friend from church came over... I hauled innumerable pots of boiling water up the stairs to refill the tepid birthing tub... I mass-spammed an "Our Mom's in labor" e-mail to, like, everyone... And the baby didn't actually come out. So I stayed up until 1am for nothing. Still, jolly good practice for when the kid does come. I like being an assistant... *wants a shark with a f



Super Bowl 42

Wouldn't it be awesome if two rather scruffily attired men and a Chesterfield materialized on the field during the halftime show? I certainly think so.   If any of the commercials captialize on this Bowl's numbering in the desired manner, I will devote either a content block or my firstborn son to whatever they're advertising. Of course, if it's something I don't like/have a mortal fear of, I might want to start praying for nothing but girlchildren, always assuming I can find a suitable wife.



Six Years A Bz-koronan

Today is, as we all know, a very important day: My sixth anniversary as a member of this site.   *pokes Faxon spinny*   Since it gets heard rather infrequently in my personal bubble of awareness, this event is as good an excuse as any to thank the staff for all the work they put into keeping this site up to code, kicking around the more unruly members, and dispensing sage advice free of charge. Also, thanks to all the members who make this site the fun, interesting, weird, and llama-flavored p



Alrighty Then!

So, a non-BBCC-related entry...Firstly, I'd like to know if would you rather see pictures of me: Eating Vamprah?With a Martian escaping from my nose?With Tridax pods over my eyes and looking quite scary?Anyway, I figured I'd better blog about that party before I forgot about it, so here goes.  Regrettably, I am unable to provide pictures of my awesome costume (and believe me, I definitely stood out from everyone else there), because my friends who have the camera with all the good pictures of m



Nobody Expects The Phantoka Acquisition!

I've bought Toa Pohatu, Toa Lewa, Photok, Vamprah, and Gavla, and I only have Toa Ignika and Tanma left to get.   Pohatu's propellers are fun to play with.   Vamprah is awesome for not being a pure humanoid.   Shadow leeches are made of win and rubbery stuff. 8D   Maybe it's just my current mindset, but the guys I've already got are my favorite canister sets since the Piraka.     Arpy



Alrighty Then!

Tonight was the most fun I've had in months, maybe even since BrickCon. I'll post Mondayish with pictures and more about the party, but I need to go to bed, like, now. I want to be in good form for when I tell my parents that I *gasp!* actually asked some girls to dance rather than wallflowering my way around the room. I've actually done that before, but they don't believe me. I've got to lose this meek and mild-mannered alter-ego of mine...   Arpy



I Roll 6 And Cast +3 Baby!

As I believe I have mentioned precisely once before, my mom is expecting our family’s eighth child (Those of you who would like to duel me for the BZPer With the Most Immediate Family Members Award, it’s spiked cudgels at dawn.) sometime in mid-to-late January. As the birth has drawn closer, we’ve been bouncing names about. My mom (Who is obsessed with the Irish for some reason despite the complete lack of Irishness in our ancestry (see Stats-->) and has stuck at least three of us with Celt



Out, Darned Spot!

*has acquired belt and sunglasses*   *is happy*   No, I haven't killed anybody, although I did read Macbeth. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to write anything else because my little sister (the second-most annoying one) is yapping at me to get off, and if I don't she'll go tattle and probably cause an Incident. You know 'ow eet ees, I theenk?   Oh, and I self-owned myself at MOCing last night. My BBCC entry will be perfectly awesome if I can get the body right.   Arpy




For those of you who prefer space, there's this.   And for those of you who don't like space, there's frogspace.   And for those of you who prefer drama, there's sport.   And for those of you who don't like television, there's David Coleman.   And of course, there'll be sport.   *freaks out because the party (see below) is on Saturday and he still hasn't found the right belt and sunglasses*   Arpy



Stream-of-arpy's-consciousness 2008!

Yes folks, here it is once again, from the blog that brought you last years entry which was of the same sort. No corrections spelling corrections, no grammatical bickeings, and dang this is tricksy. Watch as these timestamped tidbits get increasingly less coherent! I'll edi thtis every now and then so by the time I go to sleep you'll have a nice heaping off semi crazy ramblings for your viewing pleasure. BZP would be so much more interesting if everyoe would do this,. oh yeah, timestamp right no



I Use Two Kinds Of Aftershave Lotion...

…frankincense, myrrh—three kinds of aftershave lotion: frankincense, myrrh, sandalwood—four kinds of aftershave lotion! Frankincense—   Um, yes. Anyway, that thing last entry was just a random stress attack which I thankfully got over with before Christmas. I seem to get them every now and then, usually whenever the List of Things I Need to Do reaches critical mass, which isn’t all that often. It was also alleviated by the shopping trip I took the day after Christmas, wherein I hit every thr



Merry Christmas.

My little brother just knocked over the zarking Christmas tree. >.< Goodbye to like, all of our fragile ornaments and stuff. Plus I'm majorly stressing out over what seems to be my continual failure to get things done in what I consider to be a timely fashion, or indeed at all. So yeah, not feeling terribly Christmas-happy, but that shouldn't stop you. Have a good one.   Arpy



Dial M For Mudkip

...or MOC.   My MOC backloggage is accumulating quickly enough that chances are good I'll break down and post some of them soon, so I thought I'd devote another entry to inane MOC-related chatter. I have Nui-Rama and Mantax revamps nearing completion, along with a couple System MOCs, a Bley Pantsbot ship and an Impulse recolor.   Also, my H.A.U. Lithos-Class Battle Cruiser, the largest System MOC I've built yet, is ready to go except for a few cosmetic details which I really ought to get arou



Uʍop-ǝpısdn Uwoʇ Sıɥʇ Uɹnʇ

ʎdɹV   *sʇold*   ¡uʍop-ǝpısdn bolq ǝɹıʇuǝ ʎɯ uɹnʇ plnoɥs ı ǝqʎɐɯ 'ʇɔɐɟ uı ...ooʇ ʇɐɥʇ dılɟ oʇ ʇɥbno ʎllɐǝɹ ı .ɹǝɯıɐlɔsıp ʎɯ ǝǝs 'llɐ ʇɐ ssǝɹʇsıp ɹɐlnɔo ʎuɐ noʎ sǝsnɐɔ ʎɹʇuǝ sıɥʇ ɟı   .ʇı ɹoɟ dn sǝʞɐɯ ɐpuıʞ ssǝnb ı ɥɔıɥʍ '(ǝǝɹɟ uı ʇǝb ı ;Pɐǝɹ) ʇɥbıuoʇ ʇɹǝɔuoɔ sɹouǝʇ ɥsıɹI ǝɥʇ ɹoɟ ɹǝɥsn oʇ ʇǝb I 'ʎlǝʇɐunʇɹoɟ .ʎpoq ʎɯ ɟo ʇsǝɹ ǝɥʇ ɥʇıʍ buolɐ buıuɹoɯ sıɥʇ pǝq ɟo ʇno pǝʞuɐʎ buıǝq ɹǝʇɟɐ ʎɐpoʇ slǝǝɟ uıɐɹq ʎɯ ʍoɥ ɥɔnɯ ʎʇʇǝɹd s,ʇɐɥʇ ǝɔuıs 'ʎɐpoʇ ʎɹʇuǝ uʍop-ǝpısdn uɐ buıʞɐɯ ǝʞıl ʇ1ǝɟ I ¡sʎnb ʎǝH



Playback Time

For those of you who didn't get the title, rent Mr. Bean's Holiday immediately. My family and I enjoyed it rather a lot. It's one of those movies that makes me want to travel to the setting (France, in this case) for a vacation immediately, not unlike LotR.   Anyway, to my regular readers (Yes, I know you're out there), I apologize for not having blogged for the last nine days (an unforgivably long time, I know). It's just that first I was feeling really lazy, then I got the cold which I had



Shcca Winners!

Aethisyl and Bundalings the Bunny are our two winners of the first-ever Sodalitas Humphreibus contest! Each chosen by our esteemed judges (myself and Roa McToa), they will receive a place of honor in the Sodalitas Humphreibus content block. Everyone else tied for second place.   Roa let me examine her self-MOC. I made the suggestion that black Viking horns would have been better for her self-MOC's claws, and someone snapped her in the act of making what I'm pretty sure is her "They make bl



A Certain Degree Of Impropriety

I entered that Short Story Contest.   It's my first Bionicle fanfic in ages, but I hope to write more, so criticisms are welcome, especially the pineapple-flavored ones.   But yeah, I think I nailed Takua's fun-loving personality, and I integrated the picture pretty well IMHO. So, check it out if you have a few temporal units to spare! The smiley is the link. The link is the smiley. The Matrix has you. There is no escape. Oh, and the results from SHCCA will be up later this week. *is still



Font Query

You guys (and girls?) think I should switch from using bold font to unemboldened? Like this? I'm pretty much ambivalent.   *is lazy because of Thanksgiving break*   Arpy



Is Your T-zone Getting Enough Smooth Flavor?

I certainly hope not.   Anyway, I have once again made it to the semifinals. It looks like it'll be quite close for the wildcard, but I know better than to make judgements like that, especially considering what happened last time. You may of course vote if you have not yet done so...I still have lots of KMCs left!   Also, International Yodasteak Day seems to have gone off quite well considering this is its first year and despite the fact that Aethisyl seems to have forgotten about it. Start pu



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