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Garreg Mach

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Brief messages from the world of Atama

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Mid-Summer Movies Top 10

A brief note: due to working at a summer camp, I missed seeing Monsters University, The Lone Ranger, and World War Z at this point in time. However, I do plan to see all three once they are released in stores, and should thus be able to give them some form of a rating by the end of the year.   1. This is the End - 96% I didn't expect a comedy with Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel, Jonah Hill, Michael Cera and Emma Watson to be amazing, nor did I expect an apocalypse film to be even half-decent. Here it



driving tests

i have a driver's test later today   will i pass?   only time will tell



Name Change Coming In March

Since we have only a little over a week left in February, I'm now looking for suggestions. Preferably my new name will have something to do with the Pyro from Team Fortress 2.   Of course, I can always fall back on good ol' ibrow.



Blog Theme

Due to the fact that I am no longer a highly respected frog who sets everything imaginable on fire, I was wondering if you all had any ideas for a new blog theme.   'course, I could actually make it into socks too.



just my luck

>hears about restocks for all the rare amiibo happening across canada at toys r us   >gets a report from an employee at the toys r us literally next door that their shipment has arrived and can be bought   >goes in next day, nothing there anymore   -__-   *shakes fist*




i love cats     cats are my favorite



Meet my amiibo

You have Gerald the Luigi Amiibo on the left, and Agnes the Zelda amiibo on the right   If I can, I want to get a Mega Man and name it Alastor




is the Origins Edition worth it?   e: thank you ehks you saved me like 30 dollars   now it is downloading woopee




A new BZPower game, coming soon. Very soon.



this is the end

listening to this on endless repeat is literally turning my brain into oatmeal




So I've decided to do another name change contest, for my next name change. If we can get it done soon enough, it shall end by this Saturday and be put into effect whenever I am next allowed to change my name.   So, suggestions are welcome here before I post the first round of voting tomorrow. I've already taken the finalists from the other contest and added them to the list; I am banning the winner of the last contest and any similar names from this one. No themed name contests yet, but any na



Athletics at the 1904 Summer Olympics

Good grief   this is the kind of stuff i stumble across at 4am after listening to nothing but Undertale music for three straight hours   ...   let's not even talk about the HF RPG or Mafia right now



forever 21

turned 21 today   pretty lowkey birthday, nothing particularly special. didn't have any money to be spending until i received some this evening so i didn't make any plans (since plans would most likely involve some drinks and that's expensive yo)   anyway that's all for now.



My First Amiibo! (Smash Files 63)

The first step in my journey to collect every single Super Smash Bros. Amiibo figure begins! Mario and Wii Fit Trainer arrived in the mail today, and Samus is currently en route. I must say, I'm rather impressed; while in pictures the plastic "cast" on the Wii Fit Trainer's foot looked terrible, in person it's not actually that distracting. Would the figure be better without it? Absolutely - that goes without question. But it is not entirely detrimental to the design.   As for Mario, he's a whol



Doomed to Repeat

-Rollor’s Reach: Citadel- -Jed Corruich-   He stepped into the dungeon, one hand on the hilt of his sword, ready to draw it at a moment’s notice. More than one Knight had been led to a trap down here; the Faith might be gone, but not everyone on Okoto was a fan of theirs. The Battle for the Dawn had been largely forgotten, in the aftermath of the War of Five Kings.   In the flickering light of the torches, he could make out two familiar faces.   “Ehks,” he said, nodding to the Protector o



Top 10 - Super Nintendo

Part 3 comes a little later; my excuses are homework, volunteering, and the awesome new episode of RvB which I will be detailing tomorrow.   SUPER NINTENDO Donkey Kong Country (1994) Super Mario World (1991) Mega Man X (1994) Earthbound (1995) Earthworm Jim (1994) Star Fox (1993) The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (1992) Secret of Mana (1993) Contra III: The Alien Wars (1992) Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest (1995) NOT ON LIST: Axelay - Owned on Wii VC Chrono Trigger -



I Melted Bulk! D:

This entry is really late, as I actually did the deed around a week ago, but I've been busy. Suffice it to say that I left a Bulk mock-up creation on top of an incandescent lightbulb, forgot he was there, left him on a light that was on for 30 minutes... and then realized he was there and what was happening.   I no longer have a pair of silver HF feet of any kind, one armour piece is borderline useless, and the connections for the 2010 hero feet are now down 2.   Urk.




My Lucina figma arrived today! =D   I'm going to leave her in the box until I move to uni; I'd hate to risk losing any pieces.   So excited tho



2015 in Film

It's that time of year again; time for the list where I mention my favorite movies out of the ones I saw this year.   As always, I did not manage to see every movie; I will be seeing "The Hateful Eight" by the end of the first week of January, and plan to see "The Revenant", "Joy", and "The Good Dinosaur" if opportunity allows. Others ("Peanuts", "Ex Machina", "Sicario", and a few others I was interested in but missed) will most likely have to wait until 2016, when I can catch them on Netflix or



I hate cancellations

Unfortunately, this is one of those cancellations.   I am cancelling Decimation. I am doing my best to speed the process of my games along in Games & Trivia, as I wish to focus more on Bionifight Infinite. I also wish to focus more on my writings outside of BZPower, since those might actually get published someday. As such, for now, Decimation is being cancelled. I may write bits of it here and there, and perhaps I shall release it at some point within the next year.   For now though, don't



The Official Ibrow Emote

And it is so because I use it so often.   It actually gets kinda tiresome.   Here it is:   Lame.   ~Classical~




from VOLTEX ONAKU and NATO:         PRESERVE This is what it feels like to be Kopeke Nakali right now:   You’re numb. From the cold, firstly, but also from all of the blood flowing out of your legs, which have been sliced to ribbons. The snow around you has been stained crimson, where the blood has melted it into some twisted, nightmarish bit of red slush.   You’re scared. Terrified, actually. Your heart is beating what feels like a hundred times a second, and adrenaline floods your veins. Y



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