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Coheed and Cambria

So I heard about this group from a music critic and from the clip he showed of the band I liked what I heard. Though I'm just wondering are they any good? Which songs in particular are good? Whatever you want to say.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Chols you wanted a Gorillaz parody

Top Right: Sumiki Top left: Chols Bottom left: Me (Trixie avatar) Bottom right: Bambi (Sweetie Belle avatar) The Stone Apez! Would you believe this took forever to make, it's not perfect but good enough. Thoughts?

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Childish Gambino

Recently got Childish Gambino's lead single "3005" from his album "because the internet". I really like the song but I found out something cool about the album cover. Here it is: Yes it is a .gif (first time I saw it change it scared me) sadly the iPod cover screen doesn't show this. So yeah just thought that was cool and wanted to share it.     BTW go and listen to "3005" because it is an awesome song.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Changes That Nobody Will Ever See

Well after some consideration I have decided to change my blog. It is the now the hub for TG&PT's magical entertainment service hub. Although personally Twilight is still better than Trixie.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Canterlot Wedding Entry (I'm Creative)

Well I wasn't able to watch the episode on tv so I had to look online. It took me a while but I finally watched it and I was impressed.   The first episode I liked because even though Twilight believed Candence (squee) was evil we didn't see that and could see that everybody had a legit reason to not suspect her (that is very rare in stories). The end:     What I was thinking would happen: Seriously.   Part 2 I think I liked better than part 1 mainly because they got away with the violence. Not

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Can't sleep on Christmas

Title says it all, I'm unable to fall asleep for Christmas. I am really not sure why but I really need to fall asleep soon or I'll be really tired tomorrow. Any suggestions for sleeping?   Oh yeah Merry Christmas from Felix Dzerzhinsky Good night

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

BZPc #26

Made it to top four! Woo! Also Ry next match you are dead meat! Hear me dead meat! You too AT but mostly Ry.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon


I bought overwatch. RIP Computer   Also name change, I like snipers.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon


>tfw you miss BZP people you really wanted to meet and could only go for one day

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon


I'm going to Brickfair today, unfortunately (or fortunately) my mom and brother are coming too. Also I'm sure if I can bring a hat or stay too long. My only concern is that I meet you all. Either I'm going to be leaving soon, so see you there.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Bloody Antarctica

The truth has finally been revealed, the continent of Antarctica is a psychopath! Just look at all that Bionicle Legends.....wait it isn't blood? It's a plume of seawater tainted with high amounts of iron oxide? Also the glacier is said to have trapped microbes that are essentially primordial ooze, they've evolved without light, free oxygen, and heat. False alarm.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Blender In A Nutshell

So. Much. Stuff. To. Learn. CURSE YOU PIXAR AND DREAMWORKS!! You make it look so easy! Now if you excuse me I have to figure out blender and and find pictures of ponies to post on my blog.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Bionicle 2015

>2015 >Bionicle comes back >Lego experiences huge sales >Half-life 3 announced >Lego doesn't care >Half-life 3 release date around time Bionicle summer sets come out >Half-Life 3 released >People start buying Half-life 3 instead of Bionicle >Bionicle sales plummet >Bionicle is on verge of dying >Small group of fans decide to get together to stop Half-life 3 >group grows >Half-Life 3 fans fight back >anarchy reigns in the street >I'll never be able to

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Best Samus Aran Cosplay

There are good cosplays, there are great cosplays, and then there are those that are actually awesome. Now before you say anything click the link to see what I mean, here. Unfortunately the link I got this image from doesn't list the person's name. However they are to be congratulated because this cosplay is downright awesome.   By the way it is extremely important you click those links because if you don't, I'll know you didn't.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Best GIF of 2012

Everyone just pick out your favorite gif you found during the wonderful year of 2012. I'd post mine but I can't decide between my "shut up" gif and the dramatic Berny gif. So yeah, just post them with why you like it or some such text.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Being Bored Makes Me Find Weird Stuff On The Lmbs

Hello everyone, so today I was pretty bored. In my boredom I was thinking about have some entry where I did something like Count Bleck and post and have name like Ponies and post pictures of ponies. However I realized I could never live with myself if I did that so I decided to look around the LMBs. Here's some stuff I found.     The bolded stuff is for emphasis     Please tell me everything that's wrong with the above quote. Here's the thread the above comment came from. Also there are two thre

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

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