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Garreg Mach

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Brief messages from the world of Atama

Entries in this blog

Bionifight 5 - Teaser 4

This teaser sheds some more light on what is coming your way with Bionifight 5. Note: Because I'm gone all of August, there likely will not be any teasers that month. However, they will continue when I return up until the release of this glorious fighter.   That said, some information on the different gametypes of Bionifight 5: Free For All - Each player is on their own against everyone else in a massive fight to the death. The player with the most health left at the end of the round will be de



Bionifight 5 - Teaser 3

This one isn't so much a teaser, though I didn't really know what to categorize it as otherwise. That said, this is perhaps the biggest teaser as, should I get my laptop back before then (I refuse to work on Bionifight 5 on a computer that is 10+ years old and using XP), this will be Bionifight 5's release date:   17.09.2012   Who else is looking forward to it?   -ibrow



Bionifight 5 - Teaser #2

Let's continue on! It will be possible to be eliminated from each round. Judging will be re-worked, or possibly removed altogether in certain situations. The PIG will be removed, and the rules will be made clearer. The application sheet may be altered. A new game type will be added that will involve special enemies. Hope you're enjoying it.   -ibrow



Mini Review #1 - Monsters University Teaser

Mini Review #1 Monsters University Teaser   First off, let me say this- when I heard that this film was being made, the first thought that popped into my mind was “Do we seriously need another Monsters, Inc. film?”.   However, then I thought back to my trip to Disneyworld and the hilarious Monsters, Inc. comedy show they have there, and to the (rather vague, I’ll admit) memories I have of the film itself, and just the fact that this is Pixar we’re talking about. So I decided to give it a chance



BZPCraft #10

Would anyone like to team up with me for this one? I feel like it would be more fun for me if I did so, and I might live longer. Maybe.   -ibrow



New Rank Title

I am liking it. B) The only problem now is that I won't actually know what any rank titles I might get are, but that is extremely minimal. It's nice to have something setting me apart.   -ibrow



2012 in Film

I can't wait for The Dark Knight Rises next week. So excited! And before I left I saw the trailers for Django Unchained and Wreck-It Raplh, and I think I'm going to really enjoy both films.   As for The Amazing Spider-Man, I hope to get my review up today or tomorrow.   -ibrow



On Bionifight 5

Recently I've been feeling like I might be up to starting the game back up in September- there will be changes if I do, and I'll be working on it when I return and before I leave again.   I believe the old Bionifight now falls under the "RPG" category of "not allowed" these days, however, and that will make it more difficult to get going and make it fit.   So I ask you guys, the players - do you want to see Bionifight 5?



Member Ranks

I need to think up a custom (writing related) member title since I was one of the winners... ideas?



Comedies Critics Club

It is now up. B) I feel a little weird though, because I think this is the only critics club not headed by at least one staff member. >.>   Anyway, probably my last entry before I leave for the week. So goodbye! I am exhausted!   EDIT: Topic is finally complete! I can... finally... sleep...



Going To See Spider-Man

That Brave review will be up by Saturday hopefully; I've been distracted by other things. First among them later this evening will be The Amazing Spider-Man.   I've heard good things about the film (and rumours are going around that they might try to work Spidey into the next Avengers film as a crossover), so I'm hoping it'll be good.



A Review Of Pixar's Brave

A Review of Pixar’s Brave   Going into the theatre to watch the latest film from Pixar, I was... apprehensive. Every review I’d seen of the film, and every comment made on it, I had noticed complaints. Complaints that Brave didn’t match up to the rest of Pixar, everyone saying that the entire thing was predictable, so on and so forth.   Suffice it to say my expectations walking in weren’t that high. I only went because it was Pixar, and because I’ve been waiting to see this film all year.   I mu



Bzpcraft 9

I just looked at the list and realized what I've done to myself. .__.



New Blog Theme?

No idea what I'm going to do. It needs to be something that you can all mindlessly stare at while I vanish for a week.   Speaking of which, I need to get that time travel entry going....



The Final One

Endelig = "Final" in Norwegian; the first foreign language I tried where the word "final" wasn't just "finale" or a bunch of symbols/letters that would be a pain to type in every RPing post.   Thanks Norway!



The Nightly Ibrow

Just kidding I'm not actually gonna start doing these. My summer is too busy for that stuff. B)



Today Sucks

I am so creatively un-inspired right now. I can't seem to come up with good ideas for anything.



Torrent Voting

Just a reminder for those of you that submitted characters- you cannot vote for your own here. The one with the most votes will be determined the leader until such a time as a mutiny or death occurs in the RPG, and the winning player will also get to select their second in command.   Entry 1 (Burnmad): Character Name: Krissuk Gender & Species: Male, Prime species (pridak's) Powers: Hypnotism Equipment: An elegant sword, which features engravings that are relaxing and calming to look at. His



Need Font Help

So I'm finally turning to BZP for help, since all those tutorials out there on the internet never fail to confuse me, and also never fail to fail to get their point across.   That said, I'm trying to install a font called "Caviar Dreams", and needless to say, it isn't working at all. I extract the files to the fonts foler in Windows and it never shows up- I think it's obvious I'm missing a step, but whatever tutorials I find that make sense don't answer anything.   Sigh.



I Melted Bulk! D:

This entry is really late, as I actually did the deed around a week ago, but I've been busy. Suffice it to say that I left a Bulk mock-up creation on top of an incandescent lightbulb, forgot he was there, left him on a light that was on for 30 minutes... and then realized he was there and what was happening.   I no longer have a pair of silver HF feet of any kind, one armour piece is borderline useless, and the connections for the 2010 hero feet are now down 2.   Urk.



Heavy Is Quotable

Still in a Meet the Pyro haze after yesterday- crafted several of the items for myself today, and while doing so discovered just how many weapons I've been picking up by drop   I now have the new sniper rifle, both new Scout weapons, and the Scorch shot.



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