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Grave of the Fireflies

I saw this movie a month or so ago.       Oh... lord. I've never started to cry during a movie before. Never. I stopped myself before it happened, but, oh ...



So much Music, so little time

So this guy at work leaves me his hard drive with like over a hundred GBs in it, says I can barrow it for a while. He's a local DJ, outside from serving, and says he has it filled with MP3s that I can have.   I'm like a kid in a candy shop right now. And all the Candy is FREE!!



Cave Story

Alright so I just bought and beat the video game Cave Story over the past month. Was able to check out all three endings and may I just say that it was incredible???   I'd really love to post up a review for this game soon, but in the mean time I'll just wow you with fanart that some guy drew. :3     <3



Oh snap I totally have a blog for a while

So just writing in, speaking out about some blog entry like things that I can try doing. Can't wait to get started!   In the mean time, wanted people to know I have a new epic in the making. It'll be CoT, posting it as soon as my current epic being co-written is nearing a close. Hopefully I'll get some good feedback on it!



... But He Smells Like Ranch Dressing!

I wanted love, I needed love Most of all, most of all Someone said true love was dead And I'm bound to fall, bound to fall For you But what can I do?   Take my badge but my heart remains, Lovin' you, baby child, Tighten up on your reigns, You're runnin' wild, runnin' wild, It's true   Sick for days in so many ways I'm achin' now, I'm achin' now It's times like these I need relief Please show me how, show me how To get right   When I was young and moving fast Nothing slowed me down, slowed me d



The Secret Of Nimh

Has anyone ever heard of this movie? I just watched it again the other day. It holds so emotion for an animated "kids" film. A very darker atmosphere then what I expected and though it's a tale about mice, it holds a lot of humanity in it. One small mother mouse on a journey to save her children in a harsh world? I love it. :3   If anyone gets a chance, this is one movie not to miss.     Those are cobwebs, not ghosts.



The Battle Of New Year's Eve

On new year's eve I'm working from 2 in the afternoon till 2 in the morning. I've seen the reservation list and I can't tell you how excited I am. At work it's our biggest day of the year. Bring it on, hungry party I-wanna-get-drunk people. >=D   Also working on a new story, yes I know you all are so excited for that. lol



Last Night

Last night my sisters and I are in a room while the rest of the adults are catching up in the Kitchen. (we have family in town)   We were planning to seriously watch Gundam 00, we're on like, ep 38 or something. But I ended up turning it to a funny Pony Quote, "Secrets and lies with those ponies." My youngest sister lol'd.   We watched a few more and my youngest sister persisted we watch the funniest ep of MLP I could remember. I chose Party of One, and my other sister was like, "Fiiine".   Ende



Don't Ask Me Anything.

Don't pester me with all those fancy questions, you got it?! Unlike other blog entries, I don't want your questions and I don't want to give out answers for nothin! This is a free internet! D:<



Do What I Say, And You Get A Star! Do You Want A Star? =3

So, I want you, the reader, to go to the creative outlet forums, then head to the Library subsection, then choose either Short Stories, Epics, or Comedies. Browse through the written selections there and find a title or author that catches your eye.   ...   Take your time.   It's okay, no rush.   That one?   No?   All good.   Found one?   Great!   Now, you read that piece of work, and review it, I don't care what you've found. After you're done, post the link to your review here, and I'll give y



I Made It Into The Polls ^_^

*leaps for joy*   Just having my story Divided We Fall make it into the polls for the Short Story Contest #8: Title Twisters, is more than I ever imagined would happen. Want to thank anyone who thought it was good enough to be placed there, and for the reviews I've gotten. It means a lot. If you haven't read it, or any of the other entries I suggest you do so. There are some pretty darn amazing stories here. Ignition, Dreams of Darkness and All Our Sins Remembered especially catch my eye, but I




I don't really watch Anime. I don't like the art too much, I feel like the content that's often portrayed isn't my thing (I'm sure not all Anime is like that but still) Not a big fan of animation with excessive blood, violence, nudity and a whole other truckload of stuff that just isn't for me, and I know it has it only because you can see it in commercials and movie covers back when old video stores were around.   However, I will say I'm kind of a fan of the Gundam series, and I've seen about t



Mata Nui Vs Discord

Found on known fan art website. In the words of one of the comments, I hope he decided to kick Discord's rear for Fluttershy. >=3



When I Hold On To That Locket, I Think Of You.

(That's the name I'd give to a Super 8 Fan Short Story)   Watched Super 8 tonight. I just wanted to say if anyone gets a chance, to completely check out that movie. It's a little cheesy in some areas, but characters are incredibly realistic, the story is interesting and overall message is just one of those overall one liner messages that I adore. :3   Metroid 2 (Return of Samus) was one of the first Metroid Games I had ever played. It's a classic, and unfortunately I lost my old Gameboy Version



Account Wasn't Working For A While, But I'm Good

It actually was kind of cool. I had a lot of time to just read other stories on the SS forum. So I'll get to reviewing some of them soon, cause I read quite a lot of good ones.   And yeah my account wasn't working. Had a database error every time I logged on, glad BZP got it fixed though.



Ssc#8 Entry, Divided We Fall

Was finally able to post this. If anyone would, please read when you can, though I know the story is a little long. ^^   Divided We Fall     Took me a little time to write this, but I'm glad I got it done in the end. Became MUCH longer then I thought it would be. Also as a side note, if the story was to be alternatively titled, I at first would have called it Fade. I honestly think the final title fits a little better.   PS: I'm assuming only my best friends will review this. {awesomeface}



Jedi Exile And Her Ultimate Fate

Major Spoilers concerning the fate of one of the best jedi ever.           On the plus side, I do like the new name she was given. It really wasn't bad for me.



When You Reach Me

I've never read a science fiction book with so little science fiction in it, and ended up loving it just as much. It was amazingly done and the kids were so realistic. Glad my friend told me to read it. =D



In All Seriousness

Skyward Sword is an awesome game, and I can't wait to finish this. Zelda and Link are really given awesome character back grounds this time. Zelda's been kidnapped (willingly?) and Link is on a search to find her. I've beaten the first temple so far. I would have beaten the game already, but it's just TOO LONG OF A VIDEO GAME >=(   Also, for a few updates, I am entering the Short Story Contest 8, I'm only on the last few pages. So please be on the look out, hope you all enjoy it. I'm not givi



Watching Link And Zelda Fly Together In The Sky...

Things sure are peaceful. Right now they are on a not-so-official-but-anyone-would-call-it-date. AND IT'S ADORABLE :3 oh wait ... what's tha- Tornado! Zelda, Link! No! D: Alright, I'm not coming on bzp till I find out how this ends. Be back tomorrow morning! : D



Oooh Gundam Wing Soundtrack Is Nice

I don't know why, but I checked out Gundam Wing Operation OST on the internet and found all these tracks that are just beautiful. :3   If anyone gets a chance check out these songs at least:   The Wings of a Boy Who Killed Adolescence   When the Dragon Swims, Everything Ends   The Clown that Doesn't Need Make-Up of Tears   Heero's Time of Decision   Touching Harpstrings (<3)   With Only That, I'm Happy   Who Will Burn Their Life Away   I'm so flipping out right now, these songs are just great



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