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Mata-Nui Weekly, January 14th-21st

KENTOKU ARCHIPELAGO Chōjo Yumiwa attends the debate in the market, presiding over the different arguments like a Crown Princess should. Of course, her arrival sparked a flurry of bows and apologies for standing in her presence, though she waived them off with such courtesy she seemed a goddess of compassion. NIhi continued, pointing out Mata-Nui’s resources, land, and the scourge of the piraka. In the end, she called out to the crowd saying their, “are cowards in our midst.” Sanei goes to t



Mata-Nui Weekly, January 7th-14th

KENTOKU ARCHIPELAGO Toroshu Noshima of clan Hogo has a flashback about her relationship with Kamari. Akone and Akimatai eat. Daikura Sakrayo and Eiyu Ankora finish their conversation and the latter goes into the markets, discovering a raging debate... Senavysh Angavur convinces Tutkee to turn off Nortti’s time machine. Enraged, she begins interrogating Tutkii for the reasons of the machine’s construction, but quickly changes to attempting to wake the unconscious Nortti. When Nortti does awa



Why Don't Docs Write Like This Anymore?

"Moreover, the early constellation of symptoms can have a paucity of findings with unidimensional presentations: the onset of solitary problems such as vertigo, or recurrent upper respiratory tract infections. Over time, as the untreated LD percolates, symptoms accrue to the burgeoning clinical picture until a multisystem presentation is created. Other patients can have their manifold symptoms complex develop in the manner of an avalanche. These patterns represent the extremes of a clinical cont



Something To Write

I've just tuned into the with a new pair of Bose headphones, and for some weird reason I have this burning urge to write a blog post. Not a "I shall take over the world with comments and spam" post, but an actual, heart to heart blog post. I'll admit I don't really have any idea what I plan to write about. Honestly, I think that's a bit like life: we open up the window and start typing on a blank form. Of course, the web-page has been provided by someone else, but the actual content we cr



Mata-Nui Weekly, 1st-7th of January 2014

Mata-Nui Weekly, for january 1st-7th. Kentoku Archipelago Kulrik is dressed by his attentive retainer. Hanako and Desdemona talk about the deceased menti. Inokio kills a saihoko who had accidentally bumped into the Chojo. Amaki and Yumiwa keep talking, though Yumiwa realizes she lost the pendant she was supposed to keep. Arisaka, substitute menti teacher, throws boulders at her students to test their perseverance. Enali, a student, manages to survive the ordeal while trying to help a hurt f



The Mata-Nui Weekly: Recruitment and Info Page

The Mata-Nui Weekly Will No Longer Be A Podcast The Mata-Nui Weekly is needing to evolve and change with the arrival of 2014. I don't have the time anymore to do audio recordings, and the podcast is now going to become a weekly blog post linked to the General Discussion Topic. Dr. O (GearDirector) and I have been talking about where we'd like to take things, and this is what we've decided: it's time for more members, it's time to become more interstitial to the game world, and it's time to les



RPG Map Project

I've begun the task of compiling information on architecture, locales, and information regarding each Wahi of the BZPRPG's 2013 arc with the goal of creating a slew of illustrations serving as maps for the entirety of player locations. This is a monumental task, but I've already made incredible progress with Po-Koro, and will be working on the final map in the next few days for the city of stone. If you have a suggestion for a location to be incorporated, please feel free to leave it in a comm



Clan Daikura

Welcome to the talk page for Clan Daikura. Major conversation topics will be listed in this post. Members of the clan are free to comment. ~Kughii   PS: Wiki Pages anyone?   Clan Info: Clan Diakura is a minor clan that holds only a tiny amount of land on Odaiba and whose numbers are also few. In spite of this, they can lay claim to a reasonable amount of influence in the archipelago by virtue of their lineage. They are a clan as old as the Odaiba, and can trace their lineage back to Arohi, a



Kumu Islets Discussion, BZPRPG 2013

Hello members of the Kumu Islets expedition plot! I'd like to hear you're ideas for what happened during the time skip as a comment below. I will morph the official outcome of our adventures in this post as our comments grow. Once we've decided, we can get on with the RPing. Thanks, Kughii   THE KUMU ISLETS, What Happened During the events in the lighthouse, the cannibals were finally eradicated by the upper level survivors, despite the attempts at peace talks by the Marines. However, the on



The Archivist 001.01: Zakaz Declares Sovereign Nation

Archivist Entry 001.01   Following the announcement of the six warlords' ascension to power as universal leaders of change, it seemed peace was finally at hand. Metru-Nui citizens felt little impact in their day to day existence, and even the citizens of other island nations seemed in capable hands. The brotherhood bore the yoke with a semblance of grumbling, namely for having intruders finally look inside their laboratories. Vortixx factories continued to produce technology under Barraki Pri



IRL: Best MMO ever!

See the Comments section for the REAL discussion of what's going on, but here's my information up top.   "IRL is an incredible MMO."   Some people complain about lag, occasional poor visuals (a problem I have with the graphics myself, but in-game items helped), a corrupt currency system, etc... However, my Player Character is absolutely fabulous, thanks to the incredible multi-skill sets and infinite class combo systems.   I'm a warrior specializing in tactics and I've been able to ramp up o



Premier, the reboot of a blog long lost

Well I'll be a Ga-matoran--   I actually DID come back to the party.   This blog is now reopened with the celebration of my purchase of lifetime premier!!! I look forward to a grand celebration of writing, music, comedy, and general Bionicle artistry. I will attempt to insert purple prose, the moving lines of literature often attributed, as is the case in many old English novels, of causing the reader, a young, quizzical being with a passion for plastic toys, to fall into a brainless stupor



Characters, From 2010 To Now

Looking back at the past couple of years, I've seen quite a change in how I play the BZPRPG, as well as what characters I use to do so. My writing style has definitely shifted, and I have a more acute awareness of how my characters interact with others.   I joined the RPG group back in 2010 during the Ansetr Durim (spelled wrong, for sure) arc. At this point, the world was a massive air-borne city, with different districts not divided by element, but rather class or profession. Amidst the



While My Arm Is Messed Up...

Dear All, Yeah, yeah... I'm not writing in the RPG. Sorry, my arm is still not up to par, so I'm typing this with my left hand and giving my right a break.   I wrote this about three months ago... Enjoy! --Karen       Because sometimes - Just sometimes It might help someone To cast off the net of fear, Staring unblinkingly At the Vision in a mirror   Because sometimes - Maybe Sometime If I give up for once Let my Jaw slacken from the prize It might help someone



I Love You Enough To Fix You

I love you. Take my words, And place them in your heart, Like the batteries to an alarm clock, setting off your world at the right time.   Let me help you, Let me open up that door, Get you that coffee at Starbucks.   Take a look. I'm not doing anything, You wouldn't do for me, Right?   Sitting down on summer nights, Bundled up for Winter's sights, Spread eagle on the floor, Light flitting from around the edge, An opening door.   I love you enough to fix you, Don't turn away from me.   Accep




The world runs on time? No, I don't think so. The world runs on MONEY. In reality, the world runs on neither time nor money, but on it's own schedule of cycles, regardless of the "hour" or revolutions of the planet. The Sun will come up each morning (unless you're living in the poles) and the moon will come out each night. Somehow, humans have stuffed the magic of this world into a box. This box has no detailed facets. It's just a box.   This box has a sticker on the top with a sign that



Pure Torture? The Purpose Of High Heels...

I made a connection in my mind many years ago when I played "Dress up" at a late friend's home: High heels = falling on face. A few years ago I saw a woman walking down a city street in stilettos and made connection no. 2: tall heels do NOT equal sexy. (Well, I made this connection back when I fell on my face, but that's another story...) Somehow, women have decided heels are the wheels for trapping men. Somehow, men are dumb enough to think the same. Then again, when has the male portion o



Tick, Tock, Your Fixed...that's Not...

Sitting somewhere between reality and perplexity. Wait, that was a fragment, right? Let's try to fix that, shall we? (Ugh.. this voice sounds terrible.)   Take TWO:   Sitting between the fixed perplexities of reality and the variable inconsequential laws of nature, I type frantically with no theme in mind. I could gripe at my lack of readers, my inability of writing, or the fact homework makes the world look like an unwelcome plane of existence. Ugh. Go figure, I'm procrastinating. I spent



Do You Smell Popcorn?

... No, but I DO smell coffee!   Velcome to my Vorld! Or, at least the confines of my boundless mind. Somewhere between the smells, sights, sounds, tastes, and fission reactions of creativity lays a golden gem of written language. I attempt to tip toe quietly past that.   If you have flaming criticism, trolling to perform, or other shananigans (spelling, who cares about shpealing?), please leave them in the comment section BELOW with a joke or new and interesting word (with definition and



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