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Bye, going to 4-H camp.   I'm SOOOOO cereal.   Spitty and Exo both sue me.....  

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Oh Lookie!

Well lookie there! It's a bird.... It's a plane..... It's a tootsie roll...   NO WAY! It's..... NIDDY MAN!   Yeah. Like my new profile pic? I'm very, VERY proud of it.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Believe It Or Not!

On one strange night in 1672, a Great Plains Indian named Squatting Poodle was sitting outside of his tepee when something very peculiar happened. The Great Eagle Spirit swooped out of the sky without warning, and took Squatting Poodle to Mars and back. This footage was caught on tape, but has since been destroyed in order to protect the retinas of mankind.   True story-- believe it or not!

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Ultimate Quiz Of Doom!

You will have to answer six(6) questions. This will decide your fate.... whether you live..... or.... live. XD   1. How do you say "Eskimo" in Swahili? 2. What is Samus Aran's last name? XD 3. What's the best way to fight with a monkey over a sauna? 4. How do you spell "pterodactyl"? 5. Who was the 87th president of the United States? 6. Can I have a cookie?     I can't get enough of these.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

My New New Pic

My new personal photo has "handsome" written all over it.   That's actually me.   That red-headed kid I post pictures of all the time is actually Shaun White. He's my house servant.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

The End Of The End

I have reached the endv of THE END, but I haven't been able to post forever. So yeah. It was a good book.... Though the ending is quite strange.   Best quote:     Awesome book.   P.S.   Question: Who's cooler, BJ or Baby Bop?

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


Well, 4 days of school already. I'm taking Algebra 2 this year, but it actually isn't started out as bad as I thought it would. If only it would stay that way..... My teachers aare all cool. Our Language Arts Teacher is pretty much committed to mocking us at least once this year, but other than that, it's all cool.   For language arts homework this weekend, be had to read a story callled "Young Goodman Brown", a middle-english story in which a Christian man, Young Goodman Brown is brought

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

The Fall Of Bionicle

It's coming soon. I'm serious. I know I've lost interest lately, all because of the Inika. I think the problem is, the people at Lego are more trying to capture the interest of the originally targeted audience (8 year olds), and it's just turning out to be a disaster. Bionicle is currently the most popular Lego series... EVER. And there have been stated hopes for it to last 25+ years. THat hope will never come true if they keep going the direction they are right now. Light-up weapons? Gi

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

The End Has Come...

Quite literally. The last installment of Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events has now been released to the general public. So I will now review it--   Without even reading it first!   ANG NID'S REVIEW OF THE END   It's a very unhappy book, for starters. The three Baudelaire orphans are faced with countless troubles, and the author keeps begging you to put the book down, and run away. But of course, you don't listen. However, in the end, the children most likely get rid of Coun

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


It's 2007! I guess it just... *sigh* ... slipped my mind... silly me.....   Happy January 2nd, everybody! Isn't this an exciting day? I'm watching Gerald Ford's funeral right now (not out of choice, because the TV's in the same room I am), and it's getting old. Funerals should last 2 minutes. Everyone going up and saying "blah blah blah he was a good man" takes up about 1 hour and 28 minutes. The actual real "funeral" part isn't very long at all. I... *sigh*.... George Bush and Betty Fo

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Graphing Calculator

Look what I made on my graphing calculator!     And look what else..... PLAID!     So, fitting in with the theme....   I'm gonna be a nerd for Halloween! Shouldn't be too hard, since I already am one...

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

I Got My Wii!

OH MY GOSH!!*(&$()!$&()!$&()*!$()!*$()$*!(*)*($()+_!()(!(*%!)($!!!!! I got my Wii! (illegally? possibly...)   So I finally have it. Wii Sports is like, the best game. So I bought Twilight Princess, Sis bought Rayman (boo...), and Dad (SURPRISE!) got Madden 07. It is by definition awesome. (If Wii isn't defined in the dictionary, I'll make a dictionary. [Wii- Awesome.]) I am very happy. And yes, Bostwik, it IS better than the PS3. MUCH better. Sony ripped all their ideas

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

I'm Back. . ... ..........!

....................................................................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   So I'm back. I had Thanksgiving Dinner at my grandfather's retirement home, which was OH SO wonderful, as it was served all on a single plate, no seconds, and with plenty of collard greens. (eww...)   I kept talking about them, but my mom made me stop because she said it sounded like I was saying "colored" and our waitress was African American... long story.     So any

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


Well Sporky beat me. But Exo didn't. And who cares about Martin, he deserved his own separate category, it was so good. XD   Anyway, since my earlier entry was so lame, I have.... A NEW POWER QUIZ!   1. What is my real name?   2. What is Exo's real name?   3. Why did Michael Jackson have to go wacko?

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

The Most Hardest Quiz Ever

In my plot to be the most innovative quiz-maker in the history of the planet Earth, I have devised yet ANOTHER new quiz. I call it...   THE GUESSING QUIZ!!!!!!!   It's called the guessing quiz, because you have to guess the question that you're supposed to give the answer to.   Happy Guessing!   1. _________________________________________!$)(*@%(@($!__+!)+_)$!!   2. _________________________________________!()$*!()$*!()$*)!((!$(!+_$)!!   3. ___ !@*(!()*!)(%!($(!$*(_(!_!$((!$!+_$()_!($_($

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Today's World= Somewhat Creepy

Looking through the "pulse" section of Nintendo Power, I noticed something odd. Some deranged reader had asked to see a "swimsuit poster of Samus, Peach, Daisy, and Zelda". And they asked that "it be Zero Suit Samus" and "The older Zelda, not the one from Wind Waker". How wrong is that? Then, to top it off, NP replied with not that, but a pic of some old geezer in his swimming trunks. XD That is truly wrong, in my eyes.   P.S. My dad bought me MPH and MP Pinball. WOOT!   Images of Red B

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

This Is Cool. Read It.

If I gave you a hypothetical sack of stones, with a hypothetically infinite supply of stones, and you saw a hypothetical flock of birds sitting on a hypothetical power line, would you kill two birds with one stone or one bird with two stones? If you really think about it, the people who came up with the phrase "Two Birds With One Stone" were probably just lunkheads looking to become famous, because everyone knows that when you have a hypothetically infinite supply of stones, there's no real poi

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

School's Killing Me!

Well, not quite literallly.... yet. Today's first day without much homework...   MUST...... CELEBRATE.....   BY *coughmomsays* GOING... TO...... BED......   ~NOT Don Vito~

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Fun Fact Of The Day!

DID YOU KNOW...........   That if you mix eggnog with pink Smarties and stir them together for five minutes, periodically adding cinnamon, you will grow long fluffy purple ears when you drink it?   HINT: Try adding gun powder for some extra zazz.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Person Of The Week

AH-HA!   OWN'D!   QUIZ   1. What is the square root of 147?   2. What is the name of Arnold Swarzenaeger's attorney?   3. Does Arnold Swarzenaeger even have and attorney?

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Super Hydrogen Powered Quiz #_!

Obviously, nitrogen powered quizzes aren't powerful enough. So this quiz is powered on 100% hydrogenated vegetable oil. YAYZLES!   1. What rhymes with duck?   2. What rhymes with fgfgslkjflgfjg;glkfsd;gmfgjsjgdflskbg?   3. What makes a better grill-- bleu cheese or limberger?     4. Which BZP member puts the "P" in Cockroach?   5. What's Your Favorite Color? (Answer very carefully.)   I'll post the answers after a few replies.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

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