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Garreg Mach

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Brief messages from the world of Atama

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Go Play

This game here   Seriously, though. Bionifight just proved that getting 98 pages of activity is possible in 2 months. Let's get Outbreak to at least 40 in the time it has!



Term 2

My high school uses the semester system (thank goodness), and halfway through every semester we always have "term 2", where periods 1 and 2 are switched, as well as periods 3 and 4.   Totally screwed my inner clock around; at the end of first period I was ready for lunch, after third I was ready to leave, and after fourth I was ready to go back to third. Oddly, period two was normal. Kinda weird.   ~Classical~



Pahrak And Exo-Toa

I will own you someday! I swear! And when that day comes, I will finally own all all six Toa Mata in (hopefully) perfect condition, as well as the Toa Nuva! Someday.



International Bacon

The IB program. I'm 100% honest when I tell you I never fail to spell the second word incorrectly. And right now I'm too tired to look it up. >.< Why I'm blogging about this I don't know, but I'm currently editing a ten minute video that isn't even regular course work for my religion teacher, and then I need to type up around 800 words by Friday in ways that must be done over several weeks.   Suffice it to say I've chopped internet time in half and I'm still falling behind. Ugh.   That sai



Red vs. Blue Season 12

Announced with a pretty sweet promo image   I'm looking forward to Tucker's story arc this season (whatever it may be).



AMA: The Answers You Seek

I do not. I do, however, dream of jungle animals eating a 4x4 brick named Bartholomew whilst wearing a fedora.     I usually donate my dreams of farm animals to Sumiki, so not very often.     A: Please note my answer to Luroka. B: That was a simple test to rile some of you up, should I ever decide to truly dedicate myself to re-writing that entire thing. C: I am currently up to Chapter 5, although I am also in the midst of re-working the outline and therefore the writing has been delayed by a li



Grad Photos

Ordering them is extremely frustrating. Mostly because my mother will not budge on her super expensive three pictures, rather than get the cheaper package set that includes a CD with every pose so we can upload them and send them to friends and family.   I am quickly growing beyond angry. She has forcefully delayed the decision for the third time now. I suppose I should be thankful she hasn't just ordered them without me.  



rest in pieces (literally tho)

back in July 2014 I dropped my phone on concrete and the screen held itself together by sheer force of wil   it continued to function perfectly   yesterday I may have sat on it and finished the damage   the phone still works   but the screen sure doesn't   (on the bright side though, since I'm pretty certain it's just the screen, this is a far less expensive problem than I had originally anticipated)



Into the Cloud (Smash Files)

CLOUD PROFILE Species: Human Series: Final Fantasy First Appearance: Final Fantasy VII (Playstation, 1997) Favourite Appearance: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (Wii U, 2014), because I haven't played FFVII Party: 3rd Known For: Being Cloud, appearing in Smash despite never appearing on a Nintendo platform in a main series Final Fantasy game Excitement Factor: 7/10 - I spoke before of how I am excited for Cloud, but wished we had gotten Shovel Knight or Shantae (3rd party characters more associate



poor malfoy

came across this a few months ago saved it found it on my comp this morning and now here we are




Since Pulse did it with BZPBM, I figured I'd go back through BZPGOT S1 and S2 to calculate some of the stats; and by some I mean two. So below, listed from most to least, are the POV counts for each season and then the number of times each character was mentioned by name in each season.   Season 1 POVs 1-PULSE (Pulse Vatten; 11) 2-NATO (Nato Greavesey; 11) 3-VOXUMO (Voxumo Ash; 9) 4-BURNMAD (Burnmad Aodh; 8) 5-SMOKE MONSTER (Smoke Monster Boscage; 8) 6-ZATTH (Zatth Raqmu; 6) 7-FF (FF Crustallus;



EW YOU'RE SO OLD (Smash Files 42)

And continuing on with three more profiles!   Samus Profile Species: Human Series: Metroid First Appearance: Metroid (NES, 1987) Favourite Appearance: Super Metroid (SNES, 1994) Party: 1st Known For: Being a bounty hunter, liking Justin Bailey, hunting Space Pirates, exterminating the race of Metroids Excitement Factor: 8/10 - Another character that I enjoy using on occasion; and, as a member of the Original Twelve, we all knew she'd be back anyway. Watch the legs! Watch the legs!   Pikachu Pr



Oh goodness

Nintendo please   If I get any more excited for anything that is even remotely related to this game I might actually give myself heart problems



I Return With News Friends

So after returning from Jamaica, here's the white stuff in between the cookies: I am burnt on my shoulders despite layering them with sunscreen relentlessly. Stupid shoulders. Stupid sock tan. I missed that MLP episode about time and don't even know what it's called anymore. Time to go look it up! I do not enjoy the thought of how bad I'm going to be at TF2 when I return. I saw the 2011 Muppets movie on the airplane today woot. Woot I'm home. Oh wait I'm home and it's stuffy and I don't ge



Come join the Lego Dimensions RPG!

If you're interested in playing, just click the banner!   Mission #1: Orient Expedition will be finishing up soon, and once it does we'll be starting Mission #2: Power Miners! (With Rock Raiders included )



Read It And Don't Weep

Minus the don't, the episode was cool. I missed I think the first five minutes though, trying to find a channel and then trying to find a livestream (which succeeded). Next week will not be so crazy, and I will get the episode on time.   Dash discovered reading! Awesome. She's 20% cooler now.



EARLY SIGNUPS (4 spots left!)

If you'd like to join in the next three rounds of Bionifight Ultimate, just fill out the profile below and post it in the comments for approval. This is only for those who did not participate in Rounds 7-9. Member Name: (Your current display name – you will also play the game as a character with this name, to avoid any confusion that might occur). Weapon: (You are allowed to have one main weapon – it cannot have any special powers). Power: (You are allowed to have one power – however, should




Back when my blog hit 1000 comments, I dedicated the next entry to Sumiki, who go the 1000th comment.   ...unfortunately, I was the one to get the 2000th comment. Talk about boring. You mssed it by that much, JiMing.



To Those on my Steam Friends List

I am putting out a call! Are any of you (particularly/mainly the ones that I speak to on at least a semi-regular basis) fans of Percy Jackson and/or the Heroes of Olympus?   If so just shoot me a message on Steam, or comment here ASAP.           In IRL news, I have had another person tell me to be a teacher. I refuse! I will not go right from learning as a student in school to learning as a student to be a teacher in school to being a student teacher in school to being a teacher (in school).  



Regarding Raffles

When there's more than one prize (for simplicity, let's say there are two) in a raffle... could the same member theoretically win every prize in that raffle? That'd be some seriously miraculous number crunching



Bionifight 4 Closing

It had to be done. Anyway, since B6 closed the topic before I could reply to the last three people, here's the post I'd made:   There you have it.



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