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Words we often so desperately want to say, but leave unspoken, for one reason or another, for fears rational and irrational, whether it makes sense or not. 

Entries in this blog

Written in Stone

When Vakama said 'Our destinies are not written in stone, we have to find them/write them for ourselves ' or something, I took it literally in 2005.   I imagined Vakama had a stone tablet and was etching his destiny into it. Imagine if destiny actually worked that way. I think it'd be more interesting than some 'because Destiny said so' stuff.




If there's one thing I've always lacked, it's confidence. That's not a bad thing despite what some will say.   Yet apparently, lack of confidence is a problem. When someone is confident and does good, it's 'determination'. When someone is confident and does bad, it's 'arrogance'.   I'd much rather doubt myself than be arrogant any day. Confidence is just as much as a flaw as a lack of it is, it's not some ridiculous black and white 'NO CONFIDENCE BAD, CONFIDENCE GOOD' stuff. World's more compli




Apparently, this is my 201st blog entry. Meaning the last one was the 200th blog entry!   This calls for...   MORE INANE QUESTIONS! ​Inane Question: Last year, when BIONICLE's return was announced, why didn't you take the opportunity to assassinate the Hero Factorieses? Inane Question Two: Next year, when the Demented Clowns of Honkle come knocking at your door with a clownish honk-roar, what will you do to prepare for the Oncoming Ahonkalypse? Inane Question One Plus Two: Someone makes



Here, Answer Some Questions.

1. If the world was in danger and you were elected to save it by a bunch of people that have never met you, would you resign, save the world, or help the world on its way to destruction? There's a signpost with directions on it. Towards the North is Destruction. From the south is wherever you happen to have came from. To the East is a place so rumoured to exist it actually doesn't exist, and all who enter disappear forever. To the west, there is nothing of note but a portal to a universe where




If you have a Transparent Orange Mask of Fire, you are now eligible for...   THE CULT OF THE TRANSPARENT ORANGE MASK OF FIRE!     Join today, and TRANSPARENT ORANGE FIRE will permeate all aspects of your life! It'll warm you when you're cold, it'll help you be brave and bold, it'll burn away mice and mould, it absolutely cannot be sold! That's what you've been told!   Sign up for said Definitely-Not-A-Cult using the form below!   NAME: ADDRESS: FAVOURITE ELEMENT: FIRE/TRANSPARENT ORANGE FIRE/




Today I received a letter from a place I don't know about stating that it had received a referral I didn't ask for from a doctor I don't know.   I never asked for a referral, I don't know this doctor, and I've never heard of this place.   This is reeking of something very suspicious and worrying to me.



New Elements

I've got some amazing ideas for some new elements for G1:   Kinetics Vacuum Acid Repulsion Paper Fate Boxes Telephones Limbs Emoticons Canon Blood Fans Money Absurdity Media Humans Toa Skull Spiders Generation Two Vehicles Inika Torsos CCBS LEGO Minfigures Stupidity Headphones Centre-Aligned Text Bad Fanfiction Blogs BZPower Televisions Cybernetics Ideas Science Uselessness Dead Horses   All brilliant ideas.




I hope I get to design a flag one day.   We should design a flag for BZPower. Maybe with gold, grey, and blue as the colours.



A Bunch of Non-Serious Questions

1. Who are you, and why are you viewing this blog entry and plotting your invasion into my noble kingdom of the heart? 2. Why do you swear fealty to Hapori Tohu? 3. Can I swear fealty to you? 4. A sword magically floats over to you and challenges you to a duel to non-existence. Do you accept? 4a. Scenario A: The Sword wins. Do you accept defeat or do you consume the sword? I left out the detail that the sword was actually made of confectionery. 4b. Scenario B: You win. You have be




If my name looks like it's no longer 'You Have 24 Hours', that's because it is no longer 'You Have 24 Hours'. Instead, you now have a heart that is pulsating.   If my name looks stupid, then I apologise on my behalf.



Obnoxious Text

What's the most obnoxious/annoying/irritating way of displaying text you can come up with?   THIS IS REALLY OBNOXIOUS   See how hard to read that is? Now add in alternating caps lIkE tHiS or, to me, even worse: Capitalising The Start Of Every Word. Give it some rainbow text too. Perhaps random bolding, italics, and underlining for good measure. Ooh! Align it differently each line. Line 1, right-aligned. Line 2, left-aligned. Line 3,right-aligned again. Line 4, centred! And if that wasn't enough,



A Few More Scenarioquestionthingawhyareyouansweringthems

YOU THERE ANSWER THESE You discover that you have the power to absorb LEGO pieces into your body and then assemble them as extra limbs. How do you respond to this? You discover rumours of plans to build a HERO Factory... right where wherever you call home is located! Also, in such a clichéd and predictable move, humans are disappearing and creepy robot 'heroes' are increasing in number. How do you stop the tyranny of the HERO Factory? You discover a discovery which has not as yet been di



A Few Scenarioquestions

I WANT YOU TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING:       You read the big text above, right? I want you to answer the following if not. You come home. You own one of those swivelly-chairs that would be terrifying if it gained sentience and the ability to move on its own. When you approach your chair, it swivels around to reveal a Bone-Head of Voodoo Island, fully sentient and able to move on its own. Its eyes are piercing into your soul and it begins addressing you in a dark and unfamiliar language,



The Names Of Pulse

Firstly, we're going back to 2009 and 2010 for some insightful looks into the brilliant posts of my 13/14 year-old mind.   First post on a non-BZP forum. Had one of those extremely common 'Count to a [LARGE NUMBER GOES HERE].   I'd explain the context of this but I think it's better left incomprehensible.   Apparently I moderated a forum at one point. Or was messing around. Attempting to be incomprehensible through bad spelling seemed to be one of the things I liked to do, as it amused me at




Let's come up with the most useless or impractical masks possible.   Mask of Air-breathing Mask of Self-malfunctioning Mask of Unpowered Electronics Mask of Obviousness (used on self) Mask of Stealing Your Own Body Mask of Mask-Senfience (like the inika masks)



Star Wars, Fonts, and Colours

They're totally going to reveal Jar-Jar as the super-rare bonus constructable figure that's valued really highly because his torso is made out of SOLID GOLD MIXED WITH PURE ANNOYANCE   And while I'm doing this whole font and colour thing in my blog..   This Colour With Trebuchet MS (Unbolded)   or   This Colour With Courier New (Unbolded)   I feel that the dark green with Trebuchet MS is much easier on the eyes and thus easier to read than the red-orange Courier New, especially when neither are



In 2018

The Toa must face evil versions of themselves summoned by Makuta, the 100% evil version after the Mask of Deus Ex Machina split Makuta into two 100% good and evil versions to solve the problem of 2017.   UHAT, DISASTER OF FIRE ILAG, DISASTER OF WATER AWEL, DISASTER OF JUNGLE UTAHOP, DISASTER OF STONE AUNO, DISASTER OF EARTH AKAPOK, DISASTER OF ICE   Meanwhile, the Lord of Skull Spiders returns, except it's not alone this time. It's being controlled by the Lord of Lord of Skull Spiderses, which h



Unity, Duty, I Don't Get To Decide My Own Destiny

Surely at least one person objected to the idea of a destiny they had to fulfil. What if someone didn't like their destiny? What if their destiny was to become a criminal plaguing the streets of Metru-Nui but they were too good for it? What if they resented the idea of having a pre-chosen destiny and decided to shun Mata-Nui instead?   Break the unity, shirk the duty, reject the destiny.   Division, Disregard, Volition! The Three Antithetical Virtues. the ones adhered to by those who shun Mata



Messing with a Mohtrek

I wonder if anyone ever tried to reject destiny and tried to follow their own path. What became of them?   What if you mess with destiny by utilising a Mohtrek to destroy all of your past selves? What happens then? Would they be destined to do that? But then they would no longer exist, since they would have never been alive to destroy themselves in the first place, and... destiny explodes! It doesn't know what to do. Destiny is defenestrated. Of course, there is then the matter of a messed-up ti




Hi, BZPower.   I have some questions. Oversized weapons: a plague of BIONICLE or a staple of BIONICLE? Feet with the ankles coming out of the centre: good or bad? CCBS: In dire need of innovation or the best thing ever? What's your favourite colour? Yes, this has nothing to do with BIONICLE. I'm sorry for all the inane, pointless blog entries wasting server space. They are from a fool who knows nothing and you should treat them as such. Appropriate apology?



The Ancient City

There's something I'd like to know: why did the villagers of Okoto leave the city in the first place? Was it cursed? Was it reimbursed (with death)? Was the city the worst? Of cities to be abandoned, was it the first?   Also, it's in the shape of the BIONICLE symbol. You know the one, the one that was on the bottom of G1 canisters. There's chasms between the five parts, with the tomb-forge of Ekimu being on the central pillar-dot and the residences of Ekimu and Makuta on the outer two pillar-do



LEGO Reveals Flavoured Constraction Sets

Did everyone else see the announcement LEGO just made? From the second half of 2015 onwards, all constraction sets are to be edible. Colour will correlate to flavour, so we'll end up with cherry-flavoured Tahu sets, Blueberry-flavoured Gali sets, Chocolate flavoured Pohatu sets, et cetera.   A bold move, indeed. Apparently, this to increase safety amongst the younger range of Constraction fans. Well, I can't wait to taste the new Skull sets and the sets of next year!   I hope nobody's done thi



What if...

What if we put jet boosters on entire landmasses, allowing them to relocate to a different position on the globe or fly off into space?



You Have 24 Hours To Ask Me Questions

You have 24 hours to ask me questions.   Ask me everything - no, wait. I do believe the phrase is 'ask me anything', not everything. Can't have you asking about personal details now, can I?



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