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Season 3... <3

Lady K got to watch the new Avatar episode, thanks to TurboNick.   She got popcorn and everything, and forced people not to disturb her during the show.   She ended up, laughing, going tense with suspense, and nearly cried.   She thought it was a really good episode.   She thought the face revealing thing for the Fire lord wasn't as cool as they could do it though.   But…   Lady K is a very happy person at the moment. =D She is going to go watch it again.

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka


I'm running out of tissue. D=   *Sneezes*…Gack!   Well, tomorrow is Saturday. THANK MATA NUI. >< I'm getting tired of mom and dad bugging me for the past week to finish all my school...let me tell you it's really hard to do school when your brain is all fried and when you have a bad cold. Hopefully I can sleep late!   And so, with not much else to say but I would like to update...I'll entertain you guys with some art.   One of my friends that I have in an epic...Isn't he so cute?  

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

My Nose, My Nose!

Yeah, my nose is running. ;_; And I cannot seem to catch it...   Well, I got some weird cold/sinus thingy. I'm pretty sure since my throat is killing me; my nose is running like crazy, I feel all tired, numb and just...bleh. I also checked out my lymph nodes and they are pretty swollen.   And I was supposed to go bowling today with friends.   I'm not sure how long this will last, but I might stay off the computer a bit more just to rest and stuff. I know, I REALLY need to catch up on BZP and

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Gone To Tennessee (again!)

Yeah.   I’m going up to Tennessee to see relatives and stuff from Thursday-Sunday. I’ll be able to get internet access there, but I wont be on much and don’t expect to see me on AIM/Yahoo/MSN.   I was going to update my art topic today, but I don’t have time. In fact I really shouldn’t be on now (packing and stuff), but I needed to tell you guys. I’ll really only be gone for like, 3 days so no need to miss me or stop with the PMs, I’ll get around to them while I am on my trip or when I get bac

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Car Pictures

Yup, here they are:                   Ain't they just so purdy? Oh and my little brother got in a picture or two I believe, see if you can find him!   I actually have more pictures, but I already posted a bunch to destroy some computers. =P I'll show more later.   Oh, and my sister's camera=Win.

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Caarrr Shhoooowww!

There is nothing better than eating a Popsicle; the house is nice and quiet, and going to a car show. FOR THE WIN, FOR THE WIN.   I is in a very happy mood, or for the next few hours anyway. XD   I just came back from a car show, and dude, didja know I just love cars and all that classic stuff? I kind of fail at names and everything, but deep inside, when I see some sweet ride, I just want to run up and hug 'em!   I took a lot of awesome pictures, so I'm going to probably show them soon, but

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

"i'm A Brownie!"

Yeah so like...so after church a friend of mine were chatting about Animes, (Mainly Full Metal Alchemist) and one of my brothers friends comes tromping up...   "Was it just me or is everyone wearing white today?" Ben questioned, looking towards me, and then strained his neck to stare at my giant of a friend, Taylor who was leaning against the wall. I and my friend Taylor inspect the area, it comes to my attention that he is very much right. Even Taylor was wearing white; I stare at him strange

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka


OMG GUESS WHAT.   A F-15 went over our house and did some pretty tight moves, and it was really loud...So that was cool!   ....On to other news :   Hiya everyone! Though I'm still on less now (I might be extending this slight break another week because of school), I decided to post an entry and give everyone and update on my life. But real quick, if you guys go to the Penguin entry, don't forgot to read Jedi Master J.'s short story he wrote about the penguin in the comment section, it's rea

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka


Haha, it's so hard to stay off BZP. Anyway, quick entry, I couldn't wait a single second not to show this...     Thanks for all the chocolate, hugs and mainly just girl talk Nikira. I award you with this lil' Penguin!   EDIT: NP claimed to have killed Nikira's Penguin! =O Don't worry, I'll use Phoenix Down...*Revives* There, all better! Don't hug the picture to hard!

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

I Is Organized

I is sorry I've been so down guys, I am also sorry if I've been acting a little...attention hungry? I didn't mean for that to happen if it did, I just wanted to rant and stuff and didn't mean you guys to get all worried...   But ok, I'm over the emo faze! I'm going to force myself to a positive attitude and I'm going to try not to get as sick and sad as I did before. But I do warn you, I will have my rant posts time to time.   Ok so, I took Takatu's advice (originally my advice I gave to him

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

I Want To Get Over This. >_<

I hate it when your life is super stressful and painful, then it makes you feel good for a little bit because some little things good happened...and then something happens and your back to feeling bad again. I feel like I'm on a Rollercoaster.   My life is so bumpy. ='(   I wish my family would stop hurting me verbally, stop ignoring me, stop pointing out all of what’s wrong in me and never commenting on what I do good...I feel so scared and torn up because of them. All because of them. And th

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Driving! Moving! So Much To Say!

*Dances to Family Force 5* Hold up, wait a minute! Put a lil' love in it!   Ok anyway, guess what?   I'm going to get my permit around September! That means I can start legally driving around the place! One step closer to escaping my horrid life....er…I mean...Never mind.   Nevertheless, I need to ask my dad to help me get better in driving in standard. Automatic is pretty easy, so I am not too worried about that save for following the proper rules when driving. I do want to learn Standard t

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Back Attack!

Lol, I come running to Turakii screaming "BZPs gunna get a new server!" and she goes "It's back!"   Haha, I'm so behind in news. =P   It actually feels so weird to be on, I was just getting used to no BZP and suddenly it comes back...I of course is greatly happy that has returned for the time being.   Now, onto go see what needs to be done around here!

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Well Aw'll Be Durned!

Oh my goodness! Oohhh....mmyyyy....gooodnesss.....*Goes into shock*   Aanchir paid for a LIFETIME membership for me, I mean....wow....   Seriously, this past few weeks I really haven't been in the best mood because of life issues and stuff, (I've really tried my best to contain my emotions though so you guys don't start to worry or anything though) so this is basically what happened, I get on the computer stuff'n my mouth with cereal then I see lots of PMs, so I go to check em...and look! Ther

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

So Nice To Be Back...for A Week. =3

It's so nice to be writing an entry, brings fond memories back...that will only last for about a week? Nevertheless I'm happy for this bit.   I've been away from the computer almost all day, my friend came over today and we went over to one of the National Parks close by, to go scout of places to film a pirate movie that we plan to start filming around August, and of course we had fun just swimming around in the lake, its weird how the top of the water is warm, while the bottom is icy cold whe

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

*hugs Blog*

(Btw, sorry about deleting the first entry, I decided to put a ‘divider’ between my old and new entries.)   I LOVE THE ONE WEEK PREMIER MEMBER....THING! I LOVE YOU BZP! *Squeals and hugs*   I would have really had gotten a PMship myself, but sadly my parents would not like or allow me to 'waste' my money on a Bionicle site. So I'm really sad. ;-; So I am sorry I kind of left you hanging, when my PMship ended, it was very unexpected.   So yeah...It is so nice to be posting here again! I hope e

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

*blows Up Math*

Current Mood: Currently Listening to: Your Love Is Better Than Life - Newsboys   Quick note everyone, for this week I'll be very busy with school, so this will probably be my only entry for this week. And don't expect me to get on much on MSN/YIM, etc; I'm kind of banned from the computer and art. So yeah....it sucks. >> And it isn't even all my fault that I am lagging a bit behind in it, I just need help. And mom never has time to help me. She's always focusing her time on my brother

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Who Could It Be?

I'm writing this Bionicle Songfic with the song I'm So Sick by Flyleaf, if someone can guess the Bionicle I'm devoting this to...you get a....picture by me!   I might as well post the lyrics:   I will break into your thoughts, With what's written on my heart, I will break, break!   I'm so sick, Infected with where I live, Let me live without this, Empty bliss, Selfishness, I'm so sick, I'm so sick   If you want more of this, We can push out, sell out, die out, So you'll shut up,

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

I Don't Like Rushing...

Current Mood: Currently Listening To: Fallen Man - Relient K About to do: School   Fallen Man is my current fav Relient K song. It’s great.   I don't have much time since I really should be starting school now, but that can wait after a needed entry.   I updated my art if none didn't know. So far I am pretty happy on this update; there is nothing much I hate in it. And I love how Kalmah came out. Though I might say now; where are those 4 doods? Well, I'm sorry Phy, Raka and Beliwa. Tha

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka


Current Mood: *Trying to wake up* Currently Listening to: Bring 'Em Out - Hawk Nelson Currently Doing: Drawing!   Yay I'm back, hello BZP, hello home, hello computer, hello, hello hello!   Had lots of fun up in TN, mostly stayed up late and slept late. But hey, I got lot of art done, and just bought the newest Hawk Nelson CD, Cars Soundtrack, an Avatar DVD...and err, I think that's it.   Though I am glad to be home, then again, we have school. ;-; I no want to start school.   ...You know

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Ta Ta!

Waiting for my Sansa to finish loading songs onto it...*shakes fist* Move faster!   Anyway, I will be gone on the 6th through the 11th or 12th of this month. Please slow down PM traffic to me, and I am sorry, I was seriously going to get on and reply to PMs, but my family had to watch Casino Royale...So I only have a few mins to let this mp3 player finish.   So yeah...Bye!

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Art Faries!

Mood: Currently Listening To: Black Mountain Rag – Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Currently Doing: On BZP, Talking on IM, about to play GW   Annatare wins the awesome sticker for the day. I am so going to draw one now!   Anyway, joyous glorious days! I feel super duper, all fluffy and...Ok I am scaring everyone; let's just say I am in a good mood--nearing my doom of getting hyper.   Well, the only thing I am feeling sad about is my art. I feel disorganized or something. >< And it's ann

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Long Time No Talk?

Mood: Tired Currently Listening to: American Patrol - Glenn Miller Orchestra Just watched: Madame Curie   ^I am now seriously obsessed with big band/jazz, and oldies movies.   Wow...well...Hi. It's been forever since I actually sat down and have had time to make an entry! I also had time to play a bit of Guild Wars today! It's a miracle.   Seriously, school has been very hard for the past week, and I have done round 60% of the chores these days. For some reason an inner urge to clean our

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Finally Got Booooks

*Writes as fast as possible*   Haven't been on much today; did school, and went around playing Sims 2 stuff (BTW, have over 3,000 downloads from random sites!), but then after that we have been gone around the town.   We finally went to Books-A-Million, and after some deciding (I had originally picked up a billion books to buy, but had to take some out. ) I got the BIONICLE World book, Power Play, and a Manga book. Then we went to this home schooling thing at the park and that was fun, I was

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

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