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King Tutankhamen

So, we went on over to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for the first time since I was, oh... four? I'm seventeen now. Needless to say, it's been a while.   But from Februrary through September, they've had a special exhibit (the Franklin Institute is kind of a "touch everything" museum): Tutankhamen and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs.   It was so awesome. Now, I've always loved ancient Egyptian stuff, but hadn't really been involved with it for years. This renewed my inte



Master! Apprentice! Heartborne, 7th Seeker!

Talking to ToM Dracone about Nightwish just made me listen to that song ("Wishmaster") like a million times.   I'm feeling really great about myself, due to the fact that Greg confirmed my theory of Makuta being the Ancient Evil and Antidermis to be true. Woo! I never get tired of Makuta. May his evilness always be around. I just wish we'd find out his real name.   Hmm... I'm feel like messing with my readers minds (which reminds me, I gotta get around to reading Lady Kopaka's epic and Cedera



Pridak And Defilak

Just thought I'd share my favorite passage from Bionicle Legends #6: City of the Lost, which is a conversation between Pridak and Defilak:   Before he could stop himself, Defilak said, "You're a fraud. Barraki were not creatures of the water-depths. They were warlords of the surface world."   Pridak reached into the bubble and dragged Defilak out. Only the fact that his personal air bubble was still in existence, if razor thin, kept the Matoran from drowning immediately. "Come with me," sa



Irish Potatoes!

We made them in Cooking class today. We had about a dozen or so. I ate seven. In the course of a minute and a half. Wasn't the best of ideas, especially since I just had breakfast only an hour or so before. And yet I WANT MORE!!!   We're in the middle of some kind of storm. Freezing rain, maybe? Sleet? I don't know. I'm not gonna go outside and have my flesh ripped from my face to find out though, that's for sure. Dealing with the dog should be entertainment, at least.   OMG, there's a game



Transformers Game Help

I need some help on this one game. I doubt many people have even heard of it, let alone played it, but hope springs eternal, as they say. It's based on the newer series Transformers: Armada. Never watched it, but my brother had the game, and the new movie made me want to play it.   It's pretty fun. However, I seem to have hit a glitch (I think). Kay, I made it through the beginning part of the Pacific Island level, and got the Minicon SHEPHERD. He lets me see hard-to-find Minicons and datacons



One. More. Day.

Well, technically only half a day; for whatever reason, we get out of school at noon tomorrow, rather than the usual 2:10. And then it's the HOLDAY BREAK!!!   This has been the weirdest week ever, as far as time frames go. For some odd reason, it seems to have flew by and crawl like molasses at the same time.   Then only three days till I get new Nightwish CDs, Vezon and Fenrakk and my guitar! Weeheehee!



Quite The Realization

Keep in mind that spoilers from comic 11 will be mentioned here.   Now, I don't think I mentioned this before, but I have had off all this past week (we went in last Monday, and we just came back today). It was a nice long break, and I utilized the time to play catch-up on putting ED up on BZP (speaking of which, new chapter put up last night), as I'm sure some of you have noticed. I also went to two college Open Houses, Richard Stockton College and Montclair University.   As the week went on,



Epic Updates

Hello! Just dropping in to give a couple updates:   First, as you'll eventually notice, I finally made a new banner for Demon's Tears, which I'm happy with (considering I did it in ten minutes in MS Paint). So yaysies on that!   Second, as promised, I added the first chapter the other night, in which I finally introduce your Toa. When I first wrote it, it was more of an experiment in working with your characters, so you'll notice how each one is focused on individually throughout. Hope you all



Maybe Stalker?

Nobody in this house will leave me alone! I'm trying to get as much writing done as possible before I go to college, but people keep bothering me and turning on QVC when I try. Grrr.   But that's not what the title refers to. Today I went with my dad to see The Dark Knight (third time seeing it, and it's still just as awesome). It was fairly amusing, because there was a big storm going on, and right in the middle of the trailer for The Spirit, the power went out. A worker told us to go to the l



Hspa English -- Part 2

REJOICE!! THE HSPAs ARE FINALLY OVERRRRRRRRR!!!   *Ahem* Anyway, I feel as light as a cloud, now that the HSPAs are no longer hanging over my head. Interesting, too, that today's testing was by far the easiest. We did another persuasive essay, then read two persuasive essays other people wrote and answered questions for each.   I've been trying to convince my mom to let me have tomorrow off, but no luck yet. She's just had a bad day, so I'll try again later. After being in school for what feel



Happy International Pohatu Day!

Yay Pohatu and his inverted body!   Got a Vestry meeting tomorrow night, so don't expect a blog entry. I honestly have no idea what's left to talk about in those meetings. It's not like I'm ever involved, either. I just sit and draw and not pay attention.   I've established that Hapori Tohu either can't take his eyes off of Spitty's picture or he's astonished how much spam's there that he can't take his eyes off it. Well done, Spitty!



Their Power In Your Hands

Sorry for not bloggin' in a while, but I bought Bionicle Heroes on Friday and I'm hooked. It's infinitely better than the original game. Way too fun for its own good. I'm up to 93%, all I need are a few more canisters to get 100%.   Anyway, PowderPuff game was tonight. For those who don't know, it's Juniors vs. Seniors (Go Juniors! Oh Eight! Oh Eight!), and the girls play football while the guys cheerlead. Yes. In stockings, face paint and, to much disgust and dismay from a few, EXTREMELY short



Almost Creepy

I'm finding situations that I put Schattenu through in Demon's Tears, including ones he has long since gotten through, are suddenly reflections of stuff going on in my life right now.   And it's WEIRDING ME OUT.



Chapter 4

Go ahead and read! And don't forget to leave a comment!



Shadows And Interrogations

"Shadows" is the name of the chapter I just wrote; "Interrogations" is the name of the chapter that I plan on putting up on BZP tomorrow (provided I don't get a board message when I go to post it).   Speaking of which, pray I don't kill the amount of tags in a single post, because a lot of the chapter is italics.



Bye For Now

Going to Washington, D.C. for a week to stay with awesome friends. One of them is transferring to another college, and the other is going to our sister campus in Budapest for a semester (D8). So we're going to have one last awesome time together.   See you all in a week!



Must... Get... Inika!

After seeing the commercial, sweet reviews and pictures, I have decided that the Inika must be MINE. I must only find a way to convince either my mother or my grandparents to get them... Or at least Jaller and Nuparu. But I'd rather get all six.   Still nothing on the contest.   Only two more days till V for Vendetta.   Speaking of sets (technically), I'm waiting on the Kardas Dragon for Christmas. It'll save us money, rather than getting all three separate. Vezon and Fenrakk ARE tempting,




Decided to post the lyrics to my favorite song in Sweeney Todd: Epiphanyp. Really shows how awesome Johnny Depp is at singing.   I had him! His throat was bare beneath my hand No! I had him! His throat was there and he'll never come again! Easy, now. Hush, love, hush. I keep telling you -- When?! What's your rush? Why did I wait? You told me to wait! Now he'll never come again!   There's a hole in the world like a great black pit And it's filled with people who are filled with ******



I Like To Move It Move It...

GRAAH!! That song is stuck in my head! Not throwing up a new chapter on BZP tonight, as I promised my mother I'd watch Madagascar with her (where I heard the song). It's funny enough, but really, REALLY weird at times, too.   I managed to trip on air the other night. I have such grace when walking. That's about it for tonight.



Prepare For Glory!

Sorry. I'm really excited for that movie 300.   Anyways, today my brother, my dad and I went up to Guitar Center in Cherry Hill (NJ). It's. Freaking. AWESOME. They got harmonicas, guitars, drumbs, keyboards... I was in heaven. I prefer an electric guitar, but man, those acoustics were BEAUTIFUL. And they had such a great sound. I got to mess with some guitar pedals, too.   Ah, man. No amount of words could describe how awesome it was.




After much Writer's Block, I finally have an idea for the next chapter of ED. I write tomorrow!   Oh, and once again, happy birfday, ToM!



Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time

Saw the new photos for the upcoming Prince of Persia movie a week or so ago. Also learned that the creator of the game is at least helping on the screenplay.   This makes me VERY happy. Hope has been rekindled, but I'm waiting for a proper trailer before making any judgment.   Also, THANK GOD they're using the Warrior Within outfit design for the Prince. I always thought that it was by far the coolest (and it's also my favorite game of the trilogy).



It Was Bound To Happen

My mother is a medical biller, and the vast majority of her job involves typing on a computer. So when she got it a year or two ago, at the back of my mind, I knew it was only a matter of time before I got it, since I do a lot of typing between school work and fiction.   And sure enough, last week, the pain started.   So now I apparently have carpal tunnel syndrome. It's early enough along that I can probably heal it within a week or so, if not sooner, if I keep this brace on.   Speaking of w



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