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I made this digitized thought-wall somewhat more impressive........ Y'know, improved it, gave it some features. Not really all that much to talk about...   Okay, one thing: I hate it when people post dupe topics in COT. Hasn't anyone learned to check the Official Topics List? Those idjits...........   Another: I made me first poll on BZP today.   [removed] You are no better than anyone else. Do NOT act like this agian.   EDIT: Ooh, I just found out that I'm the top third overall poste




I didn't really care that BZP was down for Christmas yesterday, as I was at my relatives' house celebrating and all, so I wouldn't have been able to use it much. I had fun seeing my relatives again, and I must say, I'm addicted to Baked Lays and onion dip. We were there til about 5:30 PM, then we drove home and got home at about 6:47 PM. And I stayed up til 11:00 PM without noticing how late it was(caffeine and chocolate does that to you). So I slept in til about 8:30. And I got around to writin



More Photos! Look!

I got photos taken a while ago, and now I've uploaded them to my B-Shelf account!   A picture of the canisters, and the box for the Squid Ammo   A photo of the underside of Takadox's head.   A photo of the underside of Carapar's head.   A side view of Takadox!   A shot of the Squid Ammo. Sorry for the blurriness!   Well, I hope you enjoy. CARAPAR ROCKS!




Lots of feedback over the pics I took... Good...   I changed my sig to reflect my opinion on a topic I consider important to me, after I had an arguement in COT with two stubborn, biased monkeys.



Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Yeh. Pretty late, huh? I'm a quarter Irish, so yippee.   ...   I'm staying up late again. And the combination of it being cold outside and my listening to Midnight Syndicate again is giving me great ideas. Goody.



Changed My Sig...

I decided it was too mean and I altered it to be less hostile. I don't like optimists, but I'm not going to be mean to them.



Psycho Baby

Remember I said a few entries ago how I did something I hadn't done in a long time? I'm gonna tell you what it is. Way back when, it was a rainy day and the fifth graders were inside, bored. A teacher put on The Goonies but quickly stopped it because it was found inappropriate. One student grabbed some graph paper, a pencil, and started drawing. He drew a circle with vertical lines for eyes and spiky hair, with two little circles for feet. This character was named Psycho Baby, an insane infant f




And tired. I dunno how much sleep I got but I'm hazarding the guess it wasn't enough. Ah well, I have school to go to. Oh boy. *yawns*



Woo- Lateness

It's 1:44 AM as I write this... I'm listening to the Voltaire song "Graveyard Picnic" right now, although I was listening to Midnight Syndicate before. I'm writing a story right now and I can't believe how fast I've written it compared to some of the stories I've been working on... It's so cool being up so late, in the dark, listening to music, and writing a horror story.



'eeeeeeee!' In Other Words, That Surprise.

... I kinda stopped doing the 'Egads! Fish!' dialogues coz I ran out of ideas, I did have some but I just wasn't very inspired. But I decided, "Why not use the dialogue format, but make something new?" So I started working on a new series..... Meet, my friends, Dr. Kuak and Twitchy McJitters...   Comments, criticism, winged giant Chinchilla named Cupcakes?



Gotta Run Soon...

Gotta go catch the bus, and ride to a concrete structure where I will be seated in a series of desks, in a series of rooms, memorizing data, half of which will likely be outdated by the time I graduate. Hoo-ray.   I'll have another humorous dialogue up soon... It was just so much fun I decided to carry on and do another for you guys. "TROUT IN YOUR CHEST!"




Well my day went pretty good, class was easy. Mostly because I was picked up at 12:40 to attend a charity event. See, in Massachusetts, where I live, several weeks ago in Danvers there was an explosion and the New England Home for the Deaf was damaged by it. My sister was at a friend's for a playdate, and my mom was talking to my sister's friend's mom, and my sister's friend's mom works as an interpreter for the NEHD's residents and they were talking about it and my mom got the idea to bring thi




School has thusly numbed my skull for the past several days... Darn, it's so familiar but everything's different... Everybody's divided up into their usual cliques and settled back into their old patterns, yet this is eighth grade, our last year of middle school. Darnit, I'm so paranoid about everything. However, I have been doing well in school. I apply myself to the work, and I get it done. In fact, I've gotten a ton of my homework done in school.     Okay, what I said about the comics wasn't



Six Flags

I got to go on Sunday, and it was great. My friend had an extra ticket, so he invited me, and I went there with him and his dad. MAN, IS IT COOL THERE. We had so much fun... Also, I gotted me lots of Batman merchandise! Man... And the day before that I went to Canobie Lake Park with my dad and sister! WOO! I enjoyed that. Heheh... Got a haircut today...     Posting of comics shall resume tomorrow.



Updated My Cot Art Topic!

Yep, it's been updated! Check it out! I added a ton of Empty City stuff, the city from the world of my character The Quiet Guy.   Whenever I hear the song 'You'll be in my heart' I get kind of emotional... See, when I was four, the movie Tarzan came out, and my grandmother took me to see it. My grandmother died six years later in 2003. That song was in the movie, so it has special meaning to me.



Awful Dream

I had an awful dream yesterday. I dreamt that my paternal grandfather had died. It was an extremely realistic dream, and it wasn't until I realized that the dream was taking place on Cape Cod and that my dad had just seen my grandfather yesterday that I woke up. To compound the creepiness, at Summer of Service yesterday, I did some work in a nursing home, such as steering people in wheelchairs to the barbecue, and stuff like that. It scared me how disabled and out of it they were, and it made me



A Recount Of My Day......

Yeah, so I woke up and got on BZP and packed my bag to be ready to leave. Went to school early to get some work done. Had my three non-academic classes, French first. Then we had IA, my health class right now, and instead of work, we got to watch a movie on smoking that lasted for about thirty minutes and then we got to read quietly, and I was reading the H.P. Lovecraft story 'The Case of Charles Dexter Ward', which I began reading after finishing the eloquent novella, 'At The Mountains of Madne



Oh Yeah...

Right after I left for school I saw that it had kinda snowed, but not much, and that it was icy. RAGH! EVIL! EVIL I SAY! I'm being taunted... I'm sure it's the gnomes... It's always the gnomes.



Short Story!

I've written a Bionicle Short Story, my first one in ages! Go check it out. It's Lovecraftian horror, with my own touches. I emphasized on the psychological elements heavily, although I fear I may have been redundant in getting the point across in some parts. I worked on it for ages, I would have ideas for it at the most inopportune times (like in school) and I would forget most of them fast. A combination of busyness, laziness, and forgetfulness kept me from completing this thing sooner. But I



Song Lyrics... I'm So Original.

I decided to post the lyrics to the Ceasars song 'J*rk it out'. Don't mind I replaced 'e' with '*', that's just because the song isn't using the j word as an insult. So here I am, posting lyrics. -- "J*rk it out", by The Ceasars.   Great song. Awesome.     Here I am, at my computer, sippin' Diet Coke again. Maybe I'll post that satirical song I was talking about yesterday.



So... Sleepy...

My head was practically chained to the pillow when I woke up. I had to drag myself out of bed and make myself perform the usual tasks I do before I go downstairs. I've been yawning the whole time, and I'm still super sleepy. At least I got to the bus stop on time. But then when I got here, I went to the library and tried to take a seat at the table I usually sit at. But I wasn't allowed to take a seat, just because some guys wanted to play a stupid card game. Ragh. All I wanted to do was just re



Shakespear/tunney In Six Rounds

Went to see it yesterday on a field trip. It was very good, the actor portraying Gene Tunney was great, and it was really of a deep, ponderous quality. Based off of an actual series of lectures Tunney gave at Yale on Shakespeare. I was the only student who appreciated the play, I think. That's just horrible, because the actor was engaging, intelligent, and I felt like I completely understood the points made. It was just the actor addressing the fictional college audience, but it included some bo



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