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So, I got THE END. I have not yet reached the end of the end of THE END, but I am getting there. XD   So, you fight Nidhiki in Bionicle Heroes? Let's hope there will be a secret cheat you can enter at that point in the game, to leave the body of the useless toa you're stuck in, and become Nidhiki. That way, you can hack the game, own, and Fulfill the meaning of the universe. WOOT!

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Oh Lookie!

Well lookie there! It's a bird.... It's a plane..... It's a tootsie roll...   NO WAY! It's..... NIDDY MAN!   Yeah. Like my new profile pic? I'm very, VERY proud of it.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


Me no hurt you! Go away! I...   I feel funny man. Grogg.....   I almost beat Yeta in the stupid frozen leaf race. Huzzah. Anyone up for a game of D&D?

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


Can anyone post in my art topic? I haven't had a post in days...

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Quiz Lol!

Okay, a new quiz! There ARE right answers, so don't just pass it off for a joke!   1. Are you an Alpaca or a Llama? (answer very carefully........)   2. Do you wear green tights to work?   3. Is there REALLY a difference between a llama and a duck?   4. If I handed you my shoe and told you to eat it, would you?   5. Have you read your Onion today?

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Merry Not Christmas!

Darn, I didn't get that Tickle-Me Elmo I wanted.....   So, Merry Not Christmas everyone! Yesterday was great. My parents pretty much ignored my wish list, but I got a new road bike with carbon parts (est. $1000), a new flat-panel wide-screen HDTV, a guitar amp that didn't work, a fake rip-off of DDR built into some light-up toy, and some money.   We're gonna sell the cruddish DDR, and my sister and I are going to put our money together to buy a Wii today. You'd think they'd all be gone, bu

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Oh! What Now?

I beat the cave of Ordeals, and I got all the Golden Bugs, thus getting the Big Giant Wallet! What now?   Feel free to reply in the most inane manner possible. (HW: Look up "inane" in the dictionary.)

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

My Blog Title

In case you guys don't know, "Give Up The Funk" is a song by Parliament. (The Band, not the Legislature.) And Station WEFUNK is a fake radio station referred to in one of Parliament's songs, "P-Funk (Wants to Get Funked Up)".

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Oh My Gosh Yay!

I just got accepted into the Math Science and Technology program at my choice school. Which is REALLY good. It's really hard to get into, and believe it or not it's one of the top high schools in the nation. So now I'm excited-- though Science Fair is required in this program, and the Science Fair is really rigorous. So that's the bad part. But still, I got in!   Sorry I couldn't be on for so long. Homework.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


Oh really. That's nice. You found time to name your new friend while you were sitting in hot boiling lava.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Guess What!

I'm playing FFIII, and I just got to level 60 with my dragoon/dark knight! (Right now, he's a job level 69 dragoon.) If that confuses you, you probably a) have never played Final Fantasy, and B) should be confused.   OTHE R N EWS.. ... ..   We just finished Frankenstein, and are now reading The Merchant of Venice in English Class! Yay Shakespeare! (Did you know that Shakespeare ripped every single one of his plots of of somebody else, and that people only liked him because he worded things

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Kellog's --> Organic? :ugh:

Well, got back from church camp safe and sound......   Hears "Wade in the Water" stuck in his head...   Well anyway, Mom dragged me to K-Mart today. It was quite sad.   You know, K-Mart is one of those stores that is really strange and well.... not with it. While we were going through the store, half the lights just went out and came on two minutes later. No explanation. Plus, there were about the same amount of flies as there are members on BZP, and there was some old woman gripping pape

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Yay Again!

I'm writing from my Wii again.   So last night, we went over to my friend's house, and brought the Wii. It was fun... Everyone loved it, but my friend's dad said I would grow up to play like a Wiinie.   OTHER NEWS:   I have to clean my room today.   And read Night by Wednesday. (School starts back on Wednesday.)   See ya!

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

I Am Bored Yay!

Well guess what? It's Saturday, and I have nothing to do! So I tried learning to actually PLAY THE GUITAR... And the video that came witth it is so boring, I can't believe it! I guess I'll go eat or something...

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Hey, Remember That......

Well, remember that guitar that I pretty much never got? Well, it finally came today after 6-8 weeks plus ohhh...... about 80. XD Well I finally got it, and it's not quite as cruddish as I had expected. Besides the fact that it has an image of Nuparu plastered onto it, it's pretty cool actually. It has extra string, a 10 foot cord, a treble-bass-rhythm pick-up switch, a tuner, volume controls (wow.......), and a strap. Yay. Pretty elementary, but I expected less. Oh yes. It comes with no

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

French Toast.

I had French Toast today! It was GOOOOOOD. And I ALSO had cereal. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO. (Thinks about Exo) .CEREAL! (obviously doesn't care).........   I have like 19% of Metroid Prime Hunters done. And I'm on the LAST PLANET! That just ain't right.   And I HAVE NO LIFE!   I'm up to $300 dollars outside of my account right now. XD   _~_-~_-~_--~_-__~__~_---~_----~_~_~_~_-`-----~--- -~_-v -`--- -`-. e----- -`   If you look at that carefully, it's a secret code.   One I haven't figured o

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


Ich mag Sachen in deutsche verwendende crud-ish Übersetzer online übersetzen. Es ist wirklich Spaß Wußten Sie daß, wenn Nehmen zu viel Lamisil, Sie Ihre Zehennägel herunterfallen lassen kann?  

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Guess What Else!

I just beat FFIII! The ending was awesome-- a lot more satisfying than that of FFIV--- And every last speck of the game was brilliant. The 3D rendering of the game was perfect, and I'm sure all the fans loved it. I hope they do more games like this, because I sold my soul to it.   Other News..... I'm now a grandmama, hear? *sniff* My grandbaby was born at 6:30 this mornin'. He weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces, and *sniff* he's the cutest patootie you ever saw in your life. I'll post pictu

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


Look at this emoticon!     It has better graphics than the PS3!!!!

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

School's Killing Me!

Well, not quite literallly.... yet. Today's first day without much homework...   MUST...... CELEBRATE.....   BY *coughmomsays* GOING... TO...... BED......   ~NOT Don Vito~

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Hey Guess What Else V. 80.0

I beat Final Fantasy IV yet another time.   And by gosh, I'm gonna need to get FFVI.   And guess what else-- We rented FFVII: Advent Children. Hopefully, I'll get to watch it today.   Man, I hope I get the two Black Mages CDs for Christmas.   {{{{{-----8D-----}}}}}   If you're weirded out by over-exposure to Final Fantasy, I'm sorry.   I think I'll go bug Turakii now.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

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