A bit of brainstorming has led to some realizations about Matoran, and they may end up as playable in BIONICLE Fighter after all. They don't have powers, and that is what has been the biggest challenge in balancing them. Still, it also means there are fewer custom powers needed for them, which would save on their development time. Here is what they might have instead of a full elemental power selection: - Matoran will carry the passive elemental traits of their Toa counterparts. Ta-Matoran get
So we got the basic disk launcher, and Vakama Metru's special launcher. Now, one is bog-standard, and the other is cool but kinda big. Plus, it's flame-styled, which doesn't fit every character. Thus I felt the need to make some new disk launcher designs that better reflect other shapes and elements. So there we have Vakama's laucnher to the top-left, and a modified round design to the right of it. Next is a design I added "wings" to, in an attempt to make a cool launcher for a Toa of Air.
I was asked about to how sprites are created and used. This post is an attempt to explain the basics behind a sprite sheet. What are sprites? Sprites are pretty much normal digital images, but they are made at a very, very small scale. The term "sprite" usually refers to the images used in video games and for small animations, etc. The only thing special about a sprite compared to other images is that the sprite is usually made by meticulous work at the pixel level – each pixel being place
Things have stood rather still the past few weeks, at least as far as game development goes. Due to a slew of school work and other things, I have not found the drive for heavy programming. I have at least completed a new ability or two for the old BIONICLE Fighter game engine, and I will upload these as soon as I polish them a bit with sound effects and stat tweaking. I have unfortunately not succeeded in fixing any of the crashes that occur on Windows 8 whenever certain abilities are used. F
I felt like sketching something digitally. A few minutes worth of the brush tool, and here we are. One Rahkshi, ready to fry your guts. Flat colors with no shading because I always mess up shading, especially on rushed art such as this. Maybe next time, hah! I'm bad at aaart.
Kanohi masks and other extra powers Part of a series of posts about my game. Up until now, all special powers have shared the same energy bar. This works nicely from a programming perspective, and probably from a player's perspective as well. It's nice and simple. However, it's not entirely in thread with canon, and it limits my options when it comes to programming the strength of each effect and the amount of energy each ability should drain. Let's take the Kanohi Kualsi, for example. Thi
Instead of filling up the main topic with lots and lots of banner images, I'll use this blog post to list them all. If you feel like linking to my game topic, you can copy the content of the appropriate code block below and paste it into your signature. This will produce an image which you can click on to reach the topic. Topic URL: http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=418 Banner images on top, code box below. The image size in pixels and the size of each file are shown to the ri
Blocking attacks Part of a series of posts about my game engine. Question: What is a major game mechanic has been planned since the very beginning of the game, but hasn't yet seen the light of day? Answer: Shields! I skipped programming this because I didn't have the right sprites for the blocking animations, and I figured it would be easy to add the functionality later. That turned out to be wrong. I should have put it in at once even if I had to use placeholder images, because right n
Shortening development time is good! Those of you who have been following my work-in-progress fan game already know that programming games is a lot of work. It's insanely fun to piece together a game, but it's still work, and work takes time. Now, I've got a lot of time on hands, sure, but sometimes I wish I could spend more time on some things and then have someone else to do the rest. So far I've been working alone on my game, because I am quite frankly the only one with enough insight into
It's already been a few years now since I started work on BIONICLE Fighter. I went in with confidence and pride, as my kinda limited platform engine began to evolve into a proper game, and I could stand and say "yes, people actually like my game". And indeed, the game is good. It's got a lot of stuff to play around with, but there is also a major problem that's stuck for a while: "Playing around" is pretty much all you can do. Current status of the game (version 12): You pick your character,
Yep, things that irk me about the BZPRPG. It should probably be noted that right now the ILS is the only thing keeping me in the game, because it's simply too big of a deal to let die, and I still enjoy the RPG at its core despite all its shortcomings. Still, here's a list of things that annoy me. 1) Lack of description. People moving back and forth between villages in the span of three sentences, people writing IC without specifying which of their 30 characters they are using, people doin
Hello and welcome to the Quest Board for the Island Liberation Squad! For the squad itself, click here. This is list of what tasks our stellar team has been given, and their current status. If you have a quest to give, either post it here or PM me with it. Now, why are we taking on quests, you may ask? Why, to gain publicity (and possibly rewards) of course! So if you find yourself in need of warriors to protect your caravan, or to clear out Rahi, or to escort someone to a village, or whatever
It's been too long since the last update, again. This is mostly due to me not having finished the whole "mirrored sprite" issue, though I have decided to ignore it for now and just push this update out. - Added Toa of Stone secondary power: Fracture. It causes stone spikes to jut out of the ground, but it can also create a row of spikes in the air as long as you hit something with the power pulse first. - Players will now do a small jump out of water and lava.
Here's the maps I have been working on lately. Kini-Nui (On top of Mangaia.) Unnamed ice map I'm lacking proper trees to put at the edges of Kini-Nui, as well as a proper mountain background. I will have to make those later. The ice map will be in the next version, at least, as soon as I'm done making a few small graphics for it (like a lever to open the fortress gate).
Just thought I should tell you the current progress on my game. - Bots now have the ability to use the power of masks other than the Miru. Be prepared to face Toa with functional Pakari, Huna, Kakama, etc. in the next version. - I'm working on making the sprites I need for players actually using their shields. Even if I don't finish those, I'll try to at least have the "ambidextrous player" problem solved. (No longer simply mirroring the sprites when changing direction.) - A certain some
To avoid cramping my signature, this post will be used for listing my art topics. Humanized Lehvak-Va Humanized Gahlok-Va Lithree, Toa of Lightning Leah, a Toa/Rahkshi hybrid Non-BIONICLE stuff
It's been almost a month since the last update, and if it weren't for me doing school work, playing TF2, writing BZP RPG posts and playing Rusty Hearts, this would have been out sooner. I mean, seriously, it's a minor update, and it only took an hour or two in total to put together. Change list: - Added new spearhead sprites for the Staff of Poison and Staff of Hunger. Disintegration still missing. - Lightning attacks now only stuns for half a second. - Lightning now counts kills. - The Toa
Active members: Deceased members: For more details and history, check the wiki page. For the small village we have built at Lake Pala, see the map here. For quests, see this blog post right here. Right now we don't have a courier service, so for role-playing reasons you should probably have your character ask for assistance in person as well. If you want your character to appear on the list here, make sure to drop me a PM about it once your character has begun to join IC. Go