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Perseus Mandate

Well, both F.E.A.R. and F.E.A.R. Extraction Point have been completed. For those that want to know what happened, but won't buy the game, here's some spoilers:   Kay, so I find Harlan Wade after tracking his daughter Alice Wade to some abandoned facility while she was a captive of Paxton Fettel. When I get there, Harlan beat me to shooting that fat mess Norton Mapes. He told me that Harlan went into the Vault and sealed it behind him; if I didn't get in there fast, either he or Fettel would rel



That Was Eventful

Wee. Eight hours of Halo, Halo 2, pizza, cake, popcorn, soda, cheese puffs and pretzels.   I am SO tired. So this'll be a quick entry.   ...   Bye.



The Last Crusade

I finally watched the last Indy movie and caught up with the rest of the world. It was awesome. Sean Connery as his father was the greatest thing concieved. Best parts, in my opinion:   *Indy and Dad are tied to chairs back to back in burning room* *They try to make fireplace turn around, but it goes all the way around and puts them back in burning room* Dad: Our situation hasn't improved.   *drives out of tunnel through exploding plane wreckage* Dad: Can't get any closer than that! *secon




Felt like blogging, but I have no idea what about.



Remember, Remember, The Fifth Of November

Kinda ironic that my brother's birthday is November fifth (tomorrow). He's turning 18. Wow... I feel old, since I'll be 17 in January.   Anyway, it's been a while since I've blogged, hasn't it? I was plenty active on BZP and all, but in all honesty, there just hasn't been a whole lot to blog about. We're having family over tonight for my brother's birthday, so I've got mixed feelings about that (am I really in any mood for guests?). Naturally, I got him the most obnoxious card I could find.



Bionicle Plot Grander Than We Thought?

I highly recommend you check out this theory by Bionicle Guru. It makes sense, and indirectly implies that the grand scheme of things in the Bionicle universe is colossal (much more than I had thought).   This is why I love Bionicle. It makes me think more than any other form of media I've ever come into contact with. The mysteries baffle and confuse me, but that just makes me more determined to solve them. This is like, "Da Vinci Code" level as far as schemes/plans/mysteries go.   And these B



Question For National Treasure Dvd Owners

You know that secret key thing you use to get into that book thingy on the menu with more extra features? And then there's that thing for the Master Code? The little thing in the DVD box says to listen closely to Riley, he might have a clue that'll lead to the Master Code. I played through his decoder game and got that 0421 number from the colorful multi-lensed glasses, but where do I go from there?



Horrors Of The Dark

And ^that^ is the title of the new chapter I wrote today. Heavily inspired by DOOM 3. I actually freaked myself out writing it. Honestly. And it didn't help that the music I had playing at the time was creepy music from the Library in the first Halo game (track's called "Library Suite", if you have the soundtrack). I cannot wait to see what you guys think of it.   Oh, and chapter 3 of WMaH is up!



I Feel Refreshed

Being trapped in your house all summer does things to ya. Naturally, I had a load of energy to burn off. I finally got a chance to do that today!   My dad, my brother and I all went to Washington Lake Park (the only public park I've ever been to, which is quite sad) today and mostly explored to back woods by one of the lakes.   Now, I've been there more times than I can count, yet we found multiple places that I never knew existed. Like a third lake, for example. Man, that was fun. My dad and



The Barraki Are Coming! The Barraki Are Coming!

At least I really hope so. I would've posted a birthday blog entry yesterday (thanks again for the PM Cederak!), but I was too busy watching my brother play The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning. Elijah Wood does an amazing Spyro.   Anyways, yes, I'm 17 now. Man, I feel old. The big one seven... Oh yeah, the Barraki in the title -- chances are I am getting all six for my birthday party this Friday night.   You know, now that I think about it, I have a whole list of books I need to keep up on:



After Much Pondering, I Have A Conclusion

My teachers are insane.   Like ToM Dracone, I have PSATs tomorrow, despite the fact that I already took them and passed last year. On top of that, I've got like three essays and an anorexia poster due in the next week. I really hoped to write a little short story or something for Halloween, but with all the work I'm getting I might not find the time. Well, hopefully I can find the time this weekend, after seeing The Nightmare Before Christmas in 3-D, of course!   I've concluded something else:



And So It Begins...

School. You have no idea how close I was to crying when I saw it. Eh. So, a runthrough:   Homeroom: It's homeroom, not much. However I got stuck between the two loudest girls in the room, who of course talk to each other. Thank God it's only ten minutes long. Politics/Government: I have the same teacher as my History class last year, so at least I know her. She did warn us that once we got into the opinionated parts, chances are there will be some heavy arguing. Betcha I'll be the loudest. S



Christmas 09

Merry Christmas, all! Other than usual family stress/shenanigans, today was fairly uneventful.   Anyway, what I got (all of which surprised me, because I specifically told everyone that I didn't want nor need anything this year): LOST: The Complete Fifth Season on DVD Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince DVD Night Castle, Trans-Siberian Orchestra's new CD Public Enemies DVD Super Mario Bros. Wii Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 3 DVD (which was easily the most surprising) Clothes Money/Gif



Halo 3

It comes out tonight.   And to be honest.   I don't care.   I don't have a 360.   And I F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate comes out in a few weeks.   And I learned a lot about Project Origin through a gaming magazine someone had at school.   And I can't wait.   In other news, I'm gonna try to find a way of contacting someone in the sets department at LEGO about this lime green part issue -- Lesovikk's already lost both his hands, which are now replaced with dark gray ones, and there are cracks in



A Light In The Dark

I love my mom. She helped me get done an assignment for Sociology over the weekend that isn't due till this Friday, so I have a whole week off from Sociology homework, giving me enough free time to get something done since school started. Therefore, I have just finished writing the latest chapter of ED, in which Takanuva really gets to see just what he is capable of with his element.   And I gotta say, I never knew something so physically intangible could be so much fun.



New Chapter!

Go ahead and read and review! 8D Oh, and in case some of you missed it, I added another chapter a few days ago, too, so don't forget to read that first. It's pretty important to Schattenu's role.



Merry Christmas!

Well, I'll be busy this afternoon and all day tomorrow, so I can say this now:     MERRY CHRISTMAS BZPOWER ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !



New Chapter

Yep. New chapter up on BZP. Check it out.   >>   <<   Yay?



Can't Think Of A Title Part 3

Wrote a new chapter last night. I'm happy with the way it turned out.   At the moment I'm debating whether or not I should put up a new chapter on BZP tonight or wait till tomorrow morning. What do you guys think?



Eternal Darkness Part 3 Has A Title...

As of today, I have officially decided on a final title for part III of my epic ED. Well, maybe not 100% final, but if it changes at all, it probably won't be by much. Since I doubt it'll spoil anything for those few of you that read it, I suppose I could reveal it here...   Eternal Darkness: Vengeance of the Dead



I Officially Love Wednesdays

Even if I can't ever remember how the heck to spell them (thank you date informer on my computer clock). Why? Because I, along with about nine other people, have no science class this year. The past two years, when you have a science class (usually Biology and Chemistry), they'd always be the period before Gym, so that on one day of the week, you'd have a double-lab period. This means that for that one day, instead of going to Gym, you'd stay in science for a second period to do a lab.   This m



First Entry Of 2007!

At least in this blog. Oh yeah! Anyway, Happy 07 all! For those who care, my resolutions: Get Chemistry teacher fired. Work on my epic more often. A LOT more often. Post more often. Get a girlfriend. Have a more positive attitude on some things. Find some way to get our boys out of Iraq and back here. Yeah, that last one I'd rather not go into detail about. Ya know, politics and stuff.   Let's say goodbye to Voya Nui and our lovable Piraka and welcome Mahri Nui and those viciously awesome Ba



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