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*inscrutable møøse noises*

Entries in this blog

Arpy's Driving Tips #23

Coming to a full and complete stop is impossible given the rotation of the earth, its orbit around the sun, and our constantly expanding universe, so don't sweat it.   Also: The Amsterlegs i240 RacerMech! Deeplink range 01-010. Frame is Legohaulic's, cover is mine. Based off the Dutch national team's colors, which I always thought were a good combo.



You've Got A Friend In Me

Well, today was certainly emotionally stimulating, at the risk of sounding like a Vulcan who doesn't permit himself to experience emotions. I do, it's just that today was much more of a roller coaster than usual. I shan't get into all the details, but if you could spare some prayers for a local family whose 12-year-old son was killed by a car yesterday that would be great.   Skipping over most of those details (I did see a whole roast pig for the first time in my life (Filipinos really know ho



Sodalitas Humphreibus Caption Contest Beta!

AWESOME IMAGE/TEXT WIZARDRY GOES HERE SOMETIME OOOOOVER THE RAINBOW   That's right, it's another tangentially møøse-themed blog contest!   This time around, your task is to come up with no more than three (3) subtitles for my blog. They must be BZP-appropriate, etc., etc., and yes, you can enter fewer than three if so desired.   Three (3) entries will be chosen from all those submitted, to be cycled through my blog's subtitle field for an indeterminant period of time. The contest host (Herein




Time for a list of all the things that make me rather geeky:   I build and play with Lego. I work with computers. I am a Trekkie. I have (at last count) 107 Star Trek books. I am also fairly obsessed with the old (60s-80s era) Marvel comics. I drink Mountain Dew when I can get it. I wave my hand at automatic doors when nobody is looking. I wore a Starfleet Commander's uniform for two Halloweens in a row. I am taking an IT Tech class, and am learning binary and hex. I am in the process




Z'ohmygoshyouguys, BrickFair is in, like, six weeks. It will be beyawesome.   In addition to myself and my Arpfro, I'll be bringing: The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal Sawnas CS/3 Drone Formic Drone N'Garai Demon Astral Bunny Orb Robosuit Blinky Zarking Space Gun Kametachi Warbug S.P.O.T. Microscopium Nynrah Lazerbarrow BBCC 59 Entry Fly Guy (If I have time to rebuild him (which I probably will)) Onua Prime (WIP) Starburst (WIP) Possibly a red armored battle suit (WIP?) sexy back () And I'l



Moc Stuffs

I'm in the process of ordering parts for my Matoran (which I'm now making three of, Ta-,Onu-, and Ko-) and my mosaic project (recently revamped with the help of PicToBrick, a Lego mosaic design software). I have Toa Patuara and Kamu ready to post, and I built an Arcturan Megacrab for the creature contest on another site. It uses a Hau Nuva as its shell, which gives it a nice organic look. Hopefully I'll have pics of those Friday. And finally, I'm reorganizing my Brickshelf gallery into a couple




...Of Narnia, of course. I would never intentionally use that incorrect plural form but for the facts that [a] "Bionicles" is somewhat consonant with "Chronicles" and the resultant name is shorter and better than anything else I'd thought of. All this to say that I've been rather busy and stuff lately, so I'm going to drop the link to The Bionicles of Narnia's topic now and upload and post the rest of my MOC accumulation next week.   Let's hear it for BBCC#48 entries that are actual vignettes



Question Time

Which fictional character(s) do I remind you of and why?   mood: questioning



Denatured Protein Follicles!

Okay, so you know that 'fro I had at Brickfair? And it was all curly and poofy and stuff? Well, the other night I was just chilling in this lounge and playing Apples to Apples with some cool people when the female elements of the group started saying things like "oh, we should straighten Ean's hair" and "plug it in over here!" Next thing I know I'm trapped in a chair as two or three girls attack my hair with two straighteners. Escape would have involved tearing chunks out of my scalp, so I was f



Is Your T-zone Getting Enough Smooth Flavor?

I certainly hope not.   Anyway, I have once again made it to the semifinals. It looks like it'll be quite close for the wildcard, but I know better than to make judgements like that, especially considering what happened last time. You may of course vote if you have not yet done so...I still have lots of KMCs left!   Also, International Yodasteak Day seems to have gone off quite well considering this is its first year and despite the fact that Aethisyl seems to have forgotten about it. Start pu




Discovering the Obsolete category on Wiktionary when you are simultaneously bogged down with homework and driven to explore strange new words is not a good thing.  



Today, International Yodaspeak Day Is!

Today, International Yodaspeak Day is. Even in real life, speak like Yoda, you must. Spread the word, you shall, and together, rule the galaxy, we will.   A banner, Aethisyl has made: Think the text should be lighter, I do, but whatevs. 8D   Arpy



Tenacious Greenlanders Are Tenacious

Right down to the last victim, their whole infrastructure was alive and kicking, their borders were open, no measures were being taken to stop the parasite...Sheesh. I call hax.



My, I'm Just Rife With Boyish Attitude Today

First I slept in way later than I should have. Then I went to classes, and not only had the audacity to blame Ronald Wilson Reagan (count the letters!) for the Great Depression, but also made a pencil disappear in calculus and was five minutes late to Biology because of free hot dogs (for those of you who don’t know me that well, being late to class is seriously living on the edge). Then after class I rendezvoused with a cohort, and we proceeded to write amusing little comments on advertisements



I Made An Entry.

I bought a laptop.I'm on a boat.I'm going to write a novel.I'm growing a moustache.I might have a girlfriend.I went to an ex-coworker's quinceañera and it was awesome.And I leave it to you to guess which of the above is false.



Anglicans Vs. Pastafarians 3 D!

So um, raiding unwanted stuff from the theatre department is kind of fun. In addition to the previously-mentioned orange chair, I now have two squirt guns, a stylized metal US seal to put on our room's door (We have the best room in the dorm, FYI, because first of all, it's on the ground floor, which for some reason are the only rooms with bunk beds and the nice new desks, plus, hey, we don't have to climb as many stairs as the other people, and of those rooms, we are the only ones with Christma



Concerning This Summer Line

The Ben 10 pieces are compatible with Bionicle. Someone from Lego has said that the new summer line will also be compatible with Bionicle. 'Compatible with' does not mean 'looking exactly the same as'. Therefore, I predict that the summer line will use lousy, juniorized pieces similar to the ones used by Ben 10.   If I'm wrong, then my expectations will be pleasantly surprised. If I'm right, then at least I haven't set myself up for undue disappointment.



Vuvuzelafair 2010

So, as you probably know, BrickFair is coming up. The theme for this year is music, which makes me think that it would be a great idea if people built and brought tons of little Lego vuvuzelas and put them absolutely everywhere, even though they are pretty much the antithesis of music and all that is good and holy. Or are they?   Just imagine...   A horde of vuvuzela players behind the Verizon guy.   King Leonidas kicking a vuvuzela player into a pit.   In space, no one can hear your vuvuze



I Am Keeping This Avatar Forever

Posting an entry about life because that is what you do with blogs, and posting nothing but funny pictures has absolutely no basis whatsoever.   So, school proceeds apace, with nothing terribly exciting going on. Unsurprisingly, I got into the annual festival of student-directed one-act plays, one of which I wrote, so that will be fun. Rather more surprisingly, my psychology professor recommended me as a tutor, which is apparently a paid position. It won't amount to too much money, but it's sti



An Appeal To Sanity

You know, there are many people in the country today who, through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane. Some of them became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like you and me who are out of our tiny little minds to try and help these people overcome their sanity. You can start in small ways with ping-pong ball eyes and a funny voice, and then you can paint half of your body red and the other half green, and then you can jump up and down in a bowl of treacle goi



To Action!

I have to go to camp. Right in the middle of the New Fruit War. So I'm going to wave my white flag of surrender before my blog gets hit by watermelon shrapnel or something. Like the French.   We surrender!   No, wait...   We un-surrender.   Humphrey and I have decided to reject that particular part of my heritage and instead become a neutral nation/blog. Like Switzerthingy. Or Belgium. Or something...   Arpy



I Were Buildy.

I finally photographed my floating rock, which can be seen here. I also built a bot and a strange thing which I will post later because now I have to leave for IT tech class.   Arpy    



Re: Volcanoes

Yo Eyjafjallajökull, I'm really happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but Mount St. Helens had one of the best eruptions of all time! OF ALL TIME!



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