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Celebrating Five Years

It seems fitting that my fifth post in this blog would commemorate five years of BZPower.   I've been a registered member of this web site for over three years now, and at this moment of reflection for BZPower's half-decade anniversary, I find my thoughts drifting back throughout my time here. I was not present for BZ's earliest days; I stumbled upon BZCommunity once, but did not linger nor register. I rediscovered the site merged into BZPower.com later and started visiting regularly as a g

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Can You Do That?

Will you cater to every fantasy I've got?   Will you hose me down with holy water if I get too hot?   Will you take me places I've never known?

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Call Me Ishmael

With a philosophical flourish, Cato throws himself upon his sword; I take to blogging.   Perhaps I should introduce myself. In this capacity I operate under the moniker "Smeagol4." I permit identification via various related epithets such as "Smeagol," "Smeag," and the like. I have so many nicknames in my non-virtual life, it seems only fitting that such things have sprung in my digital existence as well. I draw my alias from the pages of the late John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's incredible uni

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Bulleted Things And More Kame Love

As I noted in the previous entry, Kame is great and wonderful. Here is another reason why:  I mailed a package today and there is a package the recipient of my package mailed to me sitting on my shelf here. I am not allowed to open it until Saturday. What could it be ?? Twelfth Night is the greatest play ever and our production of it is going to be the greatest production ever. Word is we're doing a musical next semester. Rad! I own this:  It is impossible to be unhappy while

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Bryan Why

[20:47:23] Makaru: Just finished making linguine crab marinara [20:47:32] McSmeag: i ordered pizza [20:47:40] Makaru: I win [20:47:43] McSmeag: big time [20:49:01] McSmeag: although we are watching labyrinth now [20:49:04] McSmeag: dat bowie [20:49:31] Makaru: My dinner date is Ziggy Stardust [20:50:08] McSmeag: okay now you're just being a #### ;_; [20:50:50] Makaru: We are open mouth kissing right now while he hums the theme from Transformers

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Bryan Is A Forum Leader

I love him   PS: This entry is not just about Bryan being an FL now. It's about the fact that he's the greatest guy on the planet, and that I love him so much, and miss him.

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise


bryan is my favourite person in the whole world         (and jen too)   (and hanni)   (and drew)   (but bryan I really love you)

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Brussels Sprouts

Yesterday I tried Brussels sprouts for the first time in my life. I found them rather appetizing.   Why are they so infamous as a disgusting food? I liked them.

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Bright As Day

"A murd'rous guilt shows not itself more soon Than love that would seem hid. Love's night is noon." -Olivia, Twelfth Night, Act III, Scene i, Lines 138-9     This makes me laugh aloud. Robbox at least will understand why, hahah.

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise


Building a MOC or making a drawing of a female character?   Remember this stuff -   1. Women's hips are generally the same width as their shoulders. This is in contrast to men, whose shoulders are broader than their hips.   2. Women have two, distinct breasts, not one contiguous unit.   3. Breasts are affected by gravity. They aren't just floating there, or growing forward (and certainly not upward); they basically grow downward and outward from each other. A good Bionicle point of ref

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Bread Zeppelin

Bread Zeppelin   The Rolling Scones   muffINXS   Pita, Paul, and Mary   Pumpernickelback   4 Naan Blondes   Madonut   Pat Bunatar   Buns N' Roses   The Oat Ridge Boys   Stevie Wonderbread   The Mamas and the Popovers       Smeag, please do not make a blog entry and then be the first commenter, as it is a double post.-Nukaya   Okay I'll move the comment down after someone else's

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Born To Run

It's the simplest of things to write a song about: A fellow imploring his love to ride out of their godforsaken hometown with him on his motorcycle, to the promise of a better future. Yet with the masterful playing of the E Street Band (Clarence Clemons' saxophone work is particularly riveting), the emotional singing of Bruce Springsteen, and the urgent drive of the team making their last-dist lunge for stardom, the simple, even adolescent concept was transformed into a masterpiece of a song th

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Bionicle Really Did Used To Be Cool

So I started re-watching the old Bionicle flash episodes today, you know from 2002 and early 2003.   Honestly I was expecting to not be very impressed. I was younger when I liked them, and I've thought for a while that the reason I really couldn't stand the Bionicle story these past five years or so was just because I had outgrown it - that it wasn't Bionicle that had changed, but me instead. I was kinda expecting to discover that Bionicle had always been about the same level of quality, and

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Better Things

EDIT 4-24-10: Re-posting this for reasons similar to its initial posting way back when - both for the person in question and for all who care for said person. I know tomorrow will find better things. ^^   This entry is dedicated to a very special person who has had some rough times lately.   "Better Things" by the Kinks Composed by Ray Davies   Here's wishing you the bluest sky, And hoping something better comes tomorrow. Hoping all the verses rhyme, And the very best of choruses to F

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

ballin til he dies

i was deleting old files on my computer and i came across this gif of Black "Moneybags" Six and his entourage and I can't stop laughing     He has all this money but he still won't fund the mastering of my album, what a fascist nazi communist

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

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