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Fruits of My Labor

And by labor I mean tossing seeds on the ground and forgetting about them until they sprout Yay. A few little pumpkins decided they were tired of being seeds. A little early though, but oh well. There are still some more, but they're not ready to be picked yet. And I have no idea why they came out so orange in the picture. I think the Great Pumpkin possessed my phone and messed with the coloring of the image or something.




Poor Scotus ;_; (Not the guy,the BZP member)



Tonight's Closing Thoughts #506

Today I got this:     Today also marks my 2-year pony anniversary. And 30 minutes until April Fools Day. My, I don't have anything prepared for you guys..




Wow, it's been almost three months since my last entry. I want to blog more, but I don't have anything to talk about except that I'm excited for x upcoming holiday. Pretty boring and redundant lol. But nothing interesting really goes on in my life, which is probably for the best since I typically don't care for a lot of action. I guess my blog kind of goes into hibernation between winter and fall lol. Sorry, I'm just very dull. At least the Steam summer sale started today, so that will be a


Bambi in Blog

Tonight's Closing Thoughts #573

I was going to post Krystal from Adventures, seeing how in that game she's nineteen and this is entry number 1900, but couldn't find any BZP-safe pictures. So.. Yeah.



Princess Spike

Alright, here goes nothing. Hoping this one will at least be okay. Can't be any worse than last week's, right?   Woona   Why is Spike with the princesses?   Spike will probably want to eat it   She looks old   ... And still looks stupid with wings   Poor Spike   Spike? Spiiike?   Dragon Sneeze Trees? LOL   I'd think someone who hasn't slept for three days wouldn't have any trouble staying asleep   lol   Spike's not like that   Faancy Paants[/Rarity]   The Prinshesh   Yeah, Spike's better than



Reminiscing and Nostalgia

Two things that while I don't spend as much time doing as I used to, are still able to get me down. The past can be hard to let go of, but I can't stay in it forever. I'm happy for all the memories the good old days bring me. ^^ It's crazy to think about how in just under two months I'll have had this account for twelve years. But anyways, moving on...



Don't click on this. You will regret it

Wow it's holiday time. So much to be done. Did a lot of decorating, and a lot of picture taking! You can check out my gallery on Flickr to see some of them. Usually I'm very critical of myself and my work, but I think some of them turned out quite well. Mimikyu wishes you a spooky and merry Christmas! o.o



So I Made a Wallpaper

http://www.majhost.com/gallery/BionicleBoy3333/Ponies/Wallpaper/doctor_whooves_textless.png   http://www.majhost.com/gallery/BionicleBoy3333/Ponies/Wallpaper/doctor_whooves_text.png   Lemme know what you think. :3




Looky what I made:       C&C?



Advent Calendar: Day 15

Today we have this, another unknown object. I'm guessing it's some kind of stand or window? There's also a random $100 bill lol.



Tonight's Closing Thoughts #703

Whoops, forgot about this. Anyway, Impending Doom just released a new album about 40 minutes ago. I heard it a few days ago, thanks to leaks. I think it was better than their last one, but it seems like they borrowed a few things from Whitechapel.



You Guys Want to Know Something?

The only thing better than the drama that goes on here is the stuff I see on Tumblr.   Seriously all the name calling and "I hate X member" is pretty funny.   And just so we're clear, I'm not on anyone's side.



In Your Opinion

When do you think is a good time to decorate for Halloween/autumn?  Me, I'd say mid September is a good time. Though honestly I'd rather start sooner, but considering that it's still in the high eighties in early September here it just doesn't feel right lol.



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