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I am telepathically communicating with my keyboard. I am actually in Wisconson.   P.S. My mom is forcing me to work the kitchen for my sister's birthday party.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


Uggh.... Who told Melvin he had permission to blog? XD   THE BLOG OF MELVIN   August 13, 2006   Gosh. Ray's really ____'d off. XD I turned him back today, and he wasn't at all happy about it. Of course, then he goes complaining to Angry Nid about it.... he must think we're the same person. I can assure you, we are most certainly not. We are completely different... except for the fact that we look exactly the same. XD     Oh my gosh! He needs to stop torturing Ray....   There you ar

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

What... Oh.

I saw that content block I made, and t first I thought I really had all those guys viewing my page. XD Silly me....   Okay. What to talk about....... I got a 2,000,000 score on Metroid Prime pinball, vaery proud of that....   Final Fantasy III doesn't come out til November? What a rip-off! At least I can get the onyx DS lite, whcih I've been waiting for.....   And other stuff.....   I ate a bowl of..... OMG!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!11! Did I lIKe..... FoRgEt tO eAt BreAkFAst tHIs mOrNINg

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


Once upon a time, there was a boy, who's hopes and dreams were set on becoming a member of Psycho Dogs and Carbonated Beverages. His hopes and dreams were shattered, though, when, well, he didn't become one.   The end.   Well, I suppose it's okay. I can still post comics and stuff... and that's al that matters.   And Ray made it, which is good. Cause he's cool.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Suuuure I'm Dead.

Interesting question. The answer is yes. I tried taking on the Oregon Trail without buying clothes (My friend told me that if you go without clothes, you'll have enough money to buy another ox.) I took said friend's advice, and froze to death before Independence Rock.   [An intelligent answer for an intelligent question]   So, what's up guys? Dead? Alive? Any new nose jobs?   Say, I've been thinking about pulling a Michael Jackson. Meaning a nose job, not meaning bleaching my skin. My

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

I Finally Beat New Super Mario Bros.!

I finally figured out there was an encrypted trick in the last level.... interesting. Well, beating the boss stage wasn't actually too hard.... The boss stages are really easy. I was busy today, no new comic.... Well, anywho...   I ROCK!   Thank you very much...

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Only 8 O' Clock? Wow.

You know what's weird? I woke up at something like 7. And I waited for what seemed like hours, you know, wondering if I'll have to do chores when I some down, trying to force my self to dream about girls.... XD   Anyway, I finally got up, and it was only like 8! Weird, huh? Anywho, I'm sitting here, typing (you think), and listening to Pandora... You guys should type in Earth Wind and Fire (the band). Great results, Earth Wind and Fire (duh), Parliament, Sly and the Family Stone, Salvador,

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Krekka With A Gun

So I got bored... Another random concoction of Microsoft Paint (2001) Copyright 2001 Mirosoft Corporation.... Yeah.  

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

The Noob Invasion Is Here!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!

tHE nOOb iNVaSioN iS heRE!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!   grEEtInGs, eErThlInGs. wE mEAn no hArM. UnlESs u cHooSE nOT tO comPlY. aLl wE AsK iS tHaT u GivE US ur bRiEfs anD lOnG unDErwEaR. oUR kInG hAs rUn oUt, anD his MoM refUsEs to RuN the WAshEr. nO oNe eLsE kNoWs hOw. sUrRendEr------------ >>>>>>>>>>>. (XD) oR dIE.   *SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM*

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Not So Fast, Noobs!


Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

I Beat Final Fantasy Iv Advance!

I am AWESOME, cause I beat Final Fantasy IV Advance!   Well, okay. It's just like an RPG that's pretty hard. But I'm really glad to know that it doesn't clear the file at the end... so I can complete my bestiary!   Anyway, It's an awesome game, best I've played in a while. I'll tell Ray he has to get it... unless he doesn't like RPGs, mata nui forbid. (see, I censored it! )   Well.... It turns out the moon, in a series of unlikely series of events, the moon will sail away from the earth, c

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

<insert Random Title Here....>

Went to church today to wash windows, Mom's forcing me to work on Beta club hours already... I learned something. I really stink at window washing, my dad had to help me.   I was going to go over to my friend's house later to go swimming, but it might not happen, 'cause there's a severe t-storm watch. Crud............   Well, I've continued my 2 week streak of comics every day on N&K... If you're reading this, go visit my comics. I'm watching Napoleon Dynamite for the 5th time in

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


So guess what guys- I had band solo and ensemble festival today! Yayzles! Well, I did well. (Before you read this, 1=awesome, 4=crudish crud.)   During the whole day, I did a solo, a duet, a quartet, and a percussion ensemble. On my solo, I sucked. I played it okay, but then the judge told me to play it again, and by then I'd lost my lip. Ouch. I got a 3. Then, I had to sub for my friend (who was sick) in his trombone quartet, except I of course played the baritone, since I didn't bring

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Artwork Contest

Ah, the artwork contest.   Although this is my favorite type of BZP contest, I simply do not have the time to vote in all the polls. Just to let you know, I have only voted in the two instructional pamphlet sections of Artwork Contest 12b. So if you are a friend of mine and want me to vote, PM me the letter of your poll (other than 12b Instructional Pamphlet) and I’ll try to vote in that poll. Otherwise, I’ll do it later, if at all, on my own time.   Oh……   The weekend is over tomorrow.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Oh, That Small Detail...

Turns out there's a small 50- FLOOR DUNGEON after I defeat Zeromus. Fun, fun, fun..... I feel like murdering myself.   Well, there's a pretty much unbeatable dragon, which really makes ME happy... and then there's the grueling trials with 100000 hp monsters......   Fun, fun, fun.   Well, cleaning up my room under orders of my dad...   But I go see Cars at 4 with my friend. That will actually BE fun.   Anywho, anyone seen my chocolate crumpet? Don't know if such a thing exists, not actu

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

A Poem...

THE ROCK   As I'm standing in the wet grass, I pick up a rock. Cold, and wet. I see moss.   As I stare at the moss, I see little creatures. They are so tiny, In their own little world.   Then I squash them with my hand.   WOOT!

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

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