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Sparta? THIS IS HALLOWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!   And By the Way, i found this typo in a news article.   "The vehicle landed on its top and the woman, who was not wearing her seatbelt, was rejected and died at the scene, officials said."



Challenge Day/lol What Day

It started after i got to school, where some parents and teachers made a tunnel-like thing me and the other 8th graders in my homeroom ran through and sat down, then we adjusted seats about 500 times, and the dudes told us we were going to play a game and had us jump up and yell "YEAH"! Then we had to do handshakes, then highfives, then hugs. Then we sat down, they told us stuff, then they had us go knee-to-knee with people we didn't know and talk about stuff, then touch elbows and dance...and t




fights can egt so funny...i got in one earleir, and the end result was awesome.. his "witnesses", two or so of which i'm pretty sure "like" me, and the rest hate him. everybody hates this kid. He's the kid who was ranting about tartar sauce. He decided to start something, i decided to end it. All he did was kick me. Which felt like a pillow falling on my leg. I had to grab him and explictly tell him to get away from me. It all started because my friend accidentally kicked him...when he wasn




Is it wrong to go out with one of your ex-girlfriend's friends, even if it's been more than a year after the breakup, and her and her friend go to different schools, and basically lost their friendship? This is a serious question.



Im Annonymous

I decided to go annonymous, So if you're posting ina NMQ&A topic, you'll neve rknow when I'll pop up and beat you.   ..or not.     If the image is considered political, tell me and I'll remove it.



Oh Wow.

I went to my locker earlier to find the lock gone and the contents missing. I went to the office to see all my stuff thankfully on a desk there.   They said "i never signed up for it" when I was never told to. Then they gave me my stuff back and signed me up for a different locker for some reason... A BOTTOM ONE. I had to deal with the bottom ones last year... Incredibly annoying.   And Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors are supposed to be the ones getting the top lockers. :/     On a side not




So I went to a grocery store today.   Person:SO WHAT!? :angry: GIMMIE MY PROTO! -brick is thrown-     Anyway.     First off, NEVER buy Bionicle at Grocery Stores.   Their prices:   Barraki: $16.99!!!!!!!!! Mahritoran/Hydruka: $10!!!   But, However, I got the Holiday 07 Nintendo Power.     Then, After getting some Cherry Coke , Two of my friends (both girls) were at a checkout line, alone, buying groceries. o.0 They called my name and told me to go over to them. I asked them if they'd



Bbc 45

My entry was started today. It may be my best MOC yet. Its coming to likely be about 2 feet tall. It's got slawe dhands, and use of alot of Mahri tubes. It's rather cool so far



Evil Neighborhood Of Doom

My Neighborhood is evil..     It begins with me going outside last night. There are some of the Little Kids and an Older kid, a couple years younger than me, all Armed with Toy Guns, except for one of the Little Girls who had a Toy Lightsaber. She goes riding on her Trycicle, and stop in front of my house while I'm watering the plants and looks angry, and points her Lightsaber at me.       A While Later, One of my Biggest enemies, a Girl a year or two younger than me, comes out with an EVIL Li



The Thing About Abercrombie And Hollister...

They should relaly be paying ME for wearing their logo shirts. They charge me around $35 for their shirts that are basically advertising, so i say they should pay ME to wear them. That'd be so awesome. Get girls and get paid by a large clothing store at the same time.   And why would i want to pay $80 for ripped up jeans?   EDIT:Hollister's really cool ones are about $15....much better.



Toa Nuva Mocs

Well, here are descriptions of my WIP Toa Nuva MOCs.   LEWA: -Lesovikk's Mask -Metru green and Lime Green -Green Rahkshi Feet -2 Jaller Mahri Swords   POHATU: -Brown and MetruYellow -Dekar's Mask -Ehlek's Weapons   TAHU: -Metru Red and Orange -Jaller Mahri Mask -No Weapons Yet, but that will change, of course   ONUA: -Black and Gray -Whenua Metru's Mask, that will likely change -Takadox's Weapons -Mantax's Feet   GALI: -Not Started   KOPAKA: -No mask yet, will change -No




Well, I just had the nastiest tasting food ever.     My taste buds are emo now.



Mana Nui War :o

My Epic is going along pretty good, getting longer every day. It's also getting longer too, and the action will increase. MOCs will start appearing all over the BBC forum, including some characters that i don't have to MOC because they're real sets. I will be including Piraka, BArraki, etc in this epic.



Super Lol What 64 Ds

Okay. I was playing SM64DS (great game btw), and i'm going to battle the final bowser. Then the camera goes all weird and mario is stuck between 2 Goombas, then he's knocked off and falls onto a 1up



My School Just Got Something Cool..

My School Rocks. Soon, we will be able to have LAPTOPS with WIRELESS INTERNET. That means BZP at school...even more. And it has cool stuff like Photobooth.. but what sucks is we can't use iTunes..   We got to play around with them today...Photobooth ROCKS. I was able to get an emberrasing picture of one of my friends.. XD Too bad the internet was down... But when they're up, i can just go on BZP when the teacher is reading some boring story, then i will rant about it here, and the teacher wil



Well, Today

I learned that I completely fail at playing Volleyball. What I find extremely strange is that I was hit in the face by a volleyball going at a high rate of speed... And it didn't even cause a slight pain.   I also managed to convince five people during break that I didn't speak English.. All of them I knew. And I have spoken to in English before. "Je ne parle pas anglais" (GEH- NEH- PARRL- PAH ON-GLAYS) can be very useful.



Name Changed!

Since I didn't want to use a name with Sora in it, due to a member with a similar name. I didn't want to cause problems.   So yeah, new name. New Month.   ..pie



Dance Water Dance!

At my next school dance, I'll get some good music in.. like Christine Lorentzen....And AIK, etc   And some Utada Hikaru..     By the way, I'm workin on Pirakkorak MOCs... One of my favorites so far is Thridgak.. And one of them uses two of Defilak's masks in a very interesting way.. Shoulder Armor!




I now have Jaller, Hewkii, Hahli, and Nuparu.   Nuparu was a bit dissapointing..but Hahli is awesomeeeeee.     And i have my trick for firin the cordaks.




LINK TO SITE WITH FORUMS REMOVED- Oops..Sorry. Didn't know It had forums. :blush:



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