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Brief messages from the world of Atama

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OBLIVION   noun 1. the state of being completely forgotten or unknown 2. the state of forgetting or of being oblivious 3. the act or process of dying out; complete annihilation or extinction 4. official disregard or overlooking of offenses




We were supposed to have one in one of my classes today, but then the teacher dumped a huge note on us and taught us how to do something for the rest of the period, something that should take fifteen minutes max.   So we're supposed to have a debate tomorrow, and it sounds like we'll have a similar situation, and it'll be that way the whole semester.   This class sucks.



Day Run: The Garden

It needs your help to win the votes it needs- I don't want to watch it end abruptly and too soon; so please vote for it.   If you do, I give you a cookie. And will write a blog post about how cool you are. A pretty good deal, if I do say so myself.



Day Run: The Garden

It's gonna be entered into this contest. Everybody vote for it! Even if you'll never play it, vote it anyway! On the one hand, this is awesomely AWESOME because it means more Day Run.   On the other hand, it means I have to wait three more months to find out how it all ends if it wins. But that's not important.   -ibrow



Day I Don't Know What

Trip ends tomorrow, did a waterpark yesterday, etcetera etcetera. We did a mystery dinner show tonight which was pretty cool, and very funny.   Anyway, hopefully I can return to normal time in a few days.   Sleuths Mystery Dinner was the place - it was a little cramped (I hate hate hate tiny tables), but otherwise fun. I unfortunately nailed the wrong guy, in a way. I said he did it on the orders of the guy that actually did it, so I was sort of half right I suppose? I don't really know how it'



DAY 7: Oblivion

Here we are. Day 7.     ---   IT'S HERE! CLICK THE BANNER BELOW (OR THIS LINK) TO READ THE PROLOGUE OF OBLIVION.     ---   I hope you all enjoy it! Chapter 1 releases next week!



DAY 6: Outside In

DAY 6...   ---     The guest you never invited.   SVENTOLA "The Agori" Created by Ehks   An eccentric Agori from the Jungle Tribe that fought against the Reformation years ago. When his side lost the war, Sventola vanished into the wilderness with his bow and arrow, and in the years since has rarely stayed in one location for long. Thanks to his exploration of the Bota-Magna jungles, he is often hired to guide those less informed through the dangerous terrain; unbeknownst to



DAY 5: Mayor, Mayor

DAY FIVE!   ---     ---   Don't you have a city to run?   MARAKO "The Mayor" Created by Chip Biscuit   After the Reformation, Marako was one of those who took advantage of the chaos and manipulated it to his own ends.   He took a political charge, playing through several gambits that all paid off. He made many enemies in the process... but they did land him the seat as New Atero's Mayor, a role that he has played for the past twenty years. It is a position that should



DAY 4: Remember

Time for Day 4.   ---     Do you remember?   SMOKE MONSTER "The Mask Maker" Created by Toa Smoke Monster   Nobody knows this Matoran's true name - not even himself. All that he has to go by is the nickname granted to him by those who would become his closest friends long ago, when they were all thought dead to the world. He helped them to fight a war against an enemy thought unbeatable; he helped them to win.   But nobody remembers that war.   After the Reformation, S



DAY 3: Snark is Real

And now it's time for DAY 3!   ---     Tough love.   SIRIEN "The Snarker" Created by Inferna Firesword   Some people would tell you that the Ce-Matoran named Sirien is rude.   Sirien would helpfully inform you that those people are wrong.   Having worked as a weapons supplier during both the Destiny War and the Reformation War, Sirien has learned how to negotiate with everything from her fellow Matoran to beings as powerful as (and sometimes more powerful than) the Ma



DAY 2: Sign Right Here!

Here we are! Day 2 of OBLIVION!   ---     What's a BZP Story without BZP characters?   BRONZE "The Living Mask" Created by BronzeJet Kanohi Kakama   Every mad being needs a companion, and for the Mad Great Being Araina, that companion is the Ta-Matoran that she has named Bronze. Formerly an ordinary bronze Kanohi Kakama, Bronze was given life after being picked up by Araina ten years ago. With a living Kanohi Mask in her hands that she did not wish to carry, Araina construct



Day 02: Haunted Windmill

Day 02: Haunted Windmill   Yo what’s up everybody, it’s Link here again. Today was a little crazier than yesterday… it’s funny what you miss when you spend your entire life training to be a blacksmith and walking the same paths every single day. My friend Gulley went missing and I’m not quite sure where he is, so I’ve been looking for him everywhere. All I found so far was an item bag that he was going to give me… don’t worry, Gulley! I will find you, and we will make terrible pirate puns with e



Day 01: The Adventure Begins

Day 01: The Adventure Begins   I have decided to keep a log of my new adventure until it reaches its conclusion, since it is pretty interesting. I forgot my name while sleeping, but that’s cool. My name was always Link before, right? Everybody seems to call me that, so I certainly hope so.   I accidentally slept in again, but luckily the Captain forgot his sword at the blacksmith’s; I was “punished” with taking the sword back to him instead, only… well, I haven’t seen the Captain since. By the t



Dark Knight Rises Cover

This needs to be the cover of at least a special edition; it's my favourite poster of the film. Partly the contradictory nature of the title and the picture, but also just because the picture is wicked awesome.     Rank 11 coming tomorrow night for the Pixar list, I promise. I have no scheduled interruptions then.




Just finished the first episode. I enjoyed it - apparently the series has been getting really good reviews, so hopefully it will continue to impress. I've somehow managed to keep myself entirely out of the loop with the show so far; I haven't even seen a preview for it. I wanted it to be a total surprise, and a total surprise it shall be.



Daily Friendship Is Magic

The past week I've been watching an episode of My Little Pony before going to bed, since I can't help but get in a good mood watching it, and thus my sleep is wicked.   Except last night, because I had a busy day. But I watched Suited for Success, which was an alright episode. Not my favourite. Still, it was ponies. And it was enjoyable.   Anyway, off to decide which episode I'm watching tonight. Adios!   EDIT: Watched Winter Wrap Up.



Cutting Friends

Now that I've drawn you in, it's time to throw you out, because a few days back I wiped every single person off of my BZP friends list, minus the five I talk to most often and the others that I also talk to most often but evidently don't check their BZP friends lists, because who cares.   BE GONE.



Cutting Characters: Smash Files #8

Smash Files 8 – Cutting Characters So I’ve been catching up on the news surrounding Smash Bros. from over the summer, since there was little point in reading about it when I had internet for a grand total of two weeks – both weeks away from my home computer, and thus unsuitable for writing. Vista is terrible and I hate everything about it. Moving on – in short, there was some news when I got back, and some of it was interesting. Olimar has clearly forgotten what Captain Falcon did last time



Curse Fad

Thank goodness it is dying down. Curse You Greg 4 was alright, Curse You Pridak was good, but I didn't read any of the others. It got kinda dreary, having so many "Curse You __" comedies around... like the Ask Comedies....   Also, everybody keeps saying Confound You Gregory is the best thing ever; I found it kinda boring.   ~Classical~




from ONAKU and VOLTEX     CURSE “You haven’t aged a day.”   Onaku turned around at Hahli’s words, giving her a playful smile, raising an eyebrow. “You say that a lot. I don’t know, I think I’ve gained some air of wisdom in my years.”   “Yeah…” Hahli smiled wistfully. “But you’ve also maintained one heck of a youthful look. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you actually hadn’t aged since we met.”   Onaku chuckled at the thought. “Yeah, well, maybe my mask maker blood will make me live fo



Current Pokemon Team (Pokemon Files 1)

Not gonna bother going into much detail regarding X right now; suffice to say that I am enjoying myself, but I'm disappointed with the small opponent teams (I can't even pretend gym leader battles are epic anymore), and the writing is actually pretty bad. However, I'm still having more fun than I did with Gen. V, so there is that.   Anyway.   Current Team: Burnmad, Level 39   Mayno, Level 37   Black Six, Level 32   Zehvor MT, Level 33   Kraggh, Level 36   ~ET~, Level 35   Other Pokemon (PC



Cult Fortress Help

It's like Mafia but with a Cult, and all nine Team Fortress 2 classes are included as roles. Except I need help on how I should work the Heavy, Demoman, Scout, and Soldier into it.   And any other ideas you might have are welcome too.



Ctv News Fail

Why are they disarming a WW11 bomb? What happened to WW3-WW10?   -ibrow



Crimson Flower

The Empire has fallen. The Church reigns supreme. Ragnarok approaches. The Black Eagles face greater odds than any protagonists before them. As they are hunted across the world, they must search for one last miracle to save the day... ...or there will be no more tomorrows.



Cover Arts

Felt like posting something on this old relic so here, enjoy some of the cover arts that I've commissioned for the Bionicle campaigns I've been hosting on Discord the past few years! I like to think they've been pretty varied. All but two of the covers below feature art from @TBK! The Argonauts was a pirate adventure, with a dash of horror and time travel to spice things up. The Aenid was a sequel to The Argonauts. Still a pirate adventure, but also a tragic war story that culminated in a


Voltex in BZPGOT

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