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Call me a fan and also thank Makuta of Comedy for inadvertently getting me into it with her avatar. I have three complaints first I really wish Hitagi was in more episodes (anyone who can make a stapler deadly is automatically awesome in my opinion) plus I kinda liked her, second I think I'd like to see a little less talking although the dialogue is actually enjoyable, and finally can we please have Koyomi be good at fighting and not have to watch him get his butt kicked. Seriously an awesome an

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Back to the Lurker phase

Yeah I really haven't made any substantial gain in my post count and I rarely update this here blog (I mean you guys must suffer without my quips). So yeah I think may just start posting pictures of cute animals here. Really that is all there is to say on this matter. Also Swotor: the prologue takes FOREVER!!

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Avatar Woes

Well the holiday season is almost over and I have a tiny problem. Should I go back to my old Trixie avatar or a new avatar? I like Trixie (but Twilight is still better regardless) however the dragons from Skyrim look awesome. So now I'm at an impass Trixie or Skyrim Dragons so hard to choose.   Also just yesterday renewed my premier status. I love my blog too much to lose it now.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Attention all agents

Attention all members of the Bionicle Zone Power Intelligence Agency, we have made an dangerous discovery. It is believed that an outside agent has loaded the forum with a substance known as Crazystuffinium. Your mission is to find out who is doing this and make sure we are safe from outside intrusion. Please say your real username and false username (current name-Spy you chose name) and be ready for action. Felix Dzerzhinsky out.   Alright folks if want to change your name to a fictional or not

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Assassin's Creed Anyone?

So I've been hearing some stuff about Assassin's Creed. Can anyone tell me about it background, why is it rated M, characters, story? I know only the basics of it, but it does seem interesting especially with Assassin's Creed III coming out. So yeah what do you guys know?   Also thoughts on the new blog theme, I know it's hardly anything new but thoughts?

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Anime Recs Anyone?

So to be blunt I've never been the biggest fan of anime (the plots can be strange and don't get me started on the attire) but I might be willing to give a second chance after started watching Yu gi oh abridged don't ask why. So what are some good anime series you'd want me to watch? I'm all ears.   Edit: Bumping this guys.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

An interpretation of MLPFiM

Hey man MLP has like deep political messages and like offers insight into philosophies. I mean come on it's obvious that Pinkie Pie represents the Absurdist school of thought, AppleJack is clearly an Objectivist, Rarity is capitalist, Fluttershy is a non violence activist, and Rainbow Dash represents the idea of living everyday like it's your last man. Twilight Sparkle like represents the intellectual and her actions are like the representation of they try to understand these concepts man. The d

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon


Ever thought someone was really young, but then you find out that they're actually like 21 and you feel all awkward about it? I had that experience with Blade and Vox. Strangely I thought Squishy was a lot older than he actually is. Whatever I feel young compared to everyone else for some reason

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

After many moons... Part 2

I finally managed to get the full version of paint tool sai. Gotta learn a couple new things now and might try adjusting my tablet to use it. Still reading loomis though and might read Hampton along the way. Any other words of advice?

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

After many moons

I finally began learning how to draw. Basically started with Loomis and then may learn Hampton with it. Though the things that scare me are perspective and proportions. But I 'll worry about those later.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

A Stunning Revelation

Dun dun duh!   The communists made Mario to hypnotize kids into obeying the USSR. Just look at it.   Why yes, yes I was bored.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

A special message from the Hulk.

hulk seen lot of people on internet pretend to be hulk, this make hulk mad or madder than usually. So hulk and friend felix dzerhersnky made list of stuff that people get wrong about hulk.   1 hulk has political opinion. this wrong because hulk finds politics counterproductive (Felix taught hulk that word) besides hulk cant vote because people will run away. hulk also has big fingers, buttons are too small     2 hulk just smashes stuff. yes hulk does find smashing stuff fun but hulk have other h

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

A non-controversial entry

So I'm thinking of getting Mass Effect 2 for Steam or my game consoles. I'm wondering if there are specific missions I need to do or avoid, which characters I add to the ship, how to make a Shepard not look like a deformed mass, etc. So yeah just give me your advice.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

A New Year And Rpg Problems

Well I'm a bit late but either way Happy New year everyone. 2012 is the last year we'll have dates like 12/12/12 or 11/11/11. 2012 is here and the world hasn't ended yet.   I also saw the RPG winners and well I can't decide which to choose. Dreamland and Techna seem cool, I might have to read Epoch of Despair a little more before I consider joining. Any suggestions? Please should I join an RPG it will be my first.   One last note changed my avatar, it's still Trixie but a different one.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

A new voter in town

That's right after a few days or so I'll officially be able to vote. Granted I'll be able to only for president because I hardly know what the other choices are but I don't care. Now I'm not telling you who I'm voting seeing as it is quite obvious by my about me block, which means I'll be making a lot of BZPers mad (they won't say it here, outside of BZP will be bloody though reference no one gets XP). So yeah that's all I have to say oh wait I'm gonna vote for.......

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

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