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I'm Aliiiiiive!

Guess who's back?   Back again?   GMan's back, he ate your friend.       Mhm, yeeeeees, you want to hear about my vacation? Well, we drove for nearly twelve hours starting at 6:00 AM on Wednesday, and reached the place in Ohio where our relatives lived around half past three. We kinda played around, unpacked, etc. I watched Invader Zim on DVD for most of the trip to Ohio. It was great being in Ohio again, I got to see my grandfather on my mother's side of the family, who had his 83rd birth




Woke up, my day started off normal, then I found out that my neck was stiff, and it hurts if I bend it to the left. So that was a monkey on my back, and then I went to church. Today my little sister and her third grade Sunday School class got their third grade bibles, so it was a big deal and it took a while. All the while, my neck hurt awfully. It's just been getting on my nerves, and I'm especially unhappy today. To quote the song 'Right Now' by KoRn,     I just feel nasty today. Hopefully



Oh My Head

Wow, Paris Hilton's been zooming in and out of trouble lately... Man, is there no end to it? Just saying...   My day's been hectic. Yesterday was too. Yesterday I had to write an essay, finish a test (didn't get that done) and go to an appointment (the reason I didn't get it done, because I forgot I had the appointment and stayed after to finish the test) and more. My braces still hurt plenty. Today I finished a math quiz, wrote another essay, caught up on a bunch of Social Studies homework I w




On vacation, oh boy. But right now it just feels like a normal Saturday...... Nyeh. But I'm on vacation, that has to count for something, right? I mean, three months of school with only days off and a four-and-a-half day weekend? Now I get a blissful week or so to vegetate and think my thoughts without many people to interrupt them. Ahhhh...... Wait, I have to go visit my evil little cousins in Ohio a few days after Christmas, oh Elder good no....... *left eye twitches*   Well, listening to mu



Thoughts On The Latest Rpg Contest......

No, don't worry, no whining from me. It looks like Bionicle Kingdoms: Downfall will win, and in my opinion, that's a good thing. Too many RPGs that won previously have built up large fanbases, so I was hoping for some new meat. Technically, Bionicle Kingdoms is old, but it kinda died prematurely, and I remember how detailed it was, so I hope it wins. Blegh, y'know? Monolith RPGs kinda get irritating, not because of quality, they just keep winning, no offense to the people who made them. I hope s




Gonna take a shower soon...   Workin' on some awesome art...     Listening to 'Disposable Teens' by Marilyn Manson......



Another Shameless Plug!

You heard it, folks, The GMan has struck again with his weapons of mass expression.   So, check it out, folks! Or, be witness to its magnificence by clicking here! Woo!




Looks like I got some attention for my pictures. Woohoo. Sweet. I should have more pics up by the end of the weekend..... Expect Polyp pictures and some extra.




My day's been okay, but boring mostly.     I'm working on lots of art. Lots of Bionicle art for an eventual Bionicle art topic, and two pieces of art for my COT art topic which already exists (see my sig for a link).       And I must exact my revenge on somebody who has wronged me... I will say nothing of it other than that he will suffer dearly. And no it's not on BZP.



New Pic, And More On The Way!

Another Carapar piccie! Enjoy! And I took lots of photos of the Squid Missiles, when my mom finishes her game of computer Solitaire, I'll load them to Brickshelf and thou shalt see the wonder of the Skwid Mizzel!




I don't get it, my gallery isn't public and yet people could view the pictures... I don't get why my gallery isn't public yet. Can somebody tell me why? I'm sad coz I really put lots of love into taking these piccies........ RAGH!



To Start The Day Off....

A nice mindnumbing clump of LYRICS! Hoo-ray. --"Rise", by Disturbed. I'm listening to it right now. The rythm(sp?) is catchy and absorptive.       *SQUEE*       ...I need......... Ellipses........ ...So delicious....... *SQUEE*         Sippin' my Diet Coke right now... 'n stuff...




I'm listening to Weird Al's parody of a Crash Test Dummies song, called 'Headline News'. You oughtta go see the video, it's hilarious. Gotta go now... And I still can't believe I passed 400 entries... That's just crazy.   Nnn... I just realized I have French today... Not really a problem, but usually I also have IA to lessen any impact of boredom... Which would be my art class right now. Ah well.



A Shameless Plug For My New Art.

You heard me, check my new art out. Please, do post. So, there are two pictures in my topic: One of me, with wings bursting out of my back, and the other a quick drawing of my good friend Bahrag Kal, who is victim to a dead computer. He's the guy who does BK's Comics 2.0, if you don't know. No awful and unoriginal lame sprite comics there. BK's dark sense of humor is really hilarious. I'm not ordering you to post there, but you should at least read some of his comics. His grim style of sprite co



New Content Block

You can go see for yourself, little tacquito gnomes. Feel free to mock my choice of listening, until I hunt you down and bring with me the horrible spleen monkeys who will give me revenge and devour your soul. Hoo-ray. If what I'm saying is making your eyes hurt, then I've succeeded in my goal to... What was it I was talking about? ._?



So... Tired...

I really didn't want to get out of my bed this morning... Gahrgh, I just wanted to sleep in and let the world go by... I'm still sleepy right now... Sippin' my Diet Coke and checking out my favorite five-times-a-week webcomics. Argh... I think all feeling has left my brain...   Sometimes I just don't want to face the world... Just want to sink back into my dreams and memories...   -- Mad World, by Gary Jules.




Just watched the latest episode a while ago. I thought it was very good, touching in a way, especially with how Charlie and Don identified with the spy who revealed the list... And I was surprised to learn that Colby was a spy, but considering that the Janus list was a list of double agents and triple agents, there might still be hope for him yet... I like watching NUMB3Rs, it's such a good, depth-filled show, with great plots and characters.     ...     Also, isn't anybody else gonna post in



Might Not Be On For A While...

My French teacher sent an Email to my parents about a bad day I had on Monday, which wasn't that bad. But what was worse was she sent it two days after my Monday French class. And a full hour before my Thursday French class, which went great. She could have waited to see if I shaped up my performance, but no, she sent it at 8:29 AM, and when I got home I had to have a long talk with my parents. Geez. It's just so IRRITATING. My stupid French teacher always exaggerates, and she's unclear when she



Scum Of The Earth

Yeah, two things: I haven't posted any lyrics in ages, and I felt like posting the lyrics to this song coz it rocks like granite. Or Queen. -- "Scum of the earth", by Rob Zombie. Apt description for me in the eyes of my peers, that title. *Goes on horrific chainsaw rampage* EDIT: Oh, and I've been quoted.



Reading 'squee!'

It's a collection of comics by Jhonen Vasquez, about a boy named Todd Casil, who is called Squee for the noise he makes. The book has a ton of little strips called 'Meanwhiles', and they're funny as well. I also have a Filler Bunny book, two GIR plush dolls, all three season DVDs of Invader Zim and a Zim action figure. I love Vasquez's style, very good.



Nur.... Again...

I'm gonna go to school soon... I'm still sick and all, but see, I have a Social Studies essay to write and I can't miss that. Nuts, huh?




Well, I woke up around nine then had to do some homework. Then I got on my comp, BZP's server was down, and I whiled away my time elsewhere online. One of those things was starting on making a Marilyn Manson banner in MS paint. So then I got on and browsed around.     I have just this one single (nonspoiler) thing to say of the pics everybody's talking about: Impressive.     Anyways... Wow, for once my cynical, depressing, bitter mind is at a loss for words. Wait, no... I think I have someth




I'm here at school, in Computer class, typing away, and I have stuff to chat about. As you all know, I wasn't here last night, as can be evidenced by the lack of excess rambling. My dad will reinstate my computer privelages tonight, supposedly, but I found out I may be in trouble for some math stuff. It'll be smoothed over, I hope, so things should proceed as planned. Halloween approaches, and I will tackle it. I'm going to make my parents get great candy so I can stash a ton of candy in my clos



Beast Wars...

I've been thinking about that show a lot, and its sequel, Beast Machines or whatever it was called. Man, I LOVED that show. I would watch it every day I could, and it was great. *sigh* It gave me my love of Transformers... I just wish I could find some of the Beast Wars toys I have. I certainly have some of the Beast Machines toys I got... Way back when, I would have my best friends from across the street (they've moved now) come over, and we'd set up these cities with big cardboard blocks I had



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