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Trick Or Treatin.

These dorky, stupid kids came up to me and asked if they could have my bag. This was followed by a Rejection.     And i got lots of candy     So yeah, i'll probably not go to school tomorrow and stuff.




Sparta? THIS IS HALLOWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!   And By the Way, i found this typo in a news article.   "The vehicle landed on its top and the woman, who was not wearing her seatbelt, was rejected and died at the scene, officials said."



Word Search

In the word search that my class had for apart of Englsih Homework, i notcied "GADUNKA".



No Congrats

Well, I don't think i;ll be posting anything like "Congrats Red Sox".   They just won a couple years ago, they are too overrated. If the Rockies won, or a team that hasn't won it in a while, there would be congrats.   Now i'll have to wait for the 08 season to start. GIANTS FTW



Fire Drill?

My school had a fire drill today because of the SD fires. and we're HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of miles away from it >.>   Today at school i had a laserpointer, 2 Rejected Banners (printed out) and a spoon. Good times.



Ice Skate Night :)

So i had an Ice Skate Night.   lol what?   The Cafe there has the BEST fries. Seriously. Many things happened, like some kid i've never seen before asking me where the ceiling was, little kids acting like traffic cones (There were little kids just standing there. >.>) and my skates were too big, so i had to put napkins in them. D=   The music they played was horrible. Someone kept moving my Gatorade. Someone spilled coke on the ice. I was being attacked by two weird girls. My teach



Where Will Barry Go?

A couple months ago, #1 on the Alltime Home run list, Barry Bonds, announced he will not be with the Giants in 08. To me, this is horrible. Where will he go? My theories are:   -A's -Red Sox -Yankees -Nationals   Or somewhere else, but i think the Giants should resign him so he can end his career in SF. And so he might be able to hit #800 in SF. (He's close to 800 home runs..)



Ugh, Some People..

Today, while going home from school, i find a sign in the sidewalk. I pick it up, then a few minutes later, some old guy pulls over and says "PUT IT BACK", So i say "Okay.." and put it back, then ge says (PUT IT BACK WHERE YOU FOUND IT!". So i say "I did, it was over here.." He says "PUT IT BACK OR ILL CALL THE COPS ON YOUR -censored-" I say 'Dude, i'm serious, it was here."   He drives off saying "Allright, I'll call the cops!"   First off, he had no right to be demanding this from me, it was



Lol What?

Today, some little kid ran past my homeroom screaming "THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!" then he threw his math book at some other kid. XD   Not even joking.



Rejecting People Day 1

Today, I printed out 2 Rejected Banners, and i rejected people. In total i rejected 15 people. Then one of my Friends stole both of them from me, and i have no idea what she did with them. I wish i had my camera, then i would have taken a picture of her holding up the rejected banner and posted it here



Argument Xd

In 5th Period, a Study-Hall like thing, i finished my math, and was getting it checked off so i could do my English homework. I had to ARGUE with the assistant person for about 15 mintues on this problem:   ? -3/8= 5/8   She Demanded that it wasn't 1, then i had to constantly repeat myself before she finally got it... >.> So guess who won? (the ? mark means you had to put the fraction that it would be, which would be 8/8, and 8/8 reduced is 1) -waits for an i agwee banner to be posted




Well, i was bored. So i took out a blender, and put in stuff like ham, pickles, yogurt, salt, whipped cream, salad mix, etc into a blender, with other weird stuff, including fire sauce, then i turned the blender on. It was all goopy. So i poured it in a cup, then went outside. 2 of the evil neighborhood children were outside. They asked me what it was, so i told them it was a new type of dip, and then they came out with chips..then they tasted it.. They ran inside their house, and i haven't see



World Series

I wanted the Indians to win today >.< Well, i'll be rooting for the Rockies.



Brawl #3

Pheonix Wright Franchise: Ace Attourney First Appearance: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Why?:Why not? That's what i say. Ever since someone brought it up in the Official SSB Topic, i've liked this idea. This anime-style attourney has been in about 3 hit games so far. Many owuld like this idea, including me. That's all i have to say on that. Appearance: A 3D version of him would be..interesting. But it would be horrible if he was the anime-ish version used in the games. Moveset: Well, I'm not



My Science Book Error

Whoever made the science books and notebooks my school has doesn't use spell check, or it was translated.     "The distance travel is 500m"   lol what



Mahri Minimovie Problems

1.Kongu, Hahli, and Hewkii's names are never mentioned 2.The song doesnt fit well with the minimovie 3.Hahli is almost never in the Minimovie 4.HAHLI HAS A MAN'S VOICE IN HER 1 SPEAKING LINE. 5.Kongu and Hahli just vanish 6.There are no Barraki, Hydruka, or Mahritoran 7.Matoro does almost nothing 8.The spotlight is mainly on Jaller, which makes it boring 9.The Mahri only fight with their cordak blasters (Not counting Matoro's ship-thing) 10.Some of the characters have accents, which d



The Thing About The Wayside Show

The show is almost nothing like the book. MRS JEWELS HAS PINK HAIR. Myron is black (no offence if somehow it offends anyone). Kidswatter isn't rude, he's just stupid. Louis has BLUE HAIR! and weirdest of all, the school looks nothing like it did in the cover art for the books! lol what




This picture is this morning's topic:  



Flooded Basketball Courts And Pie

So yeah, today i saw someone's house. What was so special? Someone threw about a dozen pies at the house! XD   NOT JOKING!!! XDXDXD    



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