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The game is named well. DOOM 3 has nothing on this. Where DOOM frightens you with voices and things that jump out at you, F.E.A.R. makes you see many more.   I was watching my grandfather play today, as I said in the last entry that we got it for him for his birthday. Just by watching I know I won't sleep tonight.   Kay, first, I've noticed that weird stuff happens when near water. First, something ran by a window as he climbed out of a flooded room. Then, he dropped through a ventilation shaf



Bionicle 2002

Yes, this entry came out of the last couple of entries in Smeag's blog, and no, I'm not attacking him. You all have a right to your own opinions, I certainly haven't gotten popularity points anyway for liking the Mistika.   That being said, I've seen a fair amount of praise lately for the early years of BIONICLE, specifically 2002 and the Bohrok, and how things aren't as cool. As far as my opinion goes on 2002-early 2003, it was -- wait for it -- easily my least favorite year. My biggest proble




I have an ulcer on the inside of my lower lip. It hurts.   Anyways, it must be assembly month. We had an hour-long assembly last week about famous women and their impact, Thursday we have an assembly on HSPAs (High School Proffeciency Assessment), and next Friday we have something called a "virtual feild trip" to Pearl Harbor. I have no idea what that means. Oh well, whatever it is, it gets me out of Art and History. Actually, those are two of my favorite classes. Why not Chemistry and Algebra



Progress Is A-leapin'

I love summer.   Managed to write a new chapter for Part II last night, and I plan on writing another and putting another chappy up on BZP soon. This summer is, like, making me want to write more than anything.   I must say, the new characters I introduced in that new chapter the other night went way better than I thought it would. I'm really happy with the direction it's taking, and hopefully, so will you guys. Oh! Speaking of new characters, those that I just mentioned are the first I've mad



Do You Fear Death?

Just got back from seeing Pirates 3 for the second time. Still awesome. And I got to see the scene after the credits. Not quite as earth-shattering as I had expected, but it does leave one big question: Despite what everyone said, will there indeed be a Pirates 4? I still kinda doubt it, but I'm not so positive anymore...   And don't forget to read the long-awaited first chapter of Part II of ED! Reviews are appreciated, as always -- it's the best way for me to improve my writing!



Blisters! Aagh!

Not much to report; sunburn's a little better. Only now, on top of my head and in my thick hair, I have a bunch of oozing blisters. I'm afraid to touch my head.   Watched Underworld: Evolution today; good movie, but the first is still better.   Depending on the sunburn, I might go see Dead Man's Chest again, only with my dad this time. I REALLY hope I get better.   Speaking of which, since I got burned on the tops of my hands, my fingers haven't been the most coordinated ever (typing this blo



Shadows In The Sky

Yes. I got it. I read it. It is INTENSE. Very different feel from the past eight Legends books, due to the fact that we no longer have novice Toa fighting against lesser villains -- we have the legendary veteran heroes, the Toa Nuva, in an all-out (and I mean all-out) brawl with the Brotherhood of Makuta. It's great to have the old Toa back, and plotwise, they're as awesome as ever. Pohatu still has his wit, Lewa his blunt humor and Kopaka his awesome Kopaka-ness.   What's really great is that



Deceiver Of Fools

Deceiver of Fools Within Temptation He feeds on fear He feeds on pain He rules again With growing hate He will gain Their faith again No light in the darkness Is too small to see There's always a sparkle of hope If you just believe He told the tale so many times About the dream not meant to be In a world of the free He plays with your mind As faith for the future faded fast He grows strong with their displeasure It sets him free Deceiver of hearts Deceiver of



God Of War

Have I ever said what an amazing game that is? I'm on my third runthrough of it. Man, finding those Sirens in the desert is a pain. But fun.   It truly makes you feel tough and bad (the good bad, not the bad bad), especially during combat, what with the unbelievably high amount of combos you can do. My friend managed to get a 124-hit combo! Seriously, amazing.   Not to mention that your character is about as anti-hero without being truly evil as he can get. Killing innocent (albeit panicking)



Quite A Blah Day.

This was probably the dullest Memorial Day I've ever had.   We went to the aquarium (which they supposedly redesigned entirely, but only threw on a tank of hippomapotumuses and a shark tunnel thingy), but I was pretty bored all the way through.   I skipped dinner (really didn't feel like attempting to pick corn outta my braces), so as I type this, the last thing I ate was a sandwich at lunchtime, and before that Honey Nut Cheerios. Sooo hungry.   Too tired and hungry for next chapter tonight.



Freshman No More

Well, I'm home for the summer. My Freshman year of college is over. Good Lord, that went by so fast. Too fast, I'd say. I already miss my friends there. I've never had friends quite like those at McDaniel College. I hung out with several people in high school, but that was about the extent of it: play video games together and similar stuff. Before college, there was only one person I actually considered a really good friend; i.e. someone to talk to about anything.   Now, I have several of those



The Guardian

So, just a few minutes ago, The Guardian went off on TV. For those of you who have yet to see this movie, you simply must see it. It is SO good. Usually I'm not a huge fan of Ashton Kutcher, since a lot of his movies are stupid, but he was really good with Kevin Costner in this.   It's about the United States Coast Guard. There's no way I can describe it other than amazing. I'm not affected much by movies, but the end almost made me cry.   Seriously, if you haven't seen it, go watch it. It's w



Lost Season 3 Premier!

In about 15 minutes. WOO! *runs to get ice cream and a spot on the couch*   And yes. That's my insightful blog entry of the day.



Nightwish > All

Been listening to Nightwish a lot lately. God I love that band. Highly recommend them. They're metal, but a symphonic metal-type... thing. Take all that great chorus music (almost opera-ish) and put it with metal and you've got Nightwish. They're so great.   Anyway, don't expect an entry tomorrow, as I'll be out almost all day. Where am I going? As of right now, I have no idea. I just know that I'm going somewhere.   Hopefully I'll be able to write a brand new chapter or two and put up a new o



Taking A Darker Turn

I'm 90% sure I'll write a new chapter tomorrow night, and while the story's pretty dark already, I'm gonna make it even moreso; there's tension on both sides, which will threaten to tear some characters apart and create chaos for everyone, good and evil.   Takua, Jaller and Hahli's adventure is getting harder and harder to write about. I think it'll be worth it, though, once you find out who they run into (little hint that'll probably get you nowhere anyway: Jaller's the only one who knows them



Birthday Fun

For those that do not know, yesterday was my birthday (thanks for the wonderful PM, Ced! ). This is why I love my mom: since it was my eighteenth birthday, and I am now a legal adult, and since I managed to bring my Health grade up a bit, she let me have the day off from school. So I got to sleep in while everyone else had to be in by 7:00 a.m.!   So I just kinda hung out and relaxed for the day. Played some F.E.A.R., watched some Pirates, ya know. Unfortunately, I can't open presents till Sa




Bleh. I'm not feeling so great today... scratchy throat and all congested. Doctor says I should take it easy this weekend. I feel a bit better than I did before, though, so hopefully I'll be able to make it to church tomorrow to help work. I really want to, because I need to get out of the house (besides school) and church work days are always fun.   I have gotten zilch done as far as writing goes since school started. I've just been SO tired after school; maybe I'll get the motivation to write



An Epic Soundtrack

I am now compelled to go out and buy the soundtrack to God of War II. You remember that one really long track on the Pirates 3 CD, "I Don't Think Now is the Best Time"? The one that pretty much outlines the entire maelstrom battle scene in the movie?   Every single track on God of War II is like that. Or just about every one, save, like, two. Out of 24 (there's 27, but 25-27 aren't actually from the game). It fits the game perfectly -- like something you'd hear in a Hollywood blockbuster like L



I'm Quite Upset

Microsoft is actually destroying creativity now.   As I'm sure many of you know, people have the ability to create movies with video games if they wish, called machinima, which has been particularly prominent with Halo and Halo 2. Well, now it looks like the only movies you can make are of people standing around. Someone who runs a Halo 2 machinima site put it best (it's got forums):     Now, the problem is that the said site that had written this article is a site that I have been a member



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