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Garreg Mach

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Brief messages from the world of Atama

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congrats   now you will be enslaved to the orange hive mind




So I was playing Team Fortress 2 last night, and there were a lot of hackers on the server. This is the conversation that followed:   There's a billion more where those came from.



Oh dear...

That many staff members in one place can never be good I kid, of course. Considering my display name, I will imagine that I was the topic of a heated debate that involved ballistic spaghetti bombs, farm animals, hats, and roughly five crates of chocolate milk.



Choose to Smash! (Smash Files)

CORRIN PROFILE Species: Manakete Series: Fire Emblem First Appearance: Fire Emblem: Fates (3DS, 2015) Favourite Appearance: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (Wii U, 2014) (Fates has not yet released in NA) Party: 1st Known For: Being another player-insert character, not being as cool as Robin, transforming into a dragon, being indecisive Excitement Factor: 9/10 - hahahahahahaha get REKT everyone. The salt that has sprung forth from Corrin's announcement is a treasure to me. There are a few disappo



Bionifight 5 Promo

Click the picture to see the big version. Check my gallery to see the banner you can use.




Last week I bought the Collector's Edition of Bravely Default from a kind other Canadian soul on eBay (this person had like six, so despite that they obviously did it to make money off of unfortunate folks like me who missed it, well, I missed it, and they had a brand new unopened copy!).   So it arrived today and now I feel very happy. Lots of lovely art to look at and a soundtrack to listen to.   Also two copies of the game, but I'll probably sell one.



Current Pokemon Team (Pokemon Files 1)

Not gonna bother going into much detail regarding X right now; suffice to say that I am enjoying myself, but I'm disappointed with the small opponent teams (I can't even pretend gym leader battles are epic anymore), and the writing is actually pretty bad. However, I'm still having more fun than I did with Gen. V, so there is that.   Anyway.   Current Team: Burnmad, Level 39   Mayno, Level 37   Black Six, Level 32   Zehvor MT, Level 33   Kraggh, Level 36   ~ET~, Level 35   Other Pokemon (PC



29 hours

I WILL make it to The Force Awakens without it being spoiled.



A bit of what I'm working on

The Protector of Ice slowly sank into his chair; it squeaked under his weight as he settled into it with a satisfied sigh, the tension washing out of his limbs. His mouth opened wide in a yawn as he leaned back, crossing his legs as he propped his feet upon the wooden desk in front of him. He rubbed at his eyes with one hand, adjusting his mask with the other. Having made himself comfortable, the Protector rested his head upon his hands as he leaned back further, surveying the chart along the wa



About Bill

Let's talk about Bill. You might know a Bill in your life; chances are you know of many. Perhaps they go by 'William' or 'Will' or 'Billy' or something else entirely. Maybe you knew them very well, or maybe you didn't know them at all. I myself have known several. But I'm not talking about any Bill in real life.   I'm talking about Bill from a video game.   "But Tex," you say, "there are like a thousand different Bills in video games too, MORON"   Maybe. But how many of them are ducks?   This i



Smash Files 2 - Super Smash Bros. 4: Most Wanted Part 2

Now for my most wanted third party characters. I don't hold out hope that we'll get more than one or two other new 3rd parties alongside Mega Man, but again, dreams are always nice.   Top 10 Most Wanted 3rd Party Rayman (Rayman series) Travis Touchdown (No More Heroes series) Commander Video (BiT.Trip Series) Simon Belmont (Castlevania series) Viewtiful Joe (Viewtiful Joe series) Professor Layton (Professor Layton series) Pheonix Wright (Ace Attorney series) Max (Mutant Mudds series) S



New DLC (Smash Files)

So, Cloud from Final Fantasy VII was announced for Smash in today's Nintendo Direct. To be honest, I'm both excited and disappointed. It's nice to see another third party character, but I can't help but feel like a character such as Shantae or Shovel Knight (who have both actually shown up on a Nintendo system before) might have been better.   Not to mention that Shantae has a whole variety of possible movesets.   Still, a new character+stage combo is always good, and more Smash is, well, more S



Games Wanted

The ones I've missed in recent years that I really want to get, and the platform I want them for...   1. Portal 2 (PC) 2. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PC) - though I haven't played anything else in the series, so I have no idea what it's like 3. Portal (PC) 4. Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii) 5. Left 4 Dead 2 (PC) 6. Counterstrike: Global Offensive (PC) - yes, not really out yet. shut up. 7. Batman: Arkham City (PC) 8. Battlefield 3 (PC) - unfortunately, I've gone to some sites and I think it would ma



The Hacks Again

After March 3, 2012, it was thought that the hacks would never be seen again. But then I brought a whole bunch more to the party June 1, 2012 and let's just say Vinylstep almost died far earlier.  




Maybe I spelled that wrong; dunno, dun care. Regardless, my younger brother has it.   And by golly, he better get better before the 20th, because I freakin' want to go to Disneyworld!   EDIT: It's not like, super contagious or anything right? Because I don't really want to get it.



Famous Words

So I was browsing Sumiki's blog (because like who doesn't) when I found myself in that strange, alien white space where all that is on the screen is the side bar. Curious about this foreign land, I scrolled down to the quotes bar and discovered some very famous words I once spoke that I thought I would share with you all again, since it's pretty important.   That is all.



Captain America: Civil War Trailer 2

Okay Marvel, you may have some of my hype now   I'm sorry for doubting you   Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and prep the tent of eternal shame just in case this movie does actually end up sucking



7 years

wow i've wasted quite a bit of time on this site   seven years worth   take away the y and it's seven ears         i'll stop now



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